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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2012 in all areas

  1. The other three were killed by his mustache.
    2 points
  2. About 3-4 years ago at Beale, one of our pilots didn't get as high a strat from the Wing as this person should have. When given feedback, said pilot was told "For example, you're not the president of the CGOC". So... said pilot decided to fix that shit. Somehow, the U-2 CGO's learned the bylaws, called for an election, ensured all the U-2 pilot CGO's got the word... and said pilot was elected to be the president of the CGOC via a hostile takeover. The non-Ops Group CGO's were NOT happy about this. Classic pilot solution: "I saw a problem, now I've fixed it. Next?"
    2 points
  3. Join, get elected president, then disband them. Caught reading the rules....pay your fine.
    2 points
  4. When I moved to my current base a neighbor welcomed us to the neighborhood and then proceeded to tell me about CGOC and when they met. I told him thanks, but no thanks I wouldn't be going. He then asked why, and since he was a nice guy and I didn't want to be an asshole, I just simply told him I work 12+ hour days, do not get any kind of a lunch break and with what little free time I have when not TDY/deployed I'm spending it with family. His mind was absolutely blown that I didn't get any kind of a break and he just couldn't understand why I couldn't make it to the club at 1200 for the lunch since it was "official business." The shoes just don't get it and they never will.
    2 points
  5. All they do for me is clutter my inbox with useless information, events & fundraisers (I have no idea what they need to do fund-raise, but I never read the emails anyways)
    2 points
  6. Meh, a CBT should just about cover it..
    1 point
  7. Oh, my bad. Much less geeky....
    1 point
  8. The "CAP SOF SAR Lounge."
    1 point
  9. Pretty interesting, and provides a glimpse at some of the reasons I like to support Randolph Engineering: http://www.goruck.com/news/randolph-engineerings-factory-randolph-massachusetts/
    1 point
  10. Lots of sandy vaginas up in here.
    1 point
  11. If he had just worn sloppy ABUs, a gold oak leaf and a medical badge, nobody would have paid him any mind. But no...he just had to go in service dress as a 2*
    1 point
  12. recently started wearing Oakley Flack Jackets. No complaints. Pretty comfortable under headsets but anything will hurt after having headsets on for 10+. As for UPT. I always wore oakley wires and not once did anyone say anything to me. It's kind of hard for someone to tell you you're supposed to be wearing only AF issued sunglasses when they are sporting oakley's.
    1 point
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