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Everything posted by Bode

  1. Yes there was 2 at DLF while I was there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. All, I’m looking on info for Edwards AFB. I’m considering taking an assignment out that way but I’m looking for the pros and cons of a flying assignment there. My concerns Housing - availability, best locations Schools - elementary and middle school age Spouse education - my wife is considering going back to school Off duty - outdoors type activities, hunting, fishing, hiking, really anything not in front of a tv. Thanks -Bode Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I looked into the Skillbridge. Some key details 1-Military approved program 2-unpaid internship 3-there is a website that shows the approved internships based on location I will see if I can find that for ya. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It really depends on a multitude of things: you, your family, your career ambitions (non-flying), your flying ambitions, where you are ok with living, and bunch other things. If given the chance I wouldn’t change a thing (other than maybe turning down one opportunity recently). I actually hit the end of my 10 year flying commitment this month and I can say it has been fun. Yes there are some rough times, but the good times outweigh them. I will also say I rolled into everything a bit older. I was ok with not being the #1 exec in the wing, put me in safety and let me do my thing. I knew early on my family was more important than spending those extra hours getting in good with the boss or trying to win that quarterly award. In all I would do it again without a second thought. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It varies drastically, there are times when APTers are waiting months and other times where we are pushing them as soon as they show up. When I left Laughlin we were actually giving the students academics (completely optional to attend). However there are multiple problems with just letting them go nuts over in the sim building. They aren’t allowed to use the sims with 330 degrees vis because way back when a student damaged one going in there by themselves. Also, how do you keep an even playing field for competition of track and assignments? What if Bill has 3 months of flying the sim and Bob was a late rate who showed two weeks before his class? Is that “fair”? In reality it sounds awesome. I remember going into the UTD (no visuals) and flying my entire profile when I was a student which I thought helped a ton. The students can still do and and use the IFT. However, instead of that students complain they don’t have gym time and can’t go to lunch during class. Also, they now get a checkride while in phase 1 which I believe has helped a bit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I taught ALS about a dozen years ago. Between OTS, ASBC, and SOS I have seen quite a bit of the curriculum regurgitated through the schools was what we taught at ALS to include some of the case studies. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Downtown aviations Duchess is down until the end of July. Just talked with them the other day. Has to have an engine replaced. Crazy Carl is still doing his thing in Mississippi. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I guess what I don’t understand is why we wait when the info is already available? If we’ve selected people for school why not let them know so they can start making life decisions? Also if they turn it down why not give the alternates more time as well to figure life out? I know it’s not just this we play keep a secret but it drives me insane. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I guess what I don’t understand is why we wait when the info is already available? If we’ve selected people for school why not let them know so they can start making life decisions? Also if they turn it down why not give the alternates more time as well to figure life out? I know it’s not just this we play keep a secret but it drives me insane. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Almost positive you will unless your family come with (on the orders). I know we have been running low on spare Lts to do the odd taskers so my guess is there is space. There will be the AFA/ROTC influx so if you can get here after that there may be a chance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I failed the initial test during my medical. Since I was already accepted into the program we did some different tests which worked out a hell of a lot better. Don’t quit now. Oh and I still suck at the stupid circles during every PHA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. This was the topic for a paper from 2017. Not sure if it’s still this terrible. Just reading the topic made me want to drop the class. I think this paper was 1800-2000 words if I remember close to right. In Lesson 6 of the Warfare Studies course, Roger Spiller outlined six propositions in his essay, "War Termination: Theory and American Practice." "First: Wars are defined not by their extremes but by their limitations. Concepts of total war or complete victory are abstractions whose function is to depict an ideal case against which real war can be understood and conducted. Second: War's original aims and methods are constantly revised by the stresses and actions of war. The only way in which a war ends, therefore, depends on the strategic and operational context that the war itself has created during its course. Third: The public face of war is ever more cosmopolitan and so, therefore, is the conduct of war itself, which can no longer be quarantined from the influence of the world beyond, if it ever could. Fourth: In ever war, the aims of all sides, no matter how opposed at the beginning, gradually converge toward an agreement to stop fighting. Fifth: This convergence of aims is not produced on the battlefield alone. It derives not only from military actions but also from influences well beyond the battlefield, only some of which may