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Everything posted by Sprkt69

  1. What are they not liking about the program?
  2. The good news is 2 of the students in that class are UPT Next washouts
  3. So that is why you like riding Fat Amy...makes sense now
  4. It happened a long time ago. Like early/mid 2000s
  5. Word on the street, HAF says to divest the T-1. So good times
  6. I think it is fairly obvious from the new CSAF, all of management want the numbers to look good regardless of how many jets are crashed. All objections to the master plan have been deemed “not a team player”
  7. C’mon brabus, a WSO can tell you when to flare or jink among getting that Sweet sweet ATIS for you
  8. Of course. We will be the ones that shed blood for the decisions of management.
  9. Your inspirational suggestion on the tactical usage of loyal wingman may be highly unlikely. I’d bank on updated avionics and AI still making WSOs obsolete in that fight. Besides, I’m guessing real fighter pilots would rather have extra fuel and a lack of intercom noise.
  10. Are you trying to say the CAF should not have to teach the basics because it should already be known?
  11. Crashing too many jets will also render the AF ineffective
  12. You mean put less onus on the CAF IP? Pshhhh, Big Blue will have none of that
  13. According to Mort Affairs and PA, that is just your privilege showing
  14. In my opinion, the problem was from a combination of all of the above. My SNCO who retired as a crew chief said many of the problems started when MX got severely cut post BRAC. Much of the experience was gone and the work fell on the shoulders of the younger NCOs. This they did not train the young airmen like they were trained. As everyone progressed, the lost knowledge stayed lost and only got worse. The planes got older, parts more scarce and the demand increased. On top of that, Big Blue decided that there were too many specialties, like in avionics. 3 different specialties became one. It worked at the time because the guys had some cross training and experience. The new guys did not. Also, a crew chief is a crew chief and can work on any bird. So they pulled a lot of ‘excess’ crew chiefs and sent them to different jets. Ive seen a C-5 guy in charge of the flight line with A-10 and F-15 crew chiefs working on F-16s. You can imagine how well that was going. They’d work the crew something like 26+ days a month to try and get working aircraft CONUS. When ops and Mx split, I think many of the Mx officers went full shoe clerk. Chasing green slides rather than actual success. Their drive for future rank through successful PowerPoint slides probably led to many of the current toxic cultures in Mx. My old SNCO would smile about the old Ops+Mx days and tried to hide in my shop as long as he could.
  15. I’d rather have a beach with an ocean than a beach with no ocean, but all the cow farts you can stand! And how is that “10% of the local population is a registered gang member” going in Clovis?
  16. You mean they wouldn’t enjoy the stench of cow @ss when the winds were from the wrong direction?
  17. It’s what you get when the mentality is to train to never get into an unusual attitude in the first place. Just look at stall training
  18. Probably similar reasons to disliking Germany but love Cannon
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