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Everything posted by BitteEinBit

  1. I see a lot more of this in our near future. Of course they're going to try to do more with less when they are quickly cutting 25K personnel that they didn't originally plan for, and now even the original plan to gradually cut 25K over 5 years is being accelerated again without a real plan for "how do we cover current ops" question. There are going to be a lot of shortfalls on taskings out there and poor fucks who are denied VSP and spared the RIF will have to fill them. If I were anyone in a position to give advice, I would probably wait until these wars were over before I start making cuts to my overstressed force when I still have overseas commitments I'm having trouble filling. That's just me though...I'm just a BODN bitcher without the big picture (wait...did I just bust a rhyme??). Again, life is going to suck the next few years in the AF...
  2. PSDM 14-69 amendment 6 to change 9 will be released on Monday. It will fix everything. For f*ck sake I can't even keep up with this clown show and all of its changes and amendments to the changes anymore. It is almost like the AF is trying to prove a point to congress that the sequestration is causing us to have to go through this mess, but I don't think congress, POTUS, SECDEF or anyone else is listening. The clown show is just a clown show for us to see. Really...this should be in the WTF thread.... You really have to wonder how the daily briefings (if there are any) to the GOs at AFPC are run...what do they talk about?! Are these PSDMs even coordinated!? Leadership?!? Where are you?!
  3. 2012?!? Hmm...not sure you finished it early enough...you're #20 of 15 in the rack and stack...
  4. Not judging either way on these accusations. If they are true, even I think some of the comments cross the line, but seriously...is everyone that f*cking offended at work these days!?! We can't even scratch our nuts anymore without being accused of something vulgar. BTW...I don't believe the story about the hot nurse...I want to see pictures to verify, or it just simply didn't happen.
  5. Finally the AF is going to make people focus on actually doing their jobs instead of taking time off the flying schedule to finish that Master's paper this weekend. Makes sense since we are cutting 25K. Can you imagine having that many less people with everyone focused on/worried about finishing that Masters before they pin on Capt?! This is a good thing...although I anticipate it is foreshadowing what is yet to come...doing a lot more with a lot less than we planned, so we need you to focus on more important things. Good luck! We're all counting on you!
  6. Yeah, people get offended when other people joke about those stereotypes as if they don't actually happen. On the joking side, making fun of stereotypes are only funny if they are at least a little true (ie women drivers) [my sexism plug for the day]. Dave Chappelle jokes about black people eating chicken, and everyone laughs, but some random white guy says anything about blacks and chickens in the same sentence, he's a racist. It is the double standard we all love. We all know damn well that guy didn't make it to the zoo acting like a thug. That is his off-work persona. Being a "thug" is cool these days, so whether you are a thug or not, you should pretend to be one because that makes you tough...Sup Yo! Edit: To clarify point.
  7. This is the shit we talk about all the time. The shit the AF thinks is important for a future leader (I won't spell them out...again) only gets you so far...eventually you have to learn to connect with people to REALLY lead them! That means more than just managing spreadsheets and virtual commanders calls via e-mail. Connect with your people so that you don't have to yell at them to motivate them to work for you. I think this is only the beginning...we have 10 years of promoting douchebags with no character or personality, and they keep continuing to rise through the ranks. I don't know the guy, but I know his type. These kinds of guys are power hungry and just don't know how to use it once they get there. They have no character so they lead by fear knowing that most everyone will at least respect their rank if not the person. How do we keep promoting these guys? On the other hand, we are bringing in a new batch of "Generation ME" people who don't respect rank as much, so now not only do they not respect the person or the rank, they are also sensitive and easily offended. This means future leaders are going to have to be charismatic, have personalities, and actually connect with their people beyond the spreadsheet. MOST GOs I've met are very charismatic and are generally easy to talk to, especially while they're playing politics to get that next star....but somehow we sometimes let douchebags with no personality get through. I'll say it again, there are some great managers out there who are smart and know how to work politics and get things to help the organization. We need those people in senior positions...we just need to keep them behind the scenes and don't let the attempt to lead or interact with people. All my opinion of course...with a little malt beverage spin...
  8. So much for peace in the Middle East. The Black Crowes and a Flock of Seagulls had to ruin it for everyone.... Guess that's what it sounds like, when doves cry...
  9. I wonder how widespread this really is... Buy flowers or something for your mistresses and make them happy...you don't want them turning against you while this sh*t is hot in the news. Anyone know the number to USAA Telefloral?!? Military Brass Behaving Badly Edit: Disclaimer, in case OSI starts to investigate BODN for inappropriate comments/behavior, I don't really have a mistress...and I already know the number to Telefloral because I'm ordering my wife. whom I love dearly, flowers for Valentines Day!
