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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    That's a bunch of crap...it was $757 on Bud's Police Supply 6-8 weeks ago, and that's when there was more of a 'scare'/higher prices for AR's. Are you going to tell me that prices have gone up compared to 2 months ago?? Grant it, with the rebate it's still a good deal (as it should be for the LE rate), but Bud's has been price gouging worse than most online retailers IMO.
  2. Don't you ever drink Sprite? It's pretty damn good!
  3. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Why not buy the .22 ammo (unless you don't have a .22, or have a lot of .22 ammo stocked up)? Reason I ask is because looking at slickguns.com regularly, I see quite a bit of .40 available, for about $3-5 more a box than pre-scare. .22 on the other hand is pretty scarce against you're willing to pay over double on gunbroker.
  4. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    There's always gunbroker if you're willing to pay the price... http://www.gunbroker.com/Ammunition/BI.aspx?Keywords=7.62x25
  5. Laughlin was fun...back when you could go to Acuna and get a $1 corona and dance with semi-hot Mexican chicks. Plus I learned pretty quickly that $1 at a strip club in Boys' Town went a lot further than $1 here in the States.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if it does get masked. Think about it--the AF and the other services have to continue to offer TA because the law says so, however, each service can reduce the desire to use TA by not giving as much weight to advanced degrees. I think the enlisted force will still most likely use it in a similar way...though in the AF, if they reduced the requirement of the CCAF for certain jobs, making E-8, etc, you could see that number drop as well.
  7. Perfect time to get some more coffee, take the morning dump...all kinds of options there!
  8. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Happy to help! Glad you got in on the deal! I don't why these mags are so hard to find and are so expensive (though this one was a good deal). Paying it forward!
  9. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Smith & Wesson MP-22 Pistol Mags 12rd for $30...awesome price--I just bought several. Better hurry! I've been seeing these go as high as $60 and they don't stay in stock long. http://www.cdnninvestments.com/smwem2212stf.html
  10. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Have any of you guys seen any of the initial reviews of the Tavor bullpup? Thoughts? Early arguments are saying it's one of the best bullpups available (though good luck finding one right now since they just came out to the public). I have to say, the more video reviews I watch, the more I want one. I can only hope they come out with one in .308, but I won't hold my breath. Here's an awesome review that MAC recently did on the Tavor:
  11. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    He evolved...just like Obama and Hillary on gay marriage. And by the way, the clip only spoke about gun shows...it didn't say anything specifically to private sales at non-gun shows (where I would argue a majority of the private sales take place).
  12. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    True...but I think the keeping up with proposed and passed/failed legislation is important to post/discuss along with the sharing of the crazy stories we're seeing about confiscation, etc. Maybe move this type of discussion to the Constitution/Rights thread or make a new 'Gun Legislation/Shenanigans' type thread? Where's M2 when you need him!
  13. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Because yesterday you said this: So again, would I have to keep this 'receipt' on me? What happens if I lose the receipt? If there is no further record of the transfer (ie no national database) then how can anybody enforce this action? Because if we don't need to keep the 'receipt' you mentioned, then everybody could just say that they 'lost it'...which defeats the entire point of your argument. Again, you have to show how a 'universal background check' can be enforced without a national database. My argument made sense...you trying to make the opposite point does not. The Constitution does not say anything about how many 'arms' I can have...just that the Right to 'bear' those arms will not be infringed. Whether I have 0, 1, 10, or 100 arms does not do anything to anybody else--remember, they are inanimate objects. Now voting...every citizen of age (not counting released felons, which I would allow to vote after they serve their sentence) gets 1 vote for a specific race/election, and that's it. You can't vote multiple times for yourself, you can't vote for somebody else, you can't be registered to vote in 2 different places and vote in both locations. Voting is not an inanimate object...it's an action, that produces a result. My firearms produce no action until I choose to do something with them (which if then is 'suspected' to be illegal will cause me to be charged with a crime). So unless you're for a person being able to vote multiple times, vote for somebody else, vote in 2 different locations, etc...you have to have a way to ensure that is done properly. Else, what's the point of having an election? Trust me...if it would be legal for me to purchase land in multiple areas and vote multiple times, vote for other people, etc hen I agree, we wouldn't then need any forms of identifying yourself and I would be happy to buy land in multiple places to vote multiple times. See where your argument falls flat on its face? One Right if exercised can only occur once (per election/race) and the other Right if exercised has no Constitutional limit to how many inanimate objects that I can own. Without the means to SECURE your Rights, you don't have any Rights. If we did not have the Right to bear arms, then all your others Rights could be legislated/dictated away. Think about it--if all personal firearms and the means to produce them are taken away from the people except for the 'government'. Then the said 'government' says you no longer have any other Rights--what do you do? Just sit and take it? You obviously can't effectively fight back because they've taken that means away from you. Read these quotes... ...plenty more if you want them. Many people in history and even now can 'vote' and it doesn't mean that they are free or have Liberty. Sorry to the others for the TLDR post...
