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Everything posted by FallingOsh

  1. I would like to personally thank you for this thread. I find it hilarious when someone deservedly gets destroyed. Page 6, Page 6
  2. Along with what BRab said: Instand G's typically don't G-LOC you. A sustained G turn does. A -22 driver told us he terminated a 9ish G rate fight after 30 seconds cause he got tired, not cause the jet couldn't do it. Just thinking about that makes me grey out a little.
  3. Not sure what you mean by stepping up -38 training. Do you suggest a longer IFF program? Sims are already very realistic. Like you said, the Hog has been doing that sort of training from the beginning. I think the brass is more concerned about a new stud G-LOCing in a 137 trillion dollar jet. No sim in the world can prepare you for 9G fights. The new tactics are also a concern, but I'm sure any discussion of those would quickly be deleted. Not that I have any detailed knowledge whatsoever, anyway.
  4. I can understand that, but i would be really surprised if they let you any closer than you can see at an airshow. Go to El Paso or the casino and drink some beer. Seriously. Don't hang around Holloman.
  5. HA! What's your hang-up on walking through a -22 squadron? I'm betting they won't let you anywhere near the jet. All of the advice given has one thing in common; leave Holloman immediately following the torture chamber.
  6. I think there's still a ban on crossing the border. Definitely go back to El Paso. We rented a car both times and were out of Holloman by 1 or 2. You only get reimbursed for the cost of a room on base, but there's ways around that. We had a place 10 minutes from the airport since most of our flights left early the next morning. There are lots of bars within walking distance of most hotels. Don't stay at Holloman. Nothing to do.
  7. Some guys here were talking about going with the sweater. I think it's hilarious. "PULL OVER!" "It's actually a cardigan, but thanks for noticing."
  8. "Where to next, Rainman?" "It doesn't fucking matter. Press."
  9. I like this comment. I guess its all a conspiracy. 27. RE: B-2 Stealth Bomber Crash Scene Photos: Exclusive First Look I remember reading somewhere several years ago that the B2 had a near-fatal flaw that the Air Force was covering up: the planes wouldn't function correctly if they were allowed to get wet. They had to be kept in hangars at all times, and couldn't be flown in bad weather. It appears that the story was true, and somebody screwed up by allowing this one to get wet. That's right, they spend a billion dollars apiece on planes that won't work if they get wet. And they keep it a secret from us.
  10. Why would the flight suit be better for sitting watch? When I have to sit at a desk all afternoon it would be nice to take the BDU top off and cool down a little. I had a missile dude try and tell me the flight suit was perfect for their job sitting in the silo. I've never been in a silo or sat watch for 12 hours but I don't unerstand that argument. The flight suit is comfortable, but there's nothing utility about it, IMO
  11. Why do people feel free to take jabs at 38s (eating their young, 9 hour debriefs, drinking weed, playing volleyball in towels...pretty much all of bucky's post which was hilarious BTW) but then get offended when someone comments about them? I know Bucky was just joking around, for the most part, and so was I.
  12. I love this one. The C-17 is amazing, but if landing distance becomes the greatest part of anyone's job, I appologize sincerely. HA! Ok now that's funny!
  13. A year and a half here and I never noticed that.
  14. The memorial service went very well. It's probably the saddest thing i've ever seen watching the wing commander salute pictures of a Major and 2Lt.
  15. And it's only for spouses of IPs, right?
  16. I think I would call that something a little more serious than a writeoff.
  17. Even funnier because we were just asked to participate in a mock chemical attack on Wichita Falls... just in case al qaeda decides a downtown full of empty buildings from the 40s needs destroying.
  18. They have every right to practice their religion. Nobody said they couldn't. Making demands is completely rediculous. 'We want to practice our own religion on our own schedule while locked up' 'Fine. Go for it.' 'Ok, now we want the prison system to alter it's schedule and policies to fit ours.' 'You're in prison. Shut up and eat your free meal.'
  19. Link The ACLU is suing the Department of Corrections and warden of Wyoming State Penitentiary because Muslims are having to skip meals to pray. So they have a choice. Copy. Why should they be exempt from any rules? I'll try that if I go to prison. 'My religion says I'm not allowed to be locked up. Can I go now?' I wish I had people delivering food to me 3 times a day. I bet their rooms even have a window. I have an idea that will allow you to keep all of your rights... DONT BREAK THE DAMN LAW AND GO TO PRISON
  20. Furthermore, do we have a strong argument for a 1:1 buy, especially with the CSAF saying it "will be so much more capable than the F-16"? The 1997 QDR dropped the F-22 buy from 442 to 341 due to the "more capable" reasoning I hate that argument. 341 F-22s cannot replace the entire fleet of over 700 C models regardless of its capability. I worked with a guy in college who was the biggest bouncer you've ever seen. I saw him carry three guys down a flight of stairs and throw them out by himself. As big as he was, he couldn't watch every room at the same time. It's a lame analogy, but it gets my point across. Maybe a 1:1 buy isnt completely necessary but there is no way to convince me a 1:2 buy will cover our asses.
  21. Not at all. I mean, it's a little old but still in good condition. We all have 3 bedroom houses with decent size yards. The only bills we pay are cable/internet. Everyone in my flight used to get hammered and climb the trees in the backyard or sleep on the roof. With two extra bedrooms there was always room for people to crash.
  22. You're required to live in the dorms. People are allowed to move off base when the capacity exceeds a certain amount, 90% I think. You put your name on a list when you get here and those at the top get priority. It almost always works out that you'll be able to move off base around the end of tweets. Just party at the married guys' houses. Seeing airman out at a bar isn't a big deal and definitely doesn't make the place off limits. They are usually easy to spot around here, but they don't have AIDS. Being in the same bar with airman isn't the end of the world and doesn't mean you're going to jail. EN STUD probably just meant that a room full of airman is generally going to be a younger, "look how cool i am," crowd. I hate Old Town with a passion, but it tends to be an older crowd that is happy just talking and drinking.
  23. I got a dog when I was in college. The only time she lived with my parents was when i was bouncing around between ASBC, my casual base, and then Sheppard. My wife and I live on base and its not a problem at all leaving her at home. We bought a doggy door thats like an insert into the sliding glass door. Petco sells them for about $200. She has her own couch, plenty of food set out, and freedom to go outside whenever she wants. She has it pretty well, if you ask me. I've never had any problem traveling with her. You can find hotels anywhere that will accept pets and the cheap hotels will never know if you sneak them in. Websites like petswelcome.com can help out, too. On the other hand, my buddy just got a puppy and he lives in an apartment. He's always running home to let the dog out and now it's gotten too big to be locked in the kitchen area all day. That's a pain to deal with whether you're married or not. Just some things to consider.
  24. The same kind of thing happened here. We were locked out of our computers for not completing the yearly information assurance THAT HAS TO BE COMPLETED ONLINE. Everyone had to get temporary passwords from comm so we could log into ADLS. My favorite was at Little Rock. We had to have 8 digit passwords for everything. They all had to be different, one capital, one lower-case, one special character, blah blah. It got so complicated to do anything on the computer that people just kept sticky notes with their passwords on their desks. It was so 'secure' that it was completely worthless.
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