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Everything posted by gearhog

  1. That's not what I typed. "We're" playing into the hands of the Russian propaganda machine. We have a declining GDP, yet our expenditures are massively increasing. The only way that can occur is through money creation. We are now in a period of continuous emergency spending while our production of goods, services, and energy falls and consumption rises. We may be among the last to experience massive social unrest, but poorer countries are beginning to fail because their currency, pegged to the US dollar, can no longer compete on the global market. Once these new dollars are out there circulating, that bell doesn't get unrung. Enter Putin and Russian propaganda. Unless you're paying attention, you won't see the large protests happening in Sri lanka, Guatemala, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Bangladesh, Turkey, Argentina, even Britain and on and on... all over the cost of living. They're all looking for someone to blame. Chaos yields opportunity, and Russia is attempting to seize upon it. The BRICS nations are going to offer alternatives to the US dollar. Russia just shut off the last remaining Gazprom pipeline to Europe yesterday. Why would they cut off a revenue stream in the middle of a war? Because they know it creates emergency spending, then inflation, then social unrest. I posted a video of the man himself, delivering his propaganda, to people who will be compelled by it. Isn't it important to know what we're up against? While he may correctly assess the problems (as we all can), I personally believe his solutions are fucking horrendous, but desperate people and governments we be willing to try anything.
  2. Money is a merely claim on future energy. It’s finite. Who is producing it, and who requires it? if you think this is about helping those poor Ukrainians defend their homeland, it’s a bit naïve. Thucydides trap. https://amp.dw.com/en/nord-stream-1-russias-gazprom-announces-indefinite-shutdown-of-pipeline/a-63006660 Recently spent the day at the WWI museum. This gave me pause for thought.
  3. We are playing directly into the hands of the Russian propaganda machine, and people are being taken in by it. This is a war of economic attrition. Russia knows how to live in austerity. We do not. https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1565704584747749382?s=20&t=qRyo0YF9a949j47h5WOFgQ
  4. The looting continues. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/02/1120746237/white-house-ukraine-covid-19-monkeypox-supplemental-funding
  5. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/29/biden-taiwan-arms-sales-congress-00054126 Another $Billion for Taiwan.
  6. Glad he can’t have an open casket, but does this mean the Taliban government has been openly hosting and supporting Al-Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan again?
  7. These three states. At. The. Same. Time. Fuckery is afoot. Watch your ass.
  8. News about this clown keeps showing up on my feed. He may not have a seat in the House soon, but he has social media and an insatiable need to create drama. He's picking fights with another low quality Republican, Meghan McCain. LOL
  9. What a Charming Undeniable Natural Talent.
  10. This is an interesting chart. What are derivatives? How much risk is hidden within them? (remember MBSs and CDSs?) How much of your wealth is dependent on the performance of derivatives? How much of your part of the world economy, into which you spend your actual wealth, is dependent on derivatives?
  11. Told ya two months ago. Get ready to be bent over. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/23/who-declares-spreading-monkeypox-outbreak-a-global-health-emergency.html
  12. That you're not really being honest in your positions. You'll call for civil discourse in one breath and call someone a whiney little bitch in the next if you think it will score a point in a debate. And then you pretend be unable to recognize your own hypocrisy when it put in front of your face and obvious to everyone else. If it's intentional, you're dishonest. If it's unintentional, you're not very bright. I can't say for sure which it is.
  13. Do you need me to elaborate because you’re unable to understand the obvious point I made?
  14. "Words are literally violence" You're an actual personification of long running stereotypes and memes depicting leftists. LOL
  15. Laws regarding sexual harassment are most often relevant to work. Hostile work environment, sexual favors for promotion, etc. Just hearing someone whom you have little to no association with say unpleasant words to you typically isn't prosecuted. Your "butwhataboutsim" regarding anyone's wife is simply an appeal to emotion, not logic. If "talk properly or fight" are the two options you propose, then you regard bad speech worse than violence. If you look closely at the video, AOC's boyfriend was just a few steps ahead of her, turned and looked at Alex, and kept walking. Clearly, the "man" who has the most interest in that big booty found nothing Alex said to be worthy of violence, yet you do. How strange. Once again, you want to jump straight from civil discourse to violence. Bear in mind that has already occurred, and the appropriate political institutions were soundly defeated so we could have the right to say unpleasant things. Yet here we are, being lectured to again to by the losers. What do you tell an empire with two black eyes? Nothing it hasn't already been told twice.
  16. You should make your point more clear. How would you summarize the justifiable legal argument for a sexual harassment case against Alex? If you can't, then you're confusing just being offended with an actual legal transgression.
  17. There’s a seemingly an increased urgency, rate, and volume in which this propaganda is being forced upon military members. The Navy, of course: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/pride-month-heres-how-the-navy-is-training-sailors-on-proper-gender-pronouns/
  18. https://nypost.com/2022/06/20/west-point-cadets-being-taught-critical-race-theory-report/
  19. This goes here. (With one exception)
  20. Someone recorded a highly detailed Taiwan Straits war planning meeting in Guangdong province. Fascinating stuff. Troop, ship, and aircraft numbers are discussed, along with fishing boat militias, domestic propaganda campaigns, and use of big data and health systems to aid in rapid recruitment. CCP publishes this across most major Chinese media outlets today: https://www.sohu.com/a/550108041_121094251
  21. That's so ridiculous. Bill Gates is on record as saying the faster we improve health, the faster the birth rate declines. He's wants us all to be healthier, not more sick.
  22. That was hilariously awkward.
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