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Everything posted by gearhog

  1. Remember, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/scenario.html https://t.co/XFi48NoGPb https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1527574636631928832?s=20&t=AFDelmdbs8x_WLLJEypEGw
  2. The most ironic post I've ever seen on this forum. To be fair, I wholeheartedly agree with you. 1000%!
  3. Got it. And he does admit to doing everything. The "Snowden is a hero/traitor" is subject I can't argue well because I can't first win either side of the debate in my own head. On one hand, he lied, he stole, he gave up state secrets, he knowingly broke the law, and he fully expected to face the consequences. He made that choice. We can't let that go unpunished, lest we have any jerkoff with classified information and a bone to pick with the government going public. On the other, I remember the ideas that the government has the technology and desire to listen to and track any American citizen domestically being the regarded as crazy conspiracy theories prior to Snowden. The problem being, he couldn't reveal the ways in which the intelligence communities were violating the trust of the American public without also revealing our capabilities against foreign adversaries. These programs were apparently created and executed with no distinction between the two. Now that our government is suggesting large swaths of the American public are potential domestic terrorists, and therefore enemies, I think it's important to know how our intelligence communities intend to go after those people. I understand being a superpower is a messy business, but there is significant potential that power to be abused. In the end, I lean toward believing we should remain an accountable democracy and sunlight is the best disinfectant.
  4. There's no way you voted Libertarian. 😄
  5. No trial, no jury, just straight to the death penalty, eh? Hate to pick on you, brother, but I'm going to challenge ideas I don't agree with. Not for fun, not because I like stepping on toes and getting people worked up, but because I see things that are clearly wrong. I can think of three instances here in the last week or so of death being the consequence of a perceived crime. Just straight up advocating for execution. One person said he'd dole out the death penalty himself because the unvaccinated didn't deserve hospital treatment. But it's not just here and actually, I think overall the people who frequent this forum are far more reasonable than the public at large. In Snowden's case, anyone who really wanted to could start with the death of a soldier and create a cause/effect chain of events that would somehow link to Snowden. So offing that a-hole is justified, right? But what would that process look like, and could it be applied elsewhere? Snowden did a, a caused b, b->c, d, e, f, and then people died. =Traitor. =Death. Milley did a. a->z. =Traitor. =Death. Biden =Traitor. =Death. Racist =Nazi =Death. The Unvaccinated =Murderers =Death. Republicans, Democrats, the Rich, etc. More people are wishing death on other individuals and groups due to ideological differences, and the threshold seems to be getting lower. This doesn't end well. This is related to the earlier vid I posted. Great stuff. Today, you likely consider the idea of "Genocide" hyperbole. At some point in your lifetime, you won't. It happens with Tyranny and the seeds are being planted.
  6. The National Science Foundation is funding the University of California, Riverside's research into putting mRNA vaccines in your food. Isn't technology wonderful? https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2021/09/16/grow-and-eat-your-own-vaccines The project’s goals, made possible by a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, are threefold: showing that DNA containing the mRNA vaccines can be successfully delivered into the part of plant cells where it will replicate, demonstrating the plants can produce enough mRNA to rival a traditional shot, and finally, determining the right dosage. “Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” said Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences who is leading the research, done in collaboration with scientists from UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University. https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2134535&HistoricalAwards=false "This project aims to enable rapid manufacturing of oral vaccines against viruses in plants without the need of specialized equipment or skills. Current vaccine manufacturing technologies need expensive laboratory facilities and cold-chain delivery systems that result in slow and unequal access of vaccines to people. This study combines ideas and approaches from the engineering of particles, chloroplast genetics, and plant molecular farming, to turn chloroplasts of edible plant leaves like spinach or lettuce into biomanufacturing devices for vaccine production. "
  7. Correct. I did make a mistake in the way I worded it. I didn't intend to say these kids doubled in weight. That wouldn't make sense. My mistake. But here's the important part: In a longitudinal cohort of 432,302 persons aged 2–19 years with outpatient visits, the monthly rate of increase in BMI nearly doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with a prepandemic period. The estimated proportion of persons aged 2–19 years with obesity in this care-seeking cohort also increased during the pandemic; for example, 19.3% of persons had obesity in August 2019 compared with 22.4% 1 year later. These findings are consistent with a recent study of Kaiser Permanente data that reported significant weight gain and increased obesity prevalence during the pandemic among children and adolescents aged 5–17 years in Southern California (4). The present study is the largest and first geographically diverse analysis to assess the association of the COVID-19 pandemic with BMI and the first to show results by initial BMI category. Dring March–November 2020, persons with moderate or severe obesity gained on average 1.0 and 1.2 pounds per month, respectively. Weight gain at this rate over 6 months is estimated to result in 6.1 and 7.3pounds, respectively, compared with 2.7 pounds in a person with healthy weight. Accelerated weight gain, especially among children with overweight or obesity, can cause long-lasting metabolic changes that put children at risk for serious and costly co-occurring conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and depression (5,6).
