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Everything posted by Techsan

  1. Lake of the Ozarks is nice...no big city though. Its probably about an hour from Whiteman.
  2. Hey, leave the noob alone...he's just curious.
  3. The A/C in the 21 is pretty much non-existent. The back of the jet is always cold, however up in the business end its like a magnifying glass. As far as airflow goes...air flows from the rear to the outflow valve on the copilots side...anytime the Gen. rips arse, we are lucky enough to smell it...well at least the Co smells it.
  4. I'll have to echo what a few dudes have already said...a handshake and a simple "thanks" is the best. Usually heard several times while at airshows.
  5. Techsan


    I flew the T-6, I wasn't thinking about tweet noise factor. A pre-departure phone call to tower, along with light gun signals should do the trick. Or, contact him via Navy common. Let us know how it turns out...that is, if you go into there.
  6. Techsan


    The main tower controller there is a super nice guy. I'm sure he'd love to accommadate you. Just call him on your cell phone when Razorback approach hands you off. Works just like a radio. Be sure to grab the $1 bar-b-que sandwich while you're there.
  7. Anyone out there have a link/password out there for this? I'd like to hook up my new 'pooter with MS office.
  8. We chugged irish car bombs @ our track select @ Moody. Our IPs taped a piece of paper w/ our track on the bottom, so when we gulped it down we would see what our fate would be. Then the OG/CC chugged down a pint of Guiness before everyone...the man was a pro (took about 3 seconds). I wish I had remembered his name. Good times though.
  9. When flying westbound from Andrews, the standard routing is always LDN J134 STL ...well, one day when flying this, I could see all of the fixes on the jet route which were displayed on the MFD (we never really look @ the chart). The fixes read (in order): STEVE COLNS LAYED HNN (HNN is Henderson) Coincidence? I think not!
  10. I've heard from most of the dudes that have went that its a worth-while course. Any inputs? And, yes, I know saying CATS school is like saying TOLD data, or ATM machine.
  11. Not really. It is widely known that C21s are for DV transport...which obviously means ranks O-6 through O-10, and your civilian equivelents. It's not a huge secret!
  12. Thats fo shizzle on the RVSM mod...and I was just starting to enjoy saying 'negative RVSM' with every freq change above 280!
  13. Guys saying the phrase..."We got 'em on the fish finder" Another one that gets under my skin...when flying into busy Class B airports, such as ATL, and the copilot is on the radios: "Tower, Josa 123, 2000' on the ILS, full stop" Come on, do you really need to say full stop? I'm sure they're not thinking, hmmm, does this guy want the option? I always hold my breath anytime I hear the copilot key the mic @ busy airfields/airspace.
  14. Oh yeah, and the C-21s that are left over will be getting the RVSM mod. Why bother.
  15. No such recipe, just trial and error. I spent many days as a casual LT perfecting it!
  16. I know that AFFSA has adopted FAA-style holdover tables for us. I think there's a link on baseops.net...under IRC maybe
  17. Man I hated those damn pigs. I remember barely walking out side of Bungalos with a beer and getting a ticket for 'open container'. What bull-shite. They told me that its not a big deal at all, just pay the fine and it won't be on your record. I know I'm getting more off-topic, but are they still letting dudes go down there to Remerton?
  18. You got me. However, I didn't find it too off the wall knowing how nit-noid the C-17 community can be...from what I've heard.
  19. I remember hooking a ride @ ROW, for a single engine approach as well. I was more than a dot low at one point and didn't state "transitioning to localizer mins"...even though I got back on glide slope right away. I hated that IP. Roswell also has a pretty good mexican joint on the north side of town...takes about 15 minutes to get there though.
  20. The AC looks pissed off...it must be that time! :rolleyes:
  21. Peterson flys a descent amount of hours based on our location...we fly to Andrews @ least twice a week @ about a 7.0 roundtrip. For the most part though its all about timing...every unit goes through cycles of being either copilot heavy or AC/IP heavy...you just have to hit it right, so to speak. We have seen very few new guys recently, thanks to the C-17, so a lot more IP/IP rides. Yeah!!
  22. 450 in the C21 is a scary thing if you ask me. Rarely can you get up that high anyways...has to be less than ISA in order to do it (95% of the time). I like to climb up to 430 when with annoying co-pilots...that way they can put the mask on and stop talking!!
  23. We stayed at Nellis when I went cross country back in T-1s. It wasn't all that bad. We took a total of 4 jets from Laughlin that weekend. We procured a mid-80s model 15 pack blue steely from the motorpool. Not the coolest thing to be cruising the strip in, but free nonetheless. Flying into LAS would be much better than Nellis, seeing that Signature (gov't contract) is right on the strip. Always good to get a little class B experience on cross countries anyways. Have fun!!
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