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Everything posted by theSituation

  1. So, this is similar to the A-10 debate. The af is trying to cut a platform/capability before having a viable replacement. Simply wrong and short sighted in my opinion. Especially considering our history of extremely long acquisitions processes.
  2. https://medium.com/war-is-boring/the-air-force-wants-to-junk-half-of-its-best-jamming-planes-3f16d164cac1 Thoughts? I personally think it's a big mistake. Does anybody else in the CAF care? Does the Air Force really understand what EW can bring to the fight?
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, this last post was brought to you by our good friend (I assume...) jack Daniels. On a serious note, I think you're making some very valid points. Hope Sunday morning doesn't hurt too much.
  4. This is why the A-10 shouldn't go away. Pretty quick flight from DM to the border.
  5. So, this is probably a dumb question, but if I've already done the old online course do I have to go in res? Follow up: if I've already completed it online, does that put me on a lower priority to go in res?
  6. I brewed 3 batches of home brew for my drop night. Brought my kegs to the club and had a good time. Bought the cheapest keg from the club to make them happy and had each member of my flight bring a bottle of booze with them. Turned out to be a great night. The club didn't even realize that we'd brought outside liquor/beer in. We told them we'd set up our own chairs and tables. The club staff never even entered the main event room. Notch the threat dude.
  7. Who cares how they're viewed? Why is that important? What IS important is that there is nobody else on the planet who can do what they do as well as they do with the resources they have. If jokes and songs help them unwind after a day of practice or actual killing, then so be it. If you are offended by that, then don't hang out in their squadron bars. Why is a 69 or so to speak joke more offensive than the massive amount of violence these guys inflict on our enemies? Im not saying im offended by the violence, just trying to bring up a point that priorities are skewed here. Yeah, these guys are a very small segment of the force. It IS a fraternity/brotherhood. Nobody else does what they do. Everyone else is there for support. Let them be. And why bring up the joint argument? Why should they care? Is there anybody else they would like to have providing the service of killing from the air? I think not.
  8. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/26/kelly-ayotte-deborah-lee-james_n_3996391.html?ref=topbar
  9. Honest question here, I rarely see the HCs flying at DM. Are they really flying? Or are they at kirtland for training?
  10. "Since very few, if any, traditional pilots actually volunteered for the RPA community, most commanders generally sent Captains that were in the bottom half of the pool of eligible pilots. Some of these pilots had multiple downgrades or failures on their annual checkrides; some were unable to upgrade from copilot to aircraft commander due to below average airmanship; others did not have had the “right” attitude or personality that fit into the weapon system climate; and others had discipline or quality of force issues. It should not be surprising that a few years later the promotion rates to Major were below that of the rest of the AF, especially given the fact that these aviators weren’t high potential officers to begin with as a result of flying or discipline discrepancies. " Is this the truth?
  11. Does this count if one is on a non-flying deployment? i.e. doing an LNO gig?
  12. When the wife and I first moved here we rented really close to downtown and the university. It was great to get to know the city and everything fun was within walking distance. Not that far from the airport either. Rent was reasonable too. Keep in mind that college has started/or is starting soon so many of the nicer homes may have been taken already.
  13. Liberals fire-bombing abortion clinics? I don't get it...
  14. The little booger probably doesn't even know what quibbling is.
  15. There isnt a huge influx of new EWOs now, so he should be alright. The only wait will probably be for the next class to start. PM me if you have any other questions from him.
  16. This one hits really close to home. Pilot was my flight commander at DM before the transfer to MC-12s. Absolutely fantastic leader, pilot and friend. A toast to all...
  17. Why are classes smaller these days?
  18. Man, that was freaking motivating. Thank you very much for sharing.
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