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Posts posted by CaptainMorgan

  1. I appreciate the conversation this stirred up. To add some clarity I do have a HP endorsement and this is primarily a question to satisfy my ®ATP down the road. 

    Not relevant. Reading 61.160, the only hours requirement for a military pilot to apply for an ® ATP is 750 hours total time. If the other requirements in 61.159 do in fact apply, you’ll have no problem getting the 250 hours as a required SIC performing the duties of PIC while under the supervision of a PIC.

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  2. So I just did a PPM and I loaded my own stuff into a Penske truck.  Like a dumby, I did not get weight tickets.  Somehow blew past that part in that "do it yourself" counseling stuff, also thinking what the hell does it matter since they charge you a flat rate for the truck.  Shack on me for not following the checklist... 
    Now, the bitchy civilian in my TMO office is being about as helpful as a pile of dog turds.  I cannot be the first person to have forgotten these....what's the workaround?  I have done the constructed cost thing, but she's making it sound like there's zero way to get paid, and since I got the advance, I might be paying some of it back.  How do I get out of this mess?  

    Rent another truck, reload, and get weight tickets. Maybe.

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  3. Is that the full story? Pretty sure APZ rates overall have gone up in recent years.

    Agree that it is a shame that boards are apparently disregarding a senior rater’s DP promotion recommendation, especially when they only have so many allocated and them giving it to an APZ was one less available for an IPZ.

    ‘07 YG missed their 1BPZ opportunity, so that probably hurt APZ chances this year. Next year, you’re going to have a YG that never got 2 or 1BPZ looks, so I would expect APZ numbers to drop to a new norm.

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  4. Are they planning to release the stats broken down by the actual categories?

    LAF - A (Air Ops and Special Warfare)
    LAF - C (Combat Support)
    LAF - F (Force Modernization)
    LAF - I (Information Warfare)
    LAF - N (Nuclear and Missile Ops)
    LAF - S (Space Operations...or is this going away with the Space Force?)
    I continue to be shocked and dismayed by folks who bust their ass, get a DP, and then get passed over.  At that point...why bother even giving the senior rater DPs to hand out?  Just send all the records.  No point in the PRF if the board isn't going to listen.

    They’re on stars-demog. You can find it by searching on mypers. APZ got royally screwed this year.

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  5. Nope. IDE complete, Masters done, interagency work, Jt assignments, strats. Problem is I’m a broke flyer not racking up the air medals and flt-related tick marks any more. I’ve never heard of TWO GO-lvl DPs with no pick-up for someone w/no checkered past. And I heard they had to do more of a non-select counseling or digging if the DP came from a General Officer and board didn’t heed his push. Is that true?

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    What category did you compete in? LAF-A was 100% for IPZ with a DP and IDE complete last year.

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  6. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but 50% doesn't always apply. For example, if you get married at 15 years into an active duty, then retire at 20, you are with your wife for only 5 years of your 20 served. Therefore, wouldn't she only be entitled to 25% of your retirement, not 50? That's how a lawyer once explained it to me, in Washington state.

    In your example, she’d only get 12.5%.

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  7. I will second the recommendation for Google Fi.  It's pricey, but works everywhere I've been internationally.

    Third for fi. I have t-mobile and google fi. You can stop and start service with fi through their app, so I only turn it on when I need better international data than the 256kbps T-mobile provides. I’ll switch solely to Fi if they ever support the Apple Watch.

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  8. Regarding the posts earlier about camaraderie, do crews hang out or socialize after work on a trip? I’m guessing the norm is to have dinner and a couple drinks in the hotel lobby.
    How do you eat healthy when you’re always traveling from airport to airport and hotel to hotel? 
    I understand airlines highly value those with FTU and UPT IP/EP experience. Do airlines value those with WO backgrounds as well? Which background/experience is more preferable for hiring managers?

    Can’t speak for every airframe, but in AMC WOs seem to initially spend a lot of time working in tactics and doing exercise planning, followed by a seemingly obligatory stint as Wing exec to “groom” them for command. Contrast that with an FTU or UPT IP, who’s going to do a lot of flying, with virtually all of it being IP time. From an hours perspective I know who wins out 6.9 times out of 7.

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  9. I have 13 years. Do you think this is a better COA than just staying in for the same length of time? I don't know if I have the financial capability to stomach regional pay for that long. 

    In that case, no. Regional pay wouldn’t be bad if you’re also getting retirement, but if you’re separating, I can understand not wanting the drastic pay cut.

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  10. As much as John McCain did in his time, he was a loud voice against a lot of military compensation. “we didn’t need this kind of money to be patriotic back in my day” is what I took away from his position and lobbying on all those items.

    And as long as Tom Cotton is on the SASC, I wouldn’t expect a increase either.

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  11. Any "renegotiation" will come with a longer commitment.  For example in 2015 I took a 5 year $25k bonus.  The next year I was offered a "renegotiation" option where the only option was up 20 YAS...which I flatly rejected.  Weight all options heavily. 
    When you are committed, you lose all power of "no".  In the current environment, recognize that pilots are about to start abandoning ship again with airline hiring, leaving a massive hole in the population that is eligible for 180, 365, and non-desirable taskings to all AFSCs...and if you're committed, you have no say in the matter.  Make sure that little 1990's level bonus is really worth it to you.
    If in doubt, don't take it and wait a year.

    Waiting a year may help, or it may not. In my case, I was offered 30k a year (took 8 years, taking me to 20). Had I waited a year, I could have signed for 7 years at 35k, netting a total of 245K instead of 240, but with no lump sum payment option. I’ve easily made up that 5k difference with the interest earned on the lump. As they’re currently offering the max (35k) for most career fields and airframes and there’s no talk of increasing the bonus in Congress, waiting now is probably not going to be financially beneficial. That said, you can’t put a price on free agency (oh wait, didn’t that 2-star say there are no free agents?).

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  12. Sounds like Beechcraft needs to pump out an AF version of the T-44C. Beefy landing gear from the start and there goes half your longevity problems for a UPT airframe! But that’s not a jet, so clearly it won’t meet our training needs.

    I think the Citation Mustang or one of the other VLJs would have been a good option with an upgraded gear. Cheap to acquire (until AF acquisition manages to up), cheap to operate, and the only setback might be a height limitation.

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  13. Congress authorized the max amount the services could give for the bonus. The individual services decide how to use it. So, the 5 year minimum commitment, no bonus for 11R, etc, falls squarely on the AF. 

    Not entirely accurate, the current language requires the service to make a business case analysis when authorizing the bonus levels.

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