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Everything posted by ImNotARobot

  1. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/could-american-airlines-become-the-next-gamestop-reddits-wallstreetbets-says-its-possible
  2. FedEx Update (December 2020) - We will be opening two new bases in 2021, a 767 Oakland (OAK) base and a 777 Anchorage (ANC) base. OAK is slated to open in the fourth quarter of FY21; ANC is forecast to open in the first quarter of FY22. We’re excited about these new locations and the operational flexibility they’ll provide in both the domestic and international markets. Both bases will provide opportunities for pilots as well. Speaking of opportunity, I’m pleased to report System Bid 20-02, which closed December 3, was successful in filling nearly 400 captain and over 500 first officer vacancies. As mentioned in previous communications, we plan to hire nearly 900 pilots in the next 18 months. It’s an aggressive plan reflecting significant business level increases we’re seeing across the system. At the same time, new pilots will be needed to cover normal attrition due to retirements and departures, as well as the need to staff new 767s and 777s joining our fleet. Got those apps in!
  3. Yeah, I can see that. The FedEx pilots living out near/at HKG have similar issues. Simply not possible to avoid in some cases. There is a list of approved airlines the company is allowed to use though; a lot of these smaller national airlines are excluded from the approved list.
  4. 737 down in the ocean near Jakarata https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/indonesian-authorities-have-lost-contact-sriwijaya-air-flight-182
  5. Found on APC. Good summary of current parking situation. CNBC Summary
  6. So many cool pictures from the U-2
  7. I stink at putting in links. Gif from U-2 cockpit @ 70,000
  8. Cargo airlines are booming my friend. FedEx/UPS/ACMIs are all hiring, and are projected to continue for the next couple years. FedEx is projected to hire over 400 next year. I know that’s not what you’re asking, but just want to correct information on here. Don’t let the USAF’s fear/loathing about their various welfare programs put your family in a less than optimum position.
  9. The release for that board has been in the 3rd week of August for the last two years. I’m talking about the AFRC O-5 board; apologies if you guys are talking about Active Duty.
  10. Cool pic from Reddit https://reddit.com/r/WarplanePorn/comments/hwdxt6/burr_01_returning_from_a_mission_this_afternoon/https://reddit.com/r/WarplanePorn/comments/hwdxt6/burr_01_returning_from_a_mission_this_afternoon/
  11. Many unsubstantiated rumors about FedEx starting interviews again in the near future. The most likely case is that interviews are starting back up again due to hiring pool depletion. FedEx is at peak+ loads, with cargo backed up throughout the global system. The peak+ surge may continue through peak actual (holidays) and into next year. It appears that virtually all seats are understaffed, with an emphasis on the international aircraft (777, MD-11). The company keeps pushing off a system bid (allowing bidding of seat changes) because they can't even take a breath with the increased volume, much less allow instructors and students time in the schoolhouse. It's the polar opposite of the pax industry side. I don't mean that as a jab, I mean to say that guys are getting burned out on the cargo side, and I presume that doesn't just apply to FedEx. There are ample opportunities for 1.5x pay trips. FedEx pilots could work virtually every day they are legal if the company was choosing. The point of sharing all that: This is a good time to get a FedEx app refreshed if you're looking at the cargo side. Don't take my word for it...read last quarter's earnings report.
  12. https://www.airforcetimes.com/opinion/commentary/2020/07/01/dear-white-colonel-we-must-address-our-blind-spots-around-race/
  13. https://v.redd.it/dza3i4sesy651/HLSPlaylist.m3u8
  14. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShadyImaginativeGrison-mobile.mp4 Different angle for the Falcon recovery landing. The video of that landing cut out while I was watching on nasa.gov. Sweet shot. Talk about the proverbial “heaving postage stamp”. Holy crap.
  15. Agree with all above. What an awesome thing to watch.
  16. Thread successfully derailed fellas. Maybe we can move this mask discussion to another thread? FedEx is draining the pool of successfully hired interviewees. Although exact future timing is unknown, it appears the original pool of roughly 200 will be empty by EOY. FedEx was hiring a little over 400/yr prior to stopping in Nov 2019. New interview timing is currently unknown. My educated guess is sometime in the fall. Also unknown is the approx number a year target for the company post COVID surge. Best of luck to all out there in this newest version of the job hunt.
  17. Thread bump, asking for a buddy...kindly request contact info for a prior rated Herk dude to put a pilot application on file with the MT ANG. Also, any news on when next prior rated board may be? Thanks.
  18. https://careers.fedex.com/pilot-minimum-qualifications Not general at all. 500 TPIC required. All other requirements a regulatory—ATP, passport, etc. Competitive? I’d get a sponsor to provide a Primary Endorsement (PE). When hiring starts back up sometime in 2020 (we think), the first ones to get a call will most likely have a PE. The hiring landscape has certainly changed almost overnight. I’d expect the cargo outfits to be more selective now. All my opinion; no science there.
  19. http:// https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/29/coronavirus-prompts-united-airlines-to-offer-pilots-a-month-for-flight-cuts.html Is there even a grain of truth in this article?
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