  10. Agree. But even showing your cards (intent to stay by taking the bonus), the Air Force can and has still shown dudes the door. Chang was absolutely right, there are NO secrets that the Air Force makes this a one way contract. Some choose to ignore this fact, but it is clearly spelled out in the legal verbiage of the contract when you sign it. Like I said, the dudes who are going to take their chances with the bonus were going to stay anyway. If a dude is on the fence, they are probably thinking why would they take $18k to lose all control of their future to include continuation even after the contract is signed. Essentially, by signing the contract you are saying "Give me the money and you can use me how you want...and if you don't need me, you can kick me out before my contract is up without paying me the full contract amount we agreed to." Pcola brought up a good point that you can sometimes increase your leverage by NOT taking the bonus and having some control over your life. It can work for you like in the case he described, but it can work against you in these days of uncertainty about cuts. They may see you as a selfish non-player. Point to make, just because dudes aren't taking the bonus doesn't necessarily mean they are separating...they just want to maintain leverage. It is that free-agent uncertainty that the Air Force is going to have to deal with in the future (in my opinion)...which means YES AFPC, you're going to have to start caring, or sweeten the pot. Just my two cents.
  11. Dude, you are spot on as to how it has been, but I think times are changing. That's why I said dudes are starting to realize that $25k just isn't what it used to be given the current climate and uncertainty in todays service. Your post is spot on as it was before the Air Force decided to non-continue dudes still on the bonus back in 2011, and before RIFing dudes that were denied VSP who still had ADSCs, and before congress let you know that they are willing to fuck with your retirement AFTER you're already retired...let alone fucking with it while we are still in. Yeah, times are changing and I'm just not sure $25k ($18k take home) is going to be enough to make someone want to stay who was already considering getting out. The dudes who are taking the bonus these days were most likely going to stay anyway. Why wouldn't you take an extra $25k of pay to do what you were going to do anyway. If they didn't offer the bonus at all, I'm pretty certain that most of the 60% that took it last year would stay in the AF. Realistically, the AF is just trying to convince a few of the fence sitters that it is a good deal to stay in. It isn't working anymore...if it was take rates would be increasing instead of decreasing or staying the same. There is a percentage leaving...and there is a reason.
  12. Exactly how many nukes do we have and what are their precise locations?!? We already know this administration would like to reduce the number we do have. All this bad press might be a way to justify taking away all of our toys...
  13. I understand the Air Force wants to have "an extremely important measure of stability in the personnel planning process," but guess what? So does your workforce. We've been talking about "stability" with personnel cuts since 2009...5 years later we are still making personnel cuts. I got it...we are in a fiscal crisis, no one saw these levels of cuts coming. But if you want stability, give stability. Even CEOs of companies realize that...especially when they want to retain the best of their best. That bold quote is part of the reason why you have a stability problem...you might not care, but people care. The pilots you're trying to retain (for the most part) know you don't care about anything other than power point slides that show we are where some number-crunching bean counter says we're supposed to be. But you'd better start caring about how many people you cut, and more importantly how you cut them. Don't think people are stupid and forgetful and don't remember the same shit that came with the last VSP, or RIF or non-continuation board. Big Blue had better start to at least act like they care...don't take my word for it though. I don't have the 'big picture' obviously. Yes, a mere $25k/yr. Watch what you say...those pilots you're trying to retain are starting to realize it is "a mere $25k/yr" and probably not worth it anymore...it is why we are still having this converation. If the AF doesn't feel "it has to offer a bonus" then why are they offering a bonus. I'd love to see someone explain that one to a congressional committee... BT
  14. We just saved $6B by cutting retirement pay for young retirees....and...and...we're getting ready to save another 25K in personnel costs...and...and...well remember those BRAC cuts we started back in 2005 that were supposed to have huge savings? Well, there is that money too....
  15. ....probably a better idea to give it to the Marines. They'll just have to learn to play well with others...
  16. ....or that Major Cox's senior defense counsel's name is McKissack.....this has to be a joke. On a side note...for those of you worried about the FSB, we have a groper, a deserter, 37 cheaters, all kinds of sexual harrassers/assaulters and pot smokers all in the news now. I think it is safe to say that all of your VSP packages will be denied...we have enough volunteers. Now get back to work and start packing...we have 365s for all of you!
  17. Solid. There is no time or room for a full response on an internet forum, but this is solid. This subject matter is easily a PME paper (something to think about for you youngsters getting ready to start). I agree with everything you said with the exception of no AAD for Lt Col. I actually think it can be valuable at that level, but those who need it should be identified and their area of study should be specifically targeted and tailored for their future job/command in a way that benefits the Air Force and not just checks a box. I really agree with "past performance does not guarantee future performance" although the Air Force does promoted people based on their "potential to lead in the next higher grade." But, "past performance does not equal future performance" is the reason why I am completely against identifying our future leaders while they are still Capts...especially when we use the criteria we use to identify them. They may be great Capts, but may lack the personal social skills to effectively "lead" in a way that they connect with their people. There are great managers out there who are just socially awkward people. You've said it before, the top 10% stand out...that will always be the case. I'm talking about the middle 80% and how we select "leaders" from that pool. I'm glad the CSAF is looking at it, but I'm sure, just as in the past, someone new will take the reigns and AADs will be important again. Plan accordingly. Sorry, didn't mean to derail this thread and turn it into another "Leadership" discussion. I'm going to shut up now... Back to Friday shirts...
