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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. I was looking to post that article too, and kept trying to find out who died.
  2. That was funny, but also probably a good move too. Even funnier, he tripped over his teleprompter.
  3. I've seen a late rated, fighter wash, make command, but is good people and made sense. Remember, piloting comes 2nd (or 12th) in the AF.
  4. I try not to talk about money on the trip unless the other dude/ette wants to and usually it's more about future planning. Other day on the van, some FAs are with us, and 2 dudes from another trip are complaining about this pay that didn't get done right, and that premium, and so on. WTF, talk about the weather, pax fighting in baggage claim, or aliens. And if anyone humble brags about their awesome pay month, I say they get the dinner/beers check.
  5. "We honor your sacrifice." Now pay up. https://www.yahoo.com/news/family-marine-killed-afghanistan-stuck-213132793.html WHAT THE FUCK.
  6. That dude monetizes religion. I'll bet his conglomerate makes him and a ton of others rich. George Carlin said, “Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!”
  7. One time George Carlin said this in one of his last interviews: "There is a certain amount of righteous indignation I hold for this culture, because to get back to the real root of it, to get broader about it, my opinion that is my species--and my culture in America specifically--have let me down and betrayed me. I think this species had great, great promise, with this great upper brain that we have, and I think we squandered it on God and Mammon. He may have been on to something.....
  8. Just sell the GTC card number on the dark web, wait for the fraud, then cancel it. Repeat as necessary.
  9. I've seen that before, but at a lower level. Lt Col Dude was dating an enlisted lady and not really hiding it when he joined the unit. He was departed just as fast.
  10. Of the two takeoffs without clearance I personally know of in my time flying, both occurred during distractions taking the runway, the pilot flying asking if they were cleared to takeoff, and the other pilot saying yes. I think the 121 world does a decent job of verifying clearances if one of the pilots is in doubt. Captain light switch use as a backup can help, if one is disciplined in their use. But looks like we need to do better.
  11. You do know that when we recover and pop open the payload, it'll just be a fart gassing glitterbomb. Joke's on us.
  12. I call Bullshit! And anyone, in any income spectrum, can do either; work or bang in sick (if they even have a sick leave). Edit: Oops, I guess I'm late to the bullshit party.
  13. I was quite surprised to see Mini's name on that memo. This should have been a CSAF or JCS level directive. 2nd, the memo could have removed China getting called out specifically, because I think by calling them out a fight is more likely to occur because of it. Lastly, it could have addressed firearms training without jumping the shark. I guess we use "clips" in our M9s and M-4s? But here is where I was truly surprised; the attempt to remove obstacles to operations, taking away the absurdity of current command mentality, and improve the force. Like, allow Sq/CCs run their units without having to report every cotton-picking tiny piece of bullshit. Aircraft CCs run their missions and crews to get the job done. Like actually instill independence. A lot of ACs these days gotta ask permission to do anything. Wartime and home base ops have two standards. Why the hell is the waiver authority so high for dumb shit? So I expect the semiannual self inspector to get a new job. Bullshit side duties to die with impunity. But don't forget the vRED! He has some power to modify AFIs, so start chopping. As a small aside, this is the same Mini that slammed a fist into chalkboard in front of a lot of crews because he thought he saw one of then taxi past a pallet within 10 feet; crew saw it, knew of it, talked while going past it, safe distance, no danger. To see him advocate for the opposite is refreshing. Hope he can keep it up. PS. Mattis was once (or more) heavily critiqued for saying its fun to shoot some people. He survived.
  14. Regardless of FO duties and changes to such, it's the captain moving the plane. The taxi instructions were given and read back. If those instructions differed from the initial taxi plan, the capt should have amended that plan to the crew. Maybe he/she did, but in moving the plane, fucked it up. Runway crossings should be a more highly crew coordinated event. That Forbes article uses a "friend" of the FO source, and as the only source, paints this as the FO was too busy with new changes to make sure the driver followed directions. So another strike on the capt as he/she didn't properly manage the crew workload if task saturation was an issue. Maybe at AA, they let FOs do whatever vs stop all tasks for runway crossings. The last part about the crew not knowing what they caused, I don't buy it. If you're asked to jot down an ATC phone number and hear the words "possible pilot deviation" those two items should send tons of warning bells off to the crew. One of them had to realize that they taxied to the wrong runway while they sat there for 30 minutes. My guess is they set up for 31L and that's why they went there. If anyone is wondering, my throwing spear is aimed at the AA capt. I bet a beer the bunkie was texting, but at a minimum was spaced out.
  15. Don't wear a mask to school if you're sick, stay home. There.
  16. Changes AA to procedures aside, why the hell did that crew continue the flight? They nearly caused a WB/NB collision. I'll bet the entire flight was a distraction of what they just did. I'm willing to bet the controller that made the abort call (not exact words, I know) was taken off shift, because, ATC needed to review everything to see where the mistakes were made and can't have a controller continue duties until cleared. Delta crew made the right call. If the AA crew called someone, that someone should have pulled them from the flight, so that's at least two levels of poor decision making.
  17. While I like visting, WX and beer you know, it's full of CA douches. Sat next to one today on a flight from LAX. I cannot understand why they are such inconsiderate assholes. So snapping off would be a Pro. Wx would move to the new coast next to Otisville (Superman ref) and breweries can be rebuilt.
  18. This year's bonus is a link to Airline Apps. It's the most they could afford.
  19. A former Sq mate went to AFIT as a Maj. He's now at United Airlines.
  20. Disclaimer, I've used this before. So Michigan lost, and Ohio St lost? I'll have a Coke.
  21. Agree, a lot of the classification system is bullshit. Why is something classified? Because the sender or maker made it so, and not necessarily on content. Friday donut sale at the breakroom is secret cause some dipshit sent the message out on SIPR?
  22. Then Cali would snap off the continent and float away at the next fault tremor.
  23. Sounds similar to airline contract negotiations. Maybe some informational pickets will set AF Mgmt straight. Some baggage bling, a lanyard, and stickers for urinals will send the message. OR. Just start showing off UAL, DAL, AA, SWA, etc., bling. Have some fun out there, wish you all the best. I think you'll get it because the AF probably asked for it.
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