be within the reach of control by policymakers, strategists, and operational commanders. Last: Within the confines of war itself, a war's terminal campaign exercises the greatest influence over the manner in which it ends and, therefore, is not always a war's last campaign. This means that the concept of a decisive campaign or victory is of less utility than orthodox military thought has traditionally assumed." Select two of the propositions, identify which you have chosen, and describe how airpower (broadly defined, along with cyber- and spacepower) can most effectively contribute to ensuring that war termination coincides with national interests, within the construct the propositions outline. -Happy Day Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Timeline hasn’t changed and the student load isn’t much different than 10 years ago. I was in class 10-15 and we had 32 students start. When I left UPT instructing class loads were around 20 with 25 classes a year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My info is about a year old but what had 3 check rides for the studs and they were planning on adding a fourth. They do a sim check which has really helped distinguish the problem children early. Then they do a transition check (think combo instruments and contact). After that the 38 bound studs do a for check (with tac) and all others do a nav check in an out and back. The plan when I left was to move the nav check left so all studs do it and then they track to their advanced portions of the T-6 syllabus. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. This is from https://greyfoxpottery.com I believe they have a min order of 50 mugs or something but they have a good selection and honestly they came out cheaper than ceramic mugs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. IFT for UCSO training is gone and may be fore good. The PTT on how students do without it is about to start. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Are you logging your hours for PT and every thing else under the sun? My neighbor runs an Army reserve unit and all the TRs get paid for doing CBTs and working out at home during drill weekends. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I will keep it shorter in nature. Based on some installation security requirement changes after 9/11 the main gate off highway 90 didn’t meet requirements because of the close distance to the railroad tracks. Fast forward to 2016 and the AF finally decides to do something about it. The goal was to make the west gate the primary entrance by adding a visitors center and covered vehicle inspection area. When this all started in ‘16 the CE and acquisitions peeps estimated the cost to be roughly $2M. There wasn’t any money in the bank for it so the base petitioned the state of Texas for a grant (a system in place to help keep TX based up to date making it harder to BRAC IMO). TX offered up $3M or so. The acq peeps then did up all the docs to push the project out for bids and nothing not a single bid. After reaching out to potential bidders they found out no one bid because all personnel needed a background check. The base decided it would be easier to build a temp perimeter fence to allow the project to be an off installation build and no need for background checks. Fast forward and 1 bidder shows up out of SAT to the turn of $3M, well above the estimates. The understood justification was a lack of qualified personnel in the local area. The project got done eventually, well behind schedule. So $3M for a parking lot and one building. Below are a couple screenshots of a during and after of the gate. Oh and the rumors of the west gate not being used because DLF becomes a remote tour, not true. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Actually it’s more so has to do with planning placement, rows, numbers to cover, cost estimates, and TERPS stipulations and waived criteria because of the inside runway distance. Trust me I know more about this then I want to know. With that said, we don’t own the designs at Columbus or Vance so we can’t use those. Also, I don’t think the Vance fabric will hold up in the dry west Texas sun for too long. Not sure what Columbus has. Also, funds are extremely difficult to come by. I think we spent $8 mil on the T-6 shades. Add in the fact everything cost more because of Del Rio’s remoteness. (I can give you a story about the west gate project if you want to truly understand) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. The T-6s have sun shades. When left last year they were in the planning phase for T-1s however they should be able to hangar almost every T-1 and T-38. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Didn’t know they were. I know we gave up a few aircraft for them to use from Laughlin last fall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Literally has this done Tuesday. Was given an estimate of two weeks DNIF and 3 days quarters. All, depends on how the boys heal up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I believe you are overthinking it. Just like pilot training it’s based on mass from graded events, test scores, and flight commanders ranking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. As long as you don’t go 3 months (beyond the first day of the fourth month was the exact verbiage) before you start you should be good. The second you start you get put on a new AO and receive flight pay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. What are you looking for exactly? In T6s they all fly a contact sortie then 5 high alt (16k) nav rides. EWOs track off to their nerdy corner. From there the non-EWOs fly four advanced instrument rides and four low levels with a check ride at the end. From there they track Nav, SO, or WSO. They all head off to T1 land in their specific tracks. The WSOs who get Strike Eagles or Growlers come back for a 5 ride formation spin up. Can’t speak for what the nerd land teaches them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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