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Everything posted by gearhog

  1. My wife hates it when this song comes on. I sing along every time. "...and little hurly burly gave my anus curl a whirty an asked me if I needed a ruuuunnnn.... Blinded by the light, wrapped up like a DOUCHE on a runner in the night"
  2. Did you not see the part where I said I wasn't accusing you of anything in the quote? How is that self-righteous? When you contradicted yourself, apparently unaware, it just made me think of it. Kind of makes the "ignorance" jab a bit ironic, does it not? lol
  3. I was just pointing out that your entire argument was lifted from the first comment on the link I posted. Please don't pretend you put on your internet sleuthing hat and searched it out. Minor critique.It really doesn't matter What does matter is that I apparently didn't prove my point that vaccines present an increased heart problems risk to your satisfaction with the link I provided. So you went and found another link, that you like better, that says vaccines present an increased risk of heart problems. Ok. You win. Uh, Thanks?
  4. We pilot tend to be pre-alotofthings. There is a small glimmer of hope. Link: You probably didn't see it on the news, but I don't think the UK wants the massive demonstrations and riots that occurred today in Paris, Tolouse, Barcelona, Catalan, Milan, Montreal, the Netherlands, Poland, etc, etc, etc... https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/covid-vaccine-passports-scrapped-for-winter-5g2fdb2zn Let's hope next month's plans for the US get scrapped as well. Also, a map of fully vaccinated Americans by state. It's a lot different than I thought. Looks like there are more states less than 50% fully vaccinated than there are states over 50%. I wonder what the map would look like by county. https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker
  5. That's a little disconcerting. Did you ever find out why? I recommend googling "swollen armpit lymphnodes" extensively to see what conditions could cause this. You know... conditions that might have developed after getting the vaccine. Purely coincidentally, of course.
  6. Your first response was a copy and paste of another comment stating that there is no evidence that the vaccine increases the risk of heart problems. Then, your very next comment states that that there may actually be and increased chance of heart problems and that we should consider the risk. Which is it? Your responses immediately brought this quote to mind. Not accusing you of it, it's just amusing. "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed."
  7. For anyone who has been convinced that "The Vaccine is safer than COVID." Researchers at University of California have found that teens are more likely to experience Cardiac Adverse Events (CAE or myocarditis) from the vaccine than they are to experience hospitalization from having COVID. The research paper: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.30.21262866v1 Why? Why would the vaccine cause more problems in young men with no comorbidities than COVID does? Our government says it doesn't and that it is completely safe? Who do you believe? Why is the CDC providing lower estimates while real research presents significantly higher numbers? "Our post-second-dose-vaccination rates of CAE among adolescent boys aged 12-15 was 162.2/million which exceeded the rates reported by the CDC[2,6] by 143-280% (2.4-3.8 times). Among boys age 16-17, our estimate was 94.0/million, 31.5-41% higher than the CDC estimate. For girls 12-15 years old, our rate was 13.0/million, which was 43-100% higher that the CDC’s estimate.[2,6] Among girls 16-17, our estimate was 13.4/million, which was 47-65% higher than the CDC’s estimate." "Our report found post-vaccination CAE rates following dose two of 162.2 and 94.0/million for boys 12-15 and 16-17, respectively. For boys with no underlying health conditions, the chance of either CAE, or hospitalization for CAE, after their second dose of mRNA vaccination are considerably higher than their 120-day risk of COVID-19 hospitalization, even at times of peak disease prevalence. The long-term consequences of this vaccine-associated cardiac inflammation are not yet fully defined and should be studied. In lieu of pediatric vaccination mandates, the US may: 1) consider gathering data on previous infection in this age group and/or 2) follow the example of Germany,[31] Sweden [32], Norway [33] and the WHO[34] and hold off on definitively recommending vaccination of low-risk children against COVID-19, or 3) offer one dose to adolescents as the UK has just announced [35] while more information about risks, benefits, harms and alternative dosing or vaccination strategies are studied and considered."
  8. They are all hanging it up. To be fair, 3 of them were over 20 anyhow. The 4th has met his original commitment, but well short of 20, and 2 years into an airline career. Super well respected and a natural leader, so his departure is going to make some people stop and think. The 5th guy, I'm not sure of his circumstances. Leadership shrugs. They're all Techs and AGRs and content to punch a clock if nothing else. The SQ had already become a revolving door for AD folks clamoring to get out and bum at the Guard, saying they're going to "make a career of it". They soon find out it's just Active Duty Light, so they quietly work to get their real job, then go non-current, and leave shortly thereafter. So, the shot was just another drop in the bucket of grievances that was already full for most.