  8. Pfizer and BioNTech says vaccines are safe for children and seeking emergency authorization by the end of the month. Really? Remember when Boeing engineers at the FAA said the Boeing 737 Max was completely safe? https://www.wsj.com/articles/pfizer-biontech-say-covid-19-vaccine-is-safe-for-young-children-generates-immune-response-11632134701 Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, circulated this study this morning. If you have kids, it's worth reading this. Why are we vaccinating children? 14 Sept 2021: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X#! First, where is the data justifying inoculation for children, much less most people under forty? It's not found on Fig. 1, where the most vulnerable are almost exclusively the elderly with many comorbidities [83]. Yet, in the USA, Pfizer has been approved to inoculate children 12–17, and the goal is to accomplish this by the start of the school year in the Fall. As stated previously, there are plans to inoculate children as young as six months starting before the end of 2021. What is the rush for a group at essentially zero risks [84]? Given that the inoculations were tested only for a few months, only very short-term adverse effects could be obtained. It is questionable how well even these short-term effects obtained from the clinical trials reflect the short-term effects from the initial mass inoculation results reported in VAERS [84]. The injection goes two steps further than the wild virus because 1) it contains the instructions for making the spike protein, which several experiments are showing can cause vascular and other forms of damage, and 2) it bypasses many front-line defenses of the innate immune system to enter the bloodstream directly in part. Unlike the virus example, the injection ensures there will always be some combustible materials on the floor, even if there are no other toxic exposures or behaviors. In other words, the spike protein and the surrounding LNP are toxins with the potential to cause myriad short-, mid-, and long-term adverse health effects even in the absence of other contributing factors! Where and when these effects occur will depend on the biodistribution of the injected material. Pfizer’s own biodistribution studies have shown the injected material can be found in myriad critical organs throughout the body, leading to the possibility of multi-organ failure. And these studies were from a single injection. Multiple injections and booster shots may have cumulative effects on organ distributions of inoculant! The COVID-19 reported deaths are people who died with COVID-19, not necessarily from COVID-19. Likewise, the VAERS deaths are people who have died following inoculation, not necessarily from inoculation. On the former issue, CDC admits that ˜94 % of the reported deaths could have been attributed to one or more of the comorbidities, thereby reducing the CDC's numbers attributed strictly to COVID-19 to about 35,000 for all age groups. Given the number of high false positives from the high amplification cycle PCR tests, and the willingness of healthcare professionals to attribute death to COVID-19 in the absence of tests or sometimes even with negative PCR tests, this 35,000 number is probably highly inflated as well.
  9. Thank you. I asked multiple times for a references and you finally produced an evolutionary biologist and an infectious disease epidemiologist. Given your distaste for homework, I'm sure it was an unpleasant experience to actually find a supporting hypothesis. The guys you are quoted are probably smart guys. However, they didn't actually do any research in the editorial piece you're quoting. They just linked to the research of others... Reasearch that, by the way, is "couched in caveats, statistical uncertainty, and specificity of their application" 😄 It is also important to note that patterns of within-host evolution may differ in individuals with vaccine or infection-induced immunity. Whether antigenic escape mutations arise and are selected within individuals with prior immune exposure remains an open question. Understanding the degree to which within-host evolution is shaped by vaccine and infection-induced immunity, both within-host and globally, will be critical for evaluating the pace of SARS-CoV-2 evolution in the future. That means that the bottlenecks can occur in both vaccine and natural immunity, and that the science is unclear. Certainly not clear enough to proceed with an experimental vaccine with so many questions surrounding it. There is evidence to support multiple theories. The CDC says we have over 83% of the population with COVID-19 immunity present. What would you like to see? 100%? Given the language you're prone to using when posting on the subject ("The virus is still running rampant and unchecked all over the world!"), I highly encourage you to first watch the video I earlier posted regarding "Mass Hysteria" and "Delusions of Totalitarian Psychosis". Then I'll just ask you this: What is it you're hoping to achieve? I don't want to waste my time down here in the weeds unless I know exactly where you're headed with this. Maybe you're just being contrarian and enjoy the game. Maybe you honestly believe a global forced vaccination plan will make the world a better place. If you wouldn't mind, please describe in a reasonable amount of detail, what your desired end state is, and how we achieve it.
  10. A few here that I’ve quarreled with may ask why I’m going hard on this topic. The answer is in here. See if you can find it.