  18. Fair enough. But I think the theme is the same....we focus on the wrong shit. I wasn't in your unit so I don't know what the climate was like. But, in my opinion, if the Air Force wants superior mission planning and execution, then we need to focus on planning and execution at the appropriate levels. We aren't doing that as well as we could be. I think it is because we focus too much on this "easy shit" that really should be entrusted with the people whom we call our professional officers. Yes, there is a point where we have to start focusing on the strategic level of planning and execution and identifying those leaders, but the time for that isn't for the young CGOs, especially on the flying/operations side of the house. Focus on flying and operations and worry about the strategic stuff (PME, AAD...yeah, I brought it up again) at the appropriate times. Lt Schmukatelli isn't at the appropriate time as a new copilot in the squadron. Are we professional officers? Then treat us that way and trust us to make those decisions. The ones who aren't there yet, mentor them...don't label them and then brush them off as someone that just doesn't have the potential to bloom as a future leader. The more experienced officers (leaders) need to mentor them and shape them. But we don't do that...we look at a guy with no AAD as a Capt and say "This guy doesn't care enough about his career to get his AAD done in time," and now that guy just doesn't make the rack and stack...regardless of leadership potential. I equate that mentality the same as an instructor who flys with a student, but doesn't instruct...they just "evaluate" and conclude that the "student" sucks at flying. Maybe he sucks at flying because you sucked as an instructor. Doesn't happen all the time, but it happens enough. Not everyone develops as a leader or even a pilot at the same rate. I've seen dudes struggle in pilot training only to become chief of STAN/EVAL at their follow on units. Either we are making the wrong people chief of STAN/EVAL or he actually grew as a professional aviator over time...just didn't have it in pilot training. I got off track a little bit, but the point I was trying to make is that, in my opinion, the "bigger problems" you're talking about are the result of us being too busy to care enough to develop our young officers (and enlisted) airmen. It is the culture we have created in the Air Force with focusing on the little things. It has become the norm all while the big things are secondary focus and are now becoming the problems. "Leadership" by e-mail doesn't work. "Leaders" who do this don't know it doesn't work because in their minds they are doing something THEY think is leadership. As a guy on the other end of that e-mail chain, I can tell you that it is not effective. The commanders I respected the most took the time to come to the office, sit, chat, connect with their people and made sure they focused on the right things...being ready to fly, fight, win. We didn't have sloppy mission planning and execution problems. That was my experience...YMMV.
  19. The problem with regular Americans is they believe EVERYTHING they see on TV.
  20. Serious question...do you really think the "banged up airplanes, shitty planning and sloppy missions" are the result of people not enforcing the "easy standards?" (I assume you are talking about the mustaches, fleeces and tabs) or is it more that leadership is distracting them by making them focus on the wrong things? I only ask because in your post you say this: but then you close with this: The logic I get from your post is (in my words) that we are sloppy because we focus too much on the wrong shit. I certainly don't think the bent metal or sloppy missions are because dudes are wearing tabs and have mustaches...I think it is because focus isn't where it needs to be and it goes well beyond the "easy shit" like morale patches, Friday shirts, and mustaches....
  21. Bean counters and bean counter managers...take note: Such a small small change away from queepdom and people are a little more excited about coming to work on Fridays again. Amazing how the little things can improve morale...imagine if you got the big things right every once in a while....
  22. I do not envy Gen Welsh one bit right now. He has all my respect having to deal with the shit sammich he's been given. They could offer to put 4 stars on my shoulders tomorrow with all the pay, benefits, and hot groupies that come along with it and there is no f*cking way I would want to do what he's doing right now. Not only that, I'd probably make headlines for banging two or three of the groupies. CCs trying to lead out there have a tough job on their hands. This shit sammich isn't smelling any better the longer it sits on the counter....
  23. HeloDude speaks the truth! This is only the beginning. I'm not saying stay in or get out. I'm saying if you decide to stay in, don't be surprised when your "retirement" gets f*cked with. Although I know the numbers are overinflated when they talk about "military pensions and benefits consuming more than 70% of the budget," there will be increasing pushes to change our retirement and pension system because of the rising costs of health care, drawdowns, modernization decisions, etc. Why don't we look at ways to not tie DoD's hands when things like healthcare cost increases consume more of our budget. My suggestion, since everyone loves to talk about different pots of money, is to just take the military retirement and benefits "budget" out of the DoD budget all together and make it its own entity in something similar to Department of Veteran Affairs all together that way you can monitor and control its growth without impact on the "active duty" budget. That way we aren't having to make decisions on modernization and operations on the backs of retirees and veterans. Defense cuts would simply mean cutting capability/changing strategy and not pensions and benefits.
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