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Everything posted by di1630

  1. Not sure how to take this so don’t be offended. I was flying in ”war” last week and I would have traded the “war” I was doing for a nice UPT out and back where I could get a burger. The really sad part was that my “war” mission was better than most of the other dudes/dudettes in the AO and I still felt that way. I see the point, young pilots should want to see the mission but for me, “war” these days is boring as f-ck 96% of the time if not more. If given the choice tomorrow to go to “war” or train dumb Lt’s to fly decent, I’m choosing the latter.
  2. Holy hell, maybe it’s the 4.5 hours I just spent in an ejection seat and only spent 15 seconds upside down but F-ck me!!!! Us old salty sport b-tching bastards have complained so much we have UPT bound cadets worried. Alright Bird12, listen up, because you are wrong. If anything the ship is righting itself from what I see, but Us old dudes were on board when it was sinking so different view People on here have generally been/there, done that, diverse backgrounds/experiences. I get tired of my buddies b-tching about the same things I’m bitching about in the sq bar over the same brand of scotch so I read this forum. I want to hear how lousy the poor bastard flying the other jet has it so I can feel better -or- how good he has it so I can complain that community x gets all the good deals and wtf was I thinking taking the bonus because xx is at delta making $xx and here the f-ck I am getting $3.50 per day not allowed to drink beer on St Paddy’s day. Sport bitching is in fact a sport among pilots. (Hence the name) Very few of us really hate our jobs or the USAF. Perspective. I had a brand new straight out of MQT Lt on my wing in the AO, we flew a 4.5 hr mission full of in my opinion, sh-tty taskings, sh-tty scenery, sh-tty tankers, ATC, well you name it, to me it was all sh-t minus the 2 x barrel rolls in the descent. When we got out of the jet I wanted to apologize for his first sortie in the AO being so sh-tty. He was smiling ear to ear. My sh-tty 200th AAR was his first on that type of tanker. My sh-tty 200th time over the desert was his first. He loved it See my point. So you f-cking should be excited bird12, you got a chance at the coolest job in the world. Keep some perspective and know who you are listening to on this forum. If I were in your shoes I’d pay good money for the flight I did today however at my age/experience I’d just assume send someone else so I could sit in ops, drink coffee and complain about how f-cking stupid the USAF leadership is, how I’m not getting paid enough, how cool the Cold War days were, how great the airlines are according to my friends etc. Out
  3. Airline dudes/dudettes: What type of standby or pass benefits do your airlines offer you for family and what’s your good/bad experience with using them?
  4. Take a dude that was marginal in UPT, throw him in a jet as a co-pilot/autopilot monitor for 3 years then ask him to go back and instruct tac form, aerobatics etc that he probably was never real good at in the first place.
  5. I find this curious. If this was the USAF that pilot would be behind bars on accusation alone but out in the real world, I wonder how this plays out. Alaska Airlines female co-pilot claims male pilot drugged and raped herhttp://www.foxnews.com/travel/2018/03/14/alaska-airlines-female-co-pilot-claims-male-pilot-drugged-and-raped-her.html
  6. It would take me past my ADSC I incurred for the bonus.
  7. If I’m within 2.5 years of my ADSC and I get PCS’d to a jet that buys me a 3 yr concurrent ADSC do I have to accept? What are my options?
  8. Dudes, 16.9 years ago people went t-37 to t-38 to viper having NEVER done a flame out pattern. This might be an ok idea in my opinion.
  9. Wait, explain this to me...either they are qualified to be copilots or not, correct? Why would the mission get rejected?
  10. Simply poor leadership. While the Captains back in the day we’re talking about this the leadership was busy with Blues Monday, green boots, SAPR, morale sweeps of squadron bars etc.
  11. Spoke with an old f-100 pilot who said back in his day they sometimes needed waivers to fly 90 hours a month. Back when pilot main duties were flying.
