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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. Does it make a difference if I deposit the money on the 1st or the 31st of the month? From what I can tell, the deposit doesn't actually get applied to the account until the 1st of the next month. edit: Removed an ambien fueled remark.
  2. I'd send you an F-4, but I'm fresh out. Maybe ask on Iranian Craigslist.
  3. $83 / month is not worth trusting finance with 10,000 of my hard earned dollar bills.
  4. The two in the front of the group are loving it. Mark my words. Both will make O-7.
  5. This is why saving leave is nice. No commander wants to write the letter explaining why his troop was not allowed to use his earned leave. It gives a little more leverage when requesting.
  6. copy, thanks. EGPWS, I guess pretty accurate. I should probably just read the investigation boards, huh?
  7. How did they determine vertical velocity? I don't know the equipment load out of the U-28, but from what I've seen of the PC-12, it's a standard steam gauge. Most VSIs lag by a few seconds anyway. Add to that rapid accelerations, altitudes and turbulence, it's not reliable at all until the pressure equalizes.
  8. 45 days of use/lose for me this year! Between that, deployment, tdy, holidays, etc., I'm hoping to spend about 3 hours in the office.
  9. Coming from a FAIP, know the Boldface/Ops Limits sheet cold on Day 1 and make sure your class mates do too. You'll be filling those out constantly until your class gets them right. Other than that, you'll have plenty of time to learn everything. Especially if you've got prior flight experience. The toughest thing I've seen from helicopter guys get over is not book knowledge or even instrument flying, it's flaring. That, you'll have to figure out on your own.
  10. “Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch." Nice quote from the article. I'm not sure the guy thought about this comment before he said it, because I'm sure the vet would rather have a crutch than a wheelchair. Either way. I'd like the know the 4th version of the story.
  11. Horrible pay off date. However, if the goal was to improve lighting and that was worth the $29,000, the pay off date means nothing. It's all about the goals. edit: I guess you can't copy directly from excel into here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunk_costs I'm to lazy to explain sunk costs.
  12. 32-28 = 4 watt savings per tube 4 watts * 8 hours = 48 watt-hours = 0.048 kWh per tube per day 0.048 kWh/(tube-day) * $0.112/kWh = $0.005376 / (tube-day) $0.005376 / (tube-day) * 40,000 tubes = $215.04 / day $105,000 / ($215.04 / day) = Pay off in 488 days Assuming the tubes last as long as the replacements and the new tubes cost the same or less to replace, this isn't the worst ROI I've ever seen.
  13. Well, there's a lot of psuedo-physics on this message board.
  14. I just got back from the DFAC in my cutoff sweatpants and mesh shirt. I may have ruined it.
  15. Wow, it's been 4 months since the last post here. Just today, the commander authorized civilian clothes for all military on base. How long until someone screws this up?
  16. How about if we have the airplane land on a treadmill? <attempts to get this fight going again>
  17. Wow, some people get a little defensive sometimes. That said, I'm pretty sure that spelling touchdown as "touch down" would be considered a spelling mistake.
  18. Not sure. There's no denying though that he is putting quite a bit of momentum behind each swing. It's all in the hips.
  19. If Jeremiah Weed isn't impressed with the dude free falling from space, maybe this guy will impress him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jZ-5zD9mss
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