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Everything posted by KState_Poke22

  1. That's highly dependent on your unit...
  2. ...what? That makes no sense. I am 100% for gay people to have the same rights as everyone else and I would never discriminate against anybody because they're gay. That being said, being in San Francisco during gay pride week makes me pretty uncomfortable. It's not something I'm used to or around on a day to day basis, that doesn't make me a homophobe.
  3. Wow, that was a pretty powerful letter. I read an article the other day that surprised me. The overwhelming majority of military suicides are committed by people who have never seen combat. It seems that most people are under the illusion (I definitely was) that almost all military suicides are due to the things that people saw/did during OEF/OIF. http://m.wsfa.com/autojuice?targetUrl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wsfa.com%2fstory%2f22648274%2fcombat
  4. That looks awesome. The Lone Survivor movie is supposed to come out early next year. Luttrell apparently had a lot of oversight throughout production and Peter Berg has wanted to do this for years so it should be good. I like Wahlberg but I still have my doubts about an under 6 foot Bostonian playing a 6' 5" Texan... http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1091191/
  5. The Marines have always been the most independent service. They try to do things themselves and even try to use their own air assets when at all possible. I can't say I blame them, they always get the shaft when it comes to money compared to the other services and they've been screwed over before.
  6. To be be fair, there's a 90% chance they get intercepted by the Taliban in Pak if we do that.
  7. Well covering head/neck/wearing a helmet might actually protect you from a tornado whereas doing that in a nuclear blast will not.
  8. There very well may be people who decide to move but that's their personal choice. He's acting like he doesn't know why anyone would live in an area that has tornadoes. Almost any place you live there's a chance of something bad happening to your house.
  9. Never mind, you're right. They should just leave their house all torn to shit and just live in a hotel the rest of their lives...
  10. I don't know how prevalent this is in the civilian world but when I was at Flight Safety getting the King Air type rating they told us to honor the RA even if the traffic is in sight because you don't know what the other aircraft's RA (assuming it is even capable of generating one) is telling it. And also that the RA may not be for the traffic you have in sight. Not saying I do that in the real world, just passing on what (some at least) civilians are taught.
  11. That checks. As far as I'm concerned the JTAC can say whatever he wants, he's the one down in the shit, that one just always made me laugh.
  12. Always loved the standard JTAC response "Roger, copy."
  13. http://m.espn.go.com/nba/story?storyId=9298284 http://gawker.com/oklahoma-tornado-survivor-finds-missing-dog-during-live-509025167 It's always great to see the good things in something bad like this, no matter how small a victory it is.
  14. Lived in Oklahoma most my life, it's tough to be away in a time like this. I know Oklahomans will recover and rebuild, just like in 99. Thoughts and prayers to OKC!
  15. Amazoned a copy for 1 cent, no shit. It was a discard from some library in Virginia. Is the story about how the static U-2 at Beale got there really true? That's one of the craziest flying stories I've ever heard
  16. Huge thanks for the guys at Travis! They hooked up our squadron with Space A to go to Hawaii for Capt Nishizukas funeral. I know it meant a lot for the 427th and I'm sure it meant a lot to his family to know how much he meant to his squadron. Also, SSgt Dickson was greeted with the honor he deserves when he arrived at Beale last week. He had a line of airmen saluting him and his family from the flight line out to the gate when he arrived home. Them them!
  17. It's brilliant is what it is. We can lob a lot of criticisms Russia's way but they sure are patient...
  18. They've told members of the individuals' squadrons. Then they tell their friends, who tell their friends, etc... I haven't seen anything in the press with names or even aircraft in the media yet.
  19. They've been guarding details to complete notifications. I'm sure the press will get the details out soon enough. Him him...this one hits close..
  20. It's beginning to seem like they're not just some loner kids who snapped one day. Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Mirror Online http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/boston-bombers-fbi-hunting-12-strong-1844844#.UXM54Yqm6hA.twitter
  21. Thats why I'm really hoping he's trying to say that. It would be absolutely hilarious.
  22. Are you trying to say they're moving the MC-12 to Canon?
  23. I'm not so sure about what you said about them being losers and rejected by society. Every report I've read (yes I know, if it was reported in the media it's probably the exact opposite) said that they were outgoing, had lots of friends, and well liked. **edit** I guess I should clarify, the younger one was described that way. The older one claimed on his twitter page or some other social media that he doesn't have any American friends and doesn't understand Americans.
  24. There's all kinda of crazy shit going on in Boston now. Although I'm sure whatever is actually happening is way less dramatic than the media is making it out to be. Reports are one officer dead but hopefully no one else gets hurt.
  25. Of course. It seems like all the ones lately have had young kids or one on the way. Nickel in the grass...
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