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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. That’s what it’s all about. also those weren’t Ukrainian nukes
  2. sure so lets start WW3 cause russia invaded ukraine (a non-nato state). is that the logic you're using? this has nothing to do with politics my friend. i'm watching us lumber dangerously to WW3 and you're filled with glee! seems strange. american blood and treasure should not be spent protecting ukraine. that's my position.
  3. i want to see us not get involved in a major eastern european (non nato) land war...
  4. We’re gonna keep escalating this thing into WW3
  5. I’m on vacation…is it true FEMA Isn’t helping Palestine, Ohio IRT the chemical tanker explosion ?
  6. 2020 hysteria. People lost their jobs and businesses over this nonsense. There needs to be real accountability. Not holding my breath
  7. Guys stop talking about classified material /s
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/16/china-spy-balloons-biden-addresses-nation-on-shootdowns-of-aerial-phenomena.html pretty embarrassing all around for this administration. clowns. and higher leadership in the DoD.
  9. biden administration is understandably inept. i'd say the public deserves answers about 4 "shoot downs" in a month over friendly terriroty. interesting how loose the ROE was/is if we truly don't know what we shot at.
  10. 48:50 not surprising to me in the least
  11. How can anyone NOT be skeptical after COVID?! the burden of proof is on the feds. They have zero credibility. “Trust the experts” turned out to be the biggest hoax/crime in US history. also the 51 intelligence “experts” who swore the Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation”. That turned out to be a lie as well.
  12. yeah especially the part where he said “I hope the Russian political system fails” straight from RT. ukraine has always been a corrupt nation. Funny how all the corruption magically went away once Russia invaded.
  13. Quoted from your article: ”Thousands of nuclear arms had been left on Ukrainian soil by Moscow after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991”
  14. Also those were Soviet nukes and not Ukrainian.
  15. "WE" are not. Ukraine (NON NATO COUNTRY) is. i'm all for supporting them (to a point). I am 100% fucking opposed to American troops engaging russia in ukraine. and i am 100% opposed to let ukraine dictate our foreign policy.
  16. strange post. pick your side? lol that's exactly the kind of thinking that pushes nations into foolish wars "GrOw Up WhO CaReS iF wE gEt PuLlEd iNtO WW3!"
  17. to me that's the smoking gun. the west from day one has tried to fan the flames to support ukraine. if russia truly did this, the west would be shouting from the rooftops. ESPECIALLY when their populations have endured higher energy costs because of it. if a european politician could point at russia and say THEY CAUSED YOUR ENERGY BILLS TO SKYROCKET don't you think they would? remember president biden's "Putin's Price Hike" line? instead the narrative is "we will suffer for however long it takes to support ukraine"
  18. so who did it? how can you say it's incorrect information being put out if you cannot tell me who blew it up? i'm AMAZED how many americans absolutely believe in censoring and blocking the "wrong" point of view.
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