  9. Doesn't matter who? What? I literally named the name of one person. Why? Because, in the article, Gen Milley is quoted as saying... himself...that, "“Because there were secondary explosions, there is a reasonable conclusion to be made that there was explosives in that vehicle.” So, yes, I do think "the Generals" were one ones saying "yep, that's a secondary, good strike" because.... that is, in fact, what the General said according to the words in quotation marks in the article. "Those at the top can be ultimately responsible." I don't understand who you disagree with. Me or yourself? I'm not asking for a guillotine. If you're the guy in charge during what might be the biggest military embarrassment in our history, and then immediately follow it up with another fukup two days later...maybe you should go ahead take that promotion to board member at a top tier defense contractor.
  10. How can anyone trust this guy? He is literally admitting he has no idea as to why, just that you should. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1436366439901024262?s=20
  11. Remember that drone strike a couple days after the fall of HKIA? (Page 30 of this thread) Embarassing. How much can you lie, fcuk up, and fail as the CJCS and still keep your job? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/world/asia/us-air-strike-drone-kabul-afghanistan-isis.html The New York Times: Since the strike, U.S. military officials justified their actions by citing an even larger blast that took place afterward. “Because there were secondary explosions, there is a reasonable conclusion to be made that there was explosives in that vehicle,” the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark A. Milley, said last week. But an examination of the scene of the strike, conducted by the Times visual investigations team and a Times reporter the morning afterward, and followed up with a second visit four days later, found no evidence of a second, more powerful explosion. Experts who examined photos and videos pointed out that, although there was clear evidence of a missile strike and subsequent vehicle fire, there were no collapsed or blown-out walls, no destroyed vegetation, and only one dent in the entrance gate, indicating a single shock wave. “It seriously questions the credibility of the intelligence or technology utilized to determine this was a legitimate target,” said Chris Cobb-Smith, a British Army veteran and security consultant. While the U.S. military has so far acknowledged only three civilian casualties, Mr. Ahmadi’s relatives said that 10 members of their family, including seven children, were killed in the strike: Mr. Ahmadi and three of his children, Zamir, 20, Faisal, 16, and Farzad, 10; Mr. Ahmadi’s cousin Naser, 30; three of Romal’s children, Arwin, 7, Benyamin, 6, and Hayat, 2; and two 3-year-old girls, Malika and Somaya.
  12. It may be a simulator animation, but the cockpit separation from the fuselage and fall gave me some serious chills.
  13. Slow down, dude. If we can't even establish if this is true, you're just beating up a straw man.
  14. Your personal opinion is duly noted, but I'm just asking if it's true.
  15. I keep seeing reports of significant numbers of USAF pilots and crew quitting over the vax, but can't find the source. There's likely not going to be an official statement regarding such. Specifically, at Langley F-22 and Barksdale B-52 squadrons. I have my doubts, but I personally know 4-5 guard pilots who plan to make it known that they're retiring during tomorrow's drill. True or False?
  16. Clinicaltrials.gov. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04460703?term=COVID-19+messaging&draw=2&rank=12 Persuasive Messages for COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: a Randomized Controlled Trial, Part 1 Guilt, Embarassment, Anger, Trust, Cowardice.
  17. Same. I use Chrome for iPhone. Ads are blocking much of the screen as I type this.
  18. This is how you ensure future military leaders stay in line. CBS News: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-trump-military-academy-board-appointees-spicer-conway/ What do these boards do? Wake up.
  19. Apologies for the consecutive posts, but things are happening fast. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/1667751
  20. Looking back on history, when a nation experiences tough economic times, shortages, and a declining standard of living, what types of problems do governments tend to experience from it's population? When people come to believe that the government is the cause of their troubled lives, do they lose faith thereby exacerbating the problems? What happens when people lose faith in the government and it's economy/currency? If you were a high-ranking member of government or someone who has a large financial stake in it's success, what steps would you take to ensure the people remain obedient? Would you increase the cost of disobedience? How? How would you convince them it's for their own good? https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017b-c604-d5dd-a3ff-ef0464aa0000
  21. Jen Psaki announced yesterday that Joe Biden will announce 6 steps today to combat COVID. Count the number times of she uses the word "mandate" when referring to previous actions. Let's watch the remarks today and note how much more our liberties will be permanently eroded. Video begins at the pertinent timestamp:
  22. I honestly didn't realize we agree on this. Mandates are not the way. That's really the crux, isn't it? If you're not going to force me to make the same life decisions as you, we can disagree indefinitely and nothing of consequence happens as we each assume responsibility for our own personal risk assessment. I will concede that things may be far, far worse than I imagined. Someone waited "thousands of minutes" for a rural ER. I'm not laughing at the people waiting, I'm laughing at the media desperation.
  23. I would love to come over for dinner, but you strike me as a vegan. (I, kid) Honest question: Why would her coworkers, who have the same job, and see the same things she does, refuse to get vaccinated?
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