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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. Scooter, well presented case and thanks. No argument from me. The mission complexities supersede the "savings" of single-pilot ad that's where the AF should focus their effort. Certainly, a discussion on single-pilot ops is in order becomes it generates this sort of valuable discussion... and input. I hope the General considering this listens to the full range of mission impacts.
  2. The Citation CJ4 (which I am rated in) and the Phenom 300 are the largest FAA certified single-pilot aircraft. I'm told it is because the pilot can see both wingtips. That said, even as a 767 co-pilot, I couldn't see the right wingtip... so does that matter? I personally don't see an issue with "the mechanics of flying" the 767 single pilot. Please understand, I'm talking just "flying", not "employing". Now doing the tanking mission? I have no clue and other, smarter people can chime in on the need for two pilots.
  3. What did the FAA say to the AF when we told them we weren't putting ADS-B on our fighter aircraft?
  4. Baby steps. For starters, let's get the FAA (and everyone else) to agree that it's ok when two pilots are flying, if one decides to take a nap, in the seat, at cruise... while the other pilot stays awake. Why is this such a big deal? If we cannot get past that, then being OK " with fully RPS big jets doing cargo" is a long, long way from reality... and really shouldn't be discussed much until the former issue is solved.
  5. Give Kyle Fowler a call. He knows the plane well. I don't really know him but knew his dad... and I have no doubt Kyle would be a big help. http://longez.ca
  6. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-boeing-737-max-ceo-severance/boeings-ousted-ceo-departs-with-62-million-even-without-severance-pay-idUSKBN1Z92DQ Disgusting.
  7. The L-1019 design is over 50 years old, and the human factors thought that went into the design of the control lock appear to be just about nil. A lot of mishaps and near mishaps over many decades in all sorts of aircraft due to 1) the control lock, and 2) not doing a simple flight control shake out prior to takeoff. Case in point: Spectrum Aircraft's twin-jet crash 16 years ago. The mechanic hooked up the ailerons backwards... and no one, including the pilots, checked to ensure that the ailerons moved correctly with the stick position. http://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=a03a3c8c-9ba1-413f-9a0f-5a4ed2e5730e
  8. Ironically, that's doesn't appear to be the case at UAL currently. I would say it's not "the old guys" that are caving to the "independent contractor" mindset as we move through our TA process. Obviously just my opinion.
  9. Grand Forks is a Global Hawk base, so no worries.
  10. Doubtful. Accurate observations don't indict the speaker just because someone doesn't like it. The truth hurts only when it should.
  11. https://viewfromthewing.com/american-airlines-pilots-union-to-members-enjoy-your-time-off-you-dont-have-to-fly/?utm_source=BoardingArea&utm_medium=BoardingArea AA bubbas: looks like you have leverage. BTW, is it true Chip Long turned 65 last month but remains as VP of Flight?
  12. https://www.paddleyourownkanoo.com/2022/07/01/uniteds-pilots-just-negotiated-an-industry-leading-contract-until-it-no-longer-was/
  13. Good use of a lesser-known term, HeyEng.
  14. The union negotiating team mustn't kill the Golden Goose. But they do need to squeeze it's neck until every last egg is laid.
  15. Re: the UAL Tentative Agreement... No pilots are willing to admit they will vote Yes on the UA pilot forum. While the forum is only made up of a small percentage of the pilots, I'd say those that are posting are not at all pleased. I don't believe there is any wording where UA pilots will get additional items should another airline end up with a better contract in the future. Of course, the mainstream media has made it sound like it has been agreed upon. Far from it. Though you just never know how new pilots will vote. And UA has a LOT of new pilots.
  16. From the fertile minds at AFPC.... BWAAA! HAHAHAHA!!! Who is actually paid to come up with this?
  17. Hey Pete! Focus on the FAA! When you can get aircraft registration renewals below 5 months, let us know.
  18. HuggyU2


    Not a tough as training to be a special ops fighter pilot.
  19. A good read. One of our former U-2 Brothers was on this crew. He has some really good pics. https://coffeeordie.com/c-17-secret-mission-kabul/
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