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Everything posted by FallingOsh

  1. Buying implies paying for and owning. Purchasing on credit and using more credit to pay off the credit does not constitue buying and owning. Just my opinion I guess. Surprisingly, the President in his press conference was playing political games. Did you see how he got to the $1.5T in reduction? First of all, he claims the economy needs a 4T deficit reduction over the next decade which translate to 400B a year. Since his deficits run about 1.5T per year, I have no idea how a third of that in reduction is something to brag about. So how did you get to 1.5T from 4T? Well, he claims he's already reduced it by 2T "and if you add the interest that we won’t be paying, because of less spending and increased revenue, it adds up to about $2.5 trillion." Are you following that? The economy needs a 4T cut but we've saved 2 which is kinda like 2.5, therefore we only need 1.5T cut over the next 10 years. All of these numbers games are really irrelevant since, in your words, the President is "looking for 1.5T in deficit reductions" but hasn't actually met them. Yes... the GOP should be bending over backwards to match that effort... I don't. ugh... Sometimes I think you must be joking.
  2. Well clearly this line of thinking doesn't work. All you're suggesting is that we continue to do what we've been doing. They didn't "buy" anything. They put it on credit and want to settle it with more credit. "Just pay for what we appropriated and we promise to do better in the future." Yeah right. GFY. Playing chicken with the debt limit resulted in the largest budget cuts from this administration. I realize that it's dangerous, but that should tell you something about the mindset of those in Washington. It literally takes shutting down the government to force spending changes with those idiots. You are naive, stupid, or both if you think policy makers are just going change without incentive. How's this for making you feel better? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/federal-eye/wp/2013/01/15/tsp-used-for-debt-ceiling-relief/
  3. Shoot me a PM and I'll provide you an address for mailing any leftover ambien.
  4. Non-er is very common among Mx troops descriping their support brothers.
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/cat-caught-sneaking-saw-phone-brazil-prison-145407675.html My favorite line... "It's tough to find out who's responsible for the action as the cat doesn't speak," a prison spokesperson told local paper Estado de S.Paulo.
  6. The market is people. A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Even if we go off the cliff and "the market" doesn't completely crash, my investments still in the black will be taxed 5% higher. Why not just cash in now? The only downside I see to selling right now is if the cliff is avoided and "the market" experiences a short term pop.
  7. "There is no compulsion for a church to have a ceremony for a gay couple if they feel it isn't congruent with their teachings" I'm saying lawsuits are already underway against various religious groups for descrimination. Religious groups can't just claim they are against something and expect to have Americans be ok with it. Churches will be sued. Religious schools will be sued. Some states will enact compulsory rules for religious institutions.
  8. No. I'm saying your original claim is wrong.
  9. No offense, but you have a surprisingly short-sighted and/or idealistic view of this. Give it time and there will be compulsory rules for churches and whoever else, regardless of their beliefs. Conservatives use the 'slippery slope' rhetoric as a scare tactic, but its really not that far off base. If you don't get what you want, sue until you do. It's the American way. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91486340 http://www.redstatereport.com/2012/01/gay-marriage-forced-on-churchs/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/sep/10/catholic-church-gay-couple-massachusetts
  10. My apologies. What's a hundred million dollars between friends?
  11. My thoughts exactly. Even if logistics weren't a limfac, what do you think the odds are a $160M jet will spend one day in a truly austere location? I also found it funny the Marines went ahead and stood up a squadron.
  12. I figured as much. I didn't want to start a discussion on privatized base housing perks. I was just pointing out that someone cutting your grass doesn't mean you're a king. I do agree there's a difference when enlisted airmen are tasked with the job of wiping asses. Now that sounds like an answer.
  13. I think you guys are taking this a bit too far. The only place I've lived in base housing was Sheppard and contracted landscapers mowed everyone's lawn during the summer. It was nice, but I didn't consider it a perk of being in the military.
  14. So some hackers were arrested. Who is Israel going to decimate or use physical force against? I guess they could hunt down and kill the individuals.
  15. I'm not sure who Israel would attack. That's why they're called Anonymous.
  16. There are plenty of people who ruin their marriages one way or another and go on to have full careers. If you think we should just let military members, especially officers, especially senior officers, run around banging whoever they want regardless of their marital status, I think you're in the wrong business. There's no law that says you have to get married or stay married. If you can lie to the one person you should be 100% truthful to, then why wouldn't you lie to everyone else? In the good General's case, being the country's chief spy, having a skeleton like that opens the door for countless issues. The potential for blackmail exists. There's obvious and apparently very real concern that classified information has been leaked. She could end up being some psycho that starts threatening every female you know. She could drive half way across the country shitting herself with the intent to murder people on the other end. It's not just the military side; Lockheed just fired their inbound CEO. (I know you said "this country" and not "this military.") Like it or not, a person elevated to that level of trust should be trustworthy and they can't expect to be surprised by the fallout otherwise.
  17. Ain't that the truth. If you're going to ruin your career and your family over a chick, at least make it a Cowboys cheerleader on the USO rounds. The latest article makes is seem as if the "threatening" emails weren't really threatening at all. Kelley just complained to her FBI friend, who had a crush on her, and he started a federal investigation trying to impress her. The investigation turned up Patraeus' name and he was caught with his hand in poon jar.
  18. Or expand their borders a bit. More shots fired from Israel today.
  19. The other, other woman. Second from the right, Jill Kelley, is supposedly the one who received threatening emails and originally notified authorities. Claims to be a family friend but never hooked up with the good General.
  20. I don't think that's really the issue. Having those kinds of secrets opens up the possibility for extortion and blackmail; something you can't afford to have in a CIA officer. When you get investigated for a security clearance, they're not really looking to fry you over things you've done. They're looking for you to tell the truth.
  21. FallingOsh

    Gun Talk

    I posted this in another thread, but this is a better place. The 81st Fighter Squadron in Spangdahlem is on the chopping block with the looming budget cuts. Kimber designed us a custom 1911 TLE II to commemorate the Panthers. If you're interested then send me a PM and I'll get you the mock-up.
  22. On a positive note, the article makes it sound like the CoC isn't freaking out and banning the "tradition."
  23. In related news, the 81FS has put together a commemorative Kimber order. It's a 1911 Custom TLE II with engraved grip and slide. If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll email you the mockup.
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