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Everything posted by ElLoco

  1. I usually bring a selection of at least seven baseball hats to choose from when I fly...
  2. 2 It's like somebody finally threw the ring into mordor.
  3. Standard...the old fire off an email to the dude's commander technique vs get a sack and address your grievance in person (however ridiculous it may be)....Air Force CBT trained...where do we find such fine young men...
  4. Are you always this serious?
  5. Sarcasm...have you verified C-130 driver's form 8 yet?
  6. Edit, select all, delete.
  7. Yup! Bloviate is right...welcome to SOS...you have no choice but to recieve my lukewarm turds of wisdom.
  8. Some folks will also yell at you for not having a properly documented form 8 WRT your current crew position
  9. Contrary to popular opinion, I've spent many an evening with a glass of military special perusing old camcorder footage of the red roof house, the rio grande, and other joyous south Texas locales taken during UPT..
  10. C-130 "Driver," Disregard all...GoPros are most definitely encouraged during UPT sorties, recommend you have it out and fully charged when you turn in your boldface to check flight. Technique: have your IP set it up for you following the 45 minutes it will take you to strap in. Best of luck!
  11. Truth...close your laptop and pick up your kid...the wood chipper will still be there on Monday...Monday afternoon even
  12. Gettin that half-pallet of gatorade on target, anytime, anywhere
  13. Yes, really...100% serious....waaambulance inbound.
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