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Everything posted by brabus

  1. I guarantee unlocking software will come out, you just have to be patient enough to wait. So, how long until you move to England?
  2. You commute to work in your own airplane!?! Evil, you sir, are a bastard!
  3. Nice. I always like the ,"yeah sorry my card's not in DBIDs yet b/c it's new." "Sir, can I see a 2nd form of ID." So I give him my flightline badge..."Sir, do you have a civilian drivers license?" Really, my mil ID and a flightline badge that gets me well past where most people on base can go does not get me on base, but my state drivers license does? Moral of the story, have at least 4 IDs on you at all times.
  4. Well of course...what else would you store anyways?
  5. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen.
  6. WTF? Granted I've only been to three bases, but every single one it was not only OK, but encouraged. Well played. I will say there's at least one place left in this world where that still happens. Even better is somewhere around 4 am when the boss wants to go to bed and he can't get inside his bedroom because every piece of furniture in his room his stacked to the ceiling on the other side of the door. Punks win...again.
  7. Copy, he should have told her to fuck off and find another way home. Yep, that would have been a better and "safer" career choice (unfortunately it would have been a "safer" career choice...and that's BULLSHIT).
  8. Who said the person you call/get a ride from (sts) cannot be higher than your direct boss? I guarantee the wing/cc here would give me and any of the other bros a ride back without asking a question...and I also guarantee no one would give a shit, unless some fuckstain like the one who wrote this report was around. I'm not saying every wing/cc is like that, but if you know yours is and he's in a position (sts) to help, then what the hell is wrong with letting him help you? What's the better alternative, "hey dude, you're the least drunk, here's the keys." But where's the proof of any of that? How does anyone know how familiar he was (without evidence) and who says she thought "nothing" of calling him. Maybe she ran out of options. I don't know, but there should be some solid evidence to make a statement like that.
  9. WTF is even remotely wrong with that? So apparently you can't call a commander for help...good, here comes the rise of more problems and DUIs for the AF. Whoever "investigated" this is a complete asshat.
  10. The first reason is I've had a few friends have a good chunk of time go missing from the SARMs. If it happens at the wrong time, an upgrade might get delayed. Having a logbook already filled out (vs. having a large stack of random print outs of flight time) will speed up rectifying the problem. Secondly, I don't want to be 20 yrs down the road, decide I want to fly civilian for a job and at that point wish I'd have started a logbook. Really the PITA is catching up, but once caught up, logging 10 flts or so a month is not time consuming, nor difficult.
  11. Talked to someone today at work and they said no PIC time unless you were solo. The only caveat is if you had the proper rating prior to UPT (i.e. high performance retractable gear for T-6s). So if you have those ratings prior to starting UPT, you can log PIC in T-6s. I didn't have a retractable rating, so that means PIC only applies to my solo rides in UPT. Everything else is dual given. I was also told the time (PIC or not, student or not) will still count towards total time down the road. So, I guess it's worth it to log if after the military I decided to fly civilian and need X total time. Discus - For UPT, you do not get your additional ratings (instrument, commerical, multi) until post graduation, so you're not instrument rated after T-6s just b/c you flew instrument rides (unless of course you had a civ instrument rating prior to UPT).
  12. I'm about to start logging all my mil time starting from UPT (fuck, this is going to take a lot of time). Question is, during UPT when I flew with an instructor, do I log only "Dual Received" or do I also log PIC time? Not sure if the IP was technically the PIC or not. I'm guessing the IP was, but I thought I remember logging both PIC and Dual Received back in my GA days...but don't have that logbook with me to reference. Second question is, is it really worth logging pre-wings time? Is it useful for jobs down the road after military (if I decided to do that) or is really just for my own personal memories?
  13. Pretty sure my 13 hrs of straight queep yesterday followed this guide exactly. Oh you say we need to have an hour long meeting over something that could be solved with a 2 min phone call? Sure, lets do that. And while I'm at it, I'll make sure to move these lines to make it "look better." Kill yourself.
  14. What a bunch of bullshit. I don't care how well you're "trained" to judge speed, there's no way you're accurate enough to give a ticket. If someone is doing 30 over, yeah you'll be able to notice that, but it's just a ballpark. Are you going to give me a ticket for 10 over, 15 over, 20 over? Seriously, how can a cop truly see a difference.
  15. Based on info from dudes in the program, UPT won't be seeing these till at least 2016, with realistically more like 2018-2020. They don't even expect to start the "influx" of CAF guys until 2014. And that's "best case." So, figure 2 yrs min before they start dropping them to UPT, but probably longer than that.
  16. Negative experience? That sounds like the end to an awesome night. Slacker, quit being a pussy and sack up!
  17. Hahaha, nice Rainman...I can safely say things have not changed one bit since you were here. My first intro to DAK JTACs was we said ready to copy 9 line and he goes: "East xyz, line 1-3, North xyz, etc" "How copy?" "DAK, we didn't copy any of that, repeat 9 line in order...starting with line 1, then line 2. How copy" "Oh ok, call when ready?" "Ready to copy" "East xyz..." Over Aux: "Dude, you gotta be shitting me" Yep, that was the first excursion...and it only gets worse.
  18. Man that's weird. Maybe something did provoke it, but more than likely someone is blowing a situation well out of proportion. Plus, what military work in Boulder besides ROTC? Wonder why there was even a memo to AD to begin with.
  19. Standard DAK JTAC. If you've never worked with a Korean JTAC, you have no room to talk about worthless and horrible JTACs.
  20. What? Dude, it's not that bad. I went there for school and had one comment said to me in all 4 yrs of ROTC. It's true there's a lot of liberal douches who are way off the deep end, but to be honest it's mostly students/profs. The rest of the community is not that bad. Boulder is not like Vietnam era spit on soldiers style like people who haven't lived there like to think it is.
  21. Korean objective on the radios: Unclear, Incorrect, Rambling.
  22. Chemtrails...a fun conversation with the Russian Blackjack dealer at Binnions at 4 am. Dumb broads, what would you do without them.
  23. Negative, the solution is for the first shirt, wing douchebag, CGO assclown, etc. to STOP filling everyone's in-container with 6-9 ppt announcements and various emails per day. Literally 90% of my email is completely bullshit that I care 0% about. Luckily someone smart invented the auto-delete rule in Outlook, which helps mitigate these retarded emails decently, but still some sneak through. Most users are not the problem, it's the dumbasses who send mass spam mail 10 times a day. Comm killed that possibility long ago.
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