  12. Seriously, a movie that summed up the mentality nicely. Some people just want to be miserable.
  13. So the other night my wife who never reads reviews picks a movie on iTunes because she likes the people in it. “Beatriz at Dinner” Salma Hayek, John Lithgow, I was thinking tolerable. Worst movie ever IMO but interesting for those of you with leftist friends who are always n a constant state of depression post 2016 Overview: Poor minority masseuse who’s goat died that morning has a car break down stranding her at dinner with rich 1%ers who despite their attempt to make her feel welcome, their micro aggressions throughout the night make her self realize the world is horrible because of greedy rich people doing rich people things. After fantasizing about stabbing the richest white guy there, she instead drowns herself in the ocean...all while having flashbacks of her goat dying because of rich people. I’m making it sound better than it was.
  14. Anyone have a link to the gold bond video from many years ago?
  15. This is sad to read about what could be such a great job....however as I take stock of things and look back, when I was a Lt, many of the D-bag capt/maj types we all hated and hoped would never be in charge are now wearing eagles and stars. Most of the guys I looked up to for their skill, attitude and bromanship are out altogether or in the guard/reserves. Sadly, from a line flying FGO perspective 10 years later, many of the young guys being pushed and groomed for success are the ones that are simply going to carry on the current problems as they look to maintain the system that got them where they are. Of course there are exceptions on both sides but it’s a damn shame.
  16. I enjoyed the Inverness area. Lots of distillers and scenery with the lochs and back roads. Some good military history as well with the colloden battlefield. Edinburgh was a great city. Highly recommend staying near the historic center to walk around although I stopped at too many bars so didn’t make it far.
  17. The Europeans in general make the USAF look competent which is scary.
  18. Question: how little could you realistically work for an airline if you wanted to maximize time off? Say 50-60 hours credit time or is there a min and rules in place to ensure it?
  19. There are plenty of people sharing airspace over undisclosed locations doing the square root of F-all who could be conus instructing and teaching new pilots while seeing their families/friends at night vs spending months without a beer. 10 min ago I had a young Capt complaining to me about the worthless missions he’s been flying and how little he sees his wife. He’s 4 years in and already salty, disgruntled and disappointed with the reality of being a fighter pilot in 2018 vs what he expected. It’s still better than most jobs out there but when better pay and lifestyle (airlines) is available and the thrill of flying fighters is checked off with little hope of improvement, I 100% understand why dudes jump early.
  20. Just remember, we have enough pilots to fly F-22’s to bomb poppy processing huts in Afghanistan....this crisis is a crisis on paper and meeting numbers set on what we theoretically need to theoretically fight a theoretical war. Once they are unable to send people to drill holes in the sky for 6 months over the desert I’ll worry slightly...til then, helluva a show.
  21. This is all interesting. Could any of you guys seen this coming and lead turned hiding assets/giving money to family etc or are there safeguards in place? How about getting a VA disability vs pension? I dated a chick who’s parents were getting divorced and the dad ended up in a small basement studio while the wife kept the new house and moved her 30 yr old boyfriend in. Ever since I saw that I wondered if there could be strategy involved for the working dude to even the field.
  22. Treat/pay pilots better/different than shoe cler....I mean..support personnel? That would be unfair. But you are 100% correct.
  23. Why no one other than the left listens to the left: “If you don’t think Trump helped the Russians hack the election you must love Russia and Putin ”..goes with..”you want a secure border, you must hate Mexicans”..or..”you are against illegal immigrants, you must hate all immigrants who ever came here”....”you didn’t like Hillary, you’re sexist!” I’m middle of the road, don’t like the dems or GOP diehards, but the left has gone full retard all over the map whereas at least my GOP friends were predictable in their “Obama wants my guns” argument.
  24. I made the mistake of turning on AFN news today deployed while MSNBC hardball with Chris Matthews was on.......geeezus....the BS and attacks I was hearing was 100% Aimed at getting dems riled up. Conjecture on theory on top of emotional pining for outrage. Really sad to watch but I urge people to check it out if you want to realize why the left is so batsh-t crazy about this stuff. Got it, Russia tried to influence our election 2018 style using newer techniques but they’ve always tried to do the same in the past. Their success comes in getting the left to act like a bunch of childish unAmerican , ungrateful victimized miscreants who won’t stop complaining until their butthurt for losing the 2016 election is acknowledged and atoned. The left is fulfilling Russia’s ultimate goal of dividing/weakening America with their unrelenting whine fest about Trump.
  25. And I forgot the morbidly obese ~250+ pound female major waiting to separate due to health problems who filled in as our instructor trying to motivate us for PT.
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