  11. I'll ask, once again, for you to specify the "experts" to which you a deferring all substantiations for this argument. Who said this is not happening with COVID? So the reason we have an increasing amount of variants is not because viruses mutate and create branches on the genomic tree, but because scientists are just looking for and finding previously existing related genomes? That makes no sense. Again, who is saying this? The answer to your question is in the link I provided. You should read the entire paper because you must not have. Imperfect vaccines that only lesson the symptoms, drive the mutations which benefit from virulence without the cost to the host. It's the same process which drives antibiotic resistant bacteria. You get a imperfect vaccine created for an unknown virus genome, and you may not know you're sick when you get COVID. Viruses mutations that the vaccine wasn't tailor made specifically for are allowed to replicate and spread unbeknownst to you. I get a COVID infection, know I'm sick, take the appropriate therapeutics and measures while my body creates anti-bodies for the exact genome that I am infected with. Here are some "experts" you can refer specifically to in the future:
  12. The cure is worse than the disease. Obesity is the #1 comorbidity - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41366-020-0640-5 The CDC just released research that says Body Mass Index in kids doubled during pandemic, making them even more susceptible to a wide rage of illnesses. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037a3.htm?s_cid=mm7037a3_w
  13. Found this in less than a minute, but there's an endless supply of similar research. What's the probability of a rushed to market experiemental vaccine being "leaky?". https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198 Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens? Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. Here we show experimentally that immunization of chickens against Marek's disease virus enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit. Immunity elicited by direct vaccination or by maternal vaccination prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission, thus extending the infectious periods of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts. There is a theoretical expectation that some types of vaccines could prompt the evolution of more virulent (“hotter”) pathogens. This idea follows from the notion that natural selection removes pathogen strains that are so “hot” that they kill their hosts and, therefore, themselves. Vaccines that let the hosts survive but do not prevent the spread of the pathogen relax this selection, allowing the evolution of hotter pathogens to occur. This type of vaccine is often called a leaky vaccine. When vaccines prevent transmission, as is the case for nearly all vaccines used in humans, this type of evolution towards increased virulence is blocked. But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist. This theory proved highly controversial when it was first proposed over a decade ago, but here we report experiments with Marek’s disease virus in poultry that show that modern commercial leaky vaccines can have precisely this effect: they allow the onward transmission of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Thus, the use of leaky vaccines can facilitate the evolution of pathogen strains that put unvaccinated hosts at greater risk of severe disease. The future challenge is to identify whether there are other types of vaccines used in animals and humans that might also generate these evolutionary risks.
  14. Just a 2 min video. These comments were on September 1. How is he still the CJCS? All three of the points he made here have turned out to be false. Was he ignorant of the truth, trying to stretch the truth, or knowingly saying things that weren't true?
  15. Whoa. I watched started watching after the timestamp you linked to. It should be mandatory watching for everyone. Even the pro-vaccine doctors are skeptical, and some seem angry about what they're discovering about the vaccine. I wish I had a transcript. The truth is finally finding a way out.
  16. There is a faint glimmer of hope. An FDA advisory panel voted 16-2 against a Pfizer booster for ages 16+ after a meeting with Niki Minaj. Will the FDA, CDC, and Biden admin ignore it? Probably, but it at least indicates there is some healthy skepticism and courage among scientists doing "science". Hopefully it spreads. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-advisory-group-rejects-covid-boosters-limits-high-risk-groups-rcna2074
  17. Apparently, they really didn't like yesterday's "AUKUS" announcement. Chinese state media outlet, the Global Times: "However, no matter how Australia arms itself, it is still a running dog of the US. We advise Canberra not to think that it has the capability to intimidate China if it acquires nuclear-powered submarines and offensive missiles. If Australia dares to provoke China more blatantly because of that, or even find fault militarily, China will certainly punish it with no mercy. As Australia participates in the US-led strategic siege of China, it should remain self-aware and take a position that matches its strength. If it acts with bravado to show its allegiance to the US and takes the most prominent position in the US' anti-China strategy, especially by being militarily assertive, then Canberra will most likely become a target of Beijing's countermeasures so as to send a warning to others. Thus, Australian troops are also most likely to be the first batch of Western soldiers to waste their lives in the South China Sea." https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234459.shtml Please save us, General Milley!
  18. Number of Migrants in Del Rio, TX doubles in 24 hours. What do you do with this? WTF is going on? https://welcome.us/about#welcome-council This week, former officials with the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations launched the organization Welcome.us which will work with multinational corporations like Airbnb, Walmart, Starbucks, Instacart, Facebook, Microsoft, and Chobani to provide financial support to Afghans arriving in the U.S. as part of Biden’s massive resettlement operation. Biden has said he hopes to resettle about 95,000 Afghans across the U.S. over the next 12 months. In a 21-day period from August to September, Biden brought more than 48,000 Afghans to the U.S. for resettlement — a population more than four times that of Jackson, Wyoming.
  19. That's a compromise I'm sure a lot of people would be willing to make. Is J&J authorized to meet the mandate requirement?
  20. This case might be different. If someone DOR'd before graduation, they've effectively ended it. I don't know the details of this one, but the student has finished flying so graduation should be before the official deadline of Nov 2. If this student were smart, he'd remain passively non-compliant until after he's winged.
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