  14. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    I couldn't agree more with what Learjetter and Scared said. So let me get this straight...under your plan, I would have to carry a piece of paper with each firearm I have (ie similar to that of Class 3 Firearms...that are, by the way, nationally registered)? What would happen if I 'lose' such piece of paper?...if there is no national record of me purchasing the firearm, how would I get a replacement copy of the piece of paper? Would the ATF be able to come to the gun range and ask to see a copy of the transfer like they can with a Class 3 firearm? How would they ever be able to check the validity of the person with the FFL transfer form if they can't verify the original transfer through a national database? And what do you suggest for the 300 MILLION firearms already out there that necessarily do not have current paperwork? If somebody were to sell another person a firearm after the said legislation went into affect, both parties could just say that they did it before there was such a law. And if it only applies to to firearms purchased after the law goes into affect, then that is silly because again, there are 300 MILLION firearms out there...so why worry about just the new ones? Now...to the Constitutional argument--I find what you propose as being extremely hypocritical (go figure). You said that requiring somebody to have an ID to vote infringes on the Right to vote...especially when it comes to the poor/minorities, but yet you have no problem making it illegal to own a firearm without an ID? Like others have said--there's no way to enforce such a law without randomly stopping to ask people to 'show their papers' or setting up sting operations to catch people in possible illegal private sales (news flash, criminals won't obey the law). If the Dems want to pass a stupid law that says you can't do a private transfer at an actual gun show, then whatever--they can say they passed something to get rid of the supposed evil 'Gun Show Loophole'. None of this crap is going to make any difference...just like most laws the government passes.
  15. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    The best part about this is that she can offer the ban up as an amendment which will get an up/down vote...so you'll still be able to see who votes for/against it. At this point, the only thing I see passing both chambers and getting signed into law are the proposals to strengthen laws against straw man purchases (which are already illegal) and similar proposals. I'm not so sure even a bill requiring 100% background checks on all purchases (ie restricting private sales without an FFL transfer) would pass both chambers, especially because the only way it would even somewhat work would be to have a national registry, which cannot pass. I've still been noticing the steady decrease of price of various AR's...my bet is by the fall/end of the year the prices won't be too far off what they were this time last year. Ammo will probably take a little more time and I have a feeling we'll never see the exact same prices we saw at this time last year. When production catches up, a good deal for .223 brass will soon be $.35 a round.
  16. http://www.myfoxny.com/story/21671098/bloomberg-announces-nyc-anti-tobacco-legislation Bloomberg Wants to Ban Tobacco on Display Yes, because the dirty magazines behind the cover boards definitely made me not want to get my hands on a Playboy when I was a kid.
  17. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    I'm sure they are! Tell you what I'll do for you and the other guys (since I love you all so much...hey, it's ok now), leave me your credit card number, expiration date, and that little 3 digit number on the back...along with your full name and address and next time I'll order for you guys! Don't worry, I work for the government...so you can trust me, I'm here to help. Oh, and just in case they ask, I'll need your SSN too!
  18. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Prvi Partisan 5.56 brass. $12 for a box of 20, so around $.60/round and it's currently in stock. Fortunately I'm well stocked up, but if I really needed some, I'd buy a little bit at this price. When I see brass .223 getting down to $.40-45 a round again, then I'll start to buy a little more. Edit: Forgot to add that it's at PSA and I'm sure it won't last long http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/ammunition/rifle-ammunition/223-5-56/prvi-partizan-5-56-m193-200rd.html
  19. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    AIM Surplus has 5.45 1080 rounds spam can for $190...about $25-30 higher than their prices this past summer. Not horrible but not great...but better than Buds.
  20. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    He's a huge improvement over Hutchinson. I'm glad to see some in the GOP at least trying to somewhat get back to The Constitution.
  21. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    -FBI website already states how a fugitive will fail an NICS background check. -As for private sales, ATF website already says a fugitive from justice is already somebody who you can not legally make a private sale to. So we already have laws against fugitives legally acquiring a firearm, whether from a licensed dealer or a private seller. Passing more laws will not stop the wrong person from getting a firearm as there are already laws against it.
  22. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    This just keeps on getting better... Now, I know that shortly after the picture was taken she was shot and almost killed...with a handgun (same type (handgun) of firearm her husband just purchased the other day, along with the AR-15). It was no secret before she got shot that some crazy person can get a hold of a handgun, AR-15, whatever, and do some damage if they choose to...just like it's no secret that it can happen very easily again. So if a few tragic instances over several years can cause someone to change their mind about a Right, then I question why that person ever supported that Right in the first place. I don't have to wait to get hit by a drunk driver to know that I'm against drunk driving. And even if I was ever hit by a drunk driver, I would never want to ban alcohol.
  23. It appears that there is bipartisan support in the Senate to pass an amendment to force the DoD to reinstate TA. Be interesting to see where this one goes.
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