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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. Women should probably cover their hair and faces too.
  2. I lived in Iowa for 22 years and I never saw anything like this. Why are the opportunities to witness awesomeness wasted on pussies?
  3. Man, now you did it. I have to go rape some one now for seeing this.
  4. I'm guessing there's no chance of getting rid of blues mondays at SOS is there...
  5. I learned there is no right answer to that question, however, the instructor did lean pretty far to one side of the room.
  6. Eventually we'll just have to love our enemies to death. Then again, that my imply sexual desire. Better not...
  7. Minus the 36-2903 and 11-217, that's not far off from the last "roll call" I attended in my squadron. Seriously..........
  8. So if the policy letters expire after a certain amount of time, that means that Blues Monday actually expired a few years ago. I believe a certain Lt Colonel owes me an apology for wearing a flight suit a couple months ago.
  9. I'd rather see the videos of him doing this shit at SERE.
  10. A lot of honesty in the letter, but an email isn't the best way to approach it. A much better way would have been to do it in person, 35 years ago.
  11. Attempted Suicide should be punishable by death. That'll teach 'em.
  12. I'm not walking out to collect it. You do it.
  13. Holy shit, this thread is starting to make be believe the comments said. And I was a UPT IP for 3.5 years. Actual steps to excelling at UPT: 1) Study what the IPs tell you to 2) Listen to what the IPs tell you 3) Ask your fellow studs what the IPs told them 4) Do what the IPs tell you to do 5) Complain about the IPs only to other students 6) Tell funny stories on Friday and bring beer offerings
  14. I see it as an 8 week vacation with the family to beautiful Montgomery, Alabama! I actually enjoy the 'leadership' obstacle courses. They're better than power point lectures and at least you have a chance to demonstrate some kind of pseudo real world problem solving.
  15. I get the distinct honor of attending America's finest learning institution and need some advice. Anyone know of any good places to stay off base while attending SOS? I'll be taking my wife, two very small children and possibly a cat (optional, yet desired). Yes, I like cats. Anyone know of any good places to stay? Also, besides service dress, a few flight suits, and PT gear, is there anything else that's required? Do I need to bring my ABUs? Honestly, I bought them when the BDUs went out of fashion, but I've never even worn them besides trying them on. I don't really want to mess them up the first time I wear them.
  16. Give him Give him credit. He did shred approximately 500 folders. His last (power) bullet also says he donated 3.5 hours to the red cross, which is pretty awesome.
  17. Of course there's a need. Aaahhnalld has to fly something in the remake.
  18. I agree. The parody is gay, but the possible tail would make it worth it.
  19. American laws for fucking stupid. Break in to a house and steal a bunch of shit? Win! Break in to a house and get bitten by a dog? Win! Laws like this were created without thinking of unintended consequences. Hopefully, the judge will see the rediculousness of this case and throw out the parts that don't make sense. Like the homeowner's right to protect their property. Even if that means with a dog.
  20. Don't worry, I'm sure it's still under manufacturer's warranty.
  21. Nope. My SOS responsive readings say otherwise. I shall believe...
  22. I haven't been and nobody's stopped me. I'm not really sure if it's required or not; regardless, I don't care. That said, I really haven't ventured far outside the concrete barrier lined area of the CC in civies.
  23. yep. I think it's here to stay too.
  24. According to her story, the females that open their mouths do better...
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