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Everything posted by scoobs

  1. Does anybody know if the Bone is still overmanned for Co's? If so are they being sent to the fly UAV's?
  2. scoobs

    Jeep Wrangler

    A Samari will go anywhere that a jeep will go.
  3. scoobs

    Jeep Wrangler

    Check out the Suzuki Samari. There cheap to buy and have a tons of parts.
  4. If you read my post I didn't say Orem or Provo were in Salt Lake County. And why are you giving me a history leason. I was raised LDS and in SLC so I know. Oh and Salt Lake County is changing and their freaking out. As far as college I got tired of Utah and moved to Phx and then back to San Diego. I'm not paying out of state resident fees. I already owe to much in student loans
  5. Your right Utah Mormons are a lot different then the rest. SLC is blowing up right now and prices are getting out of control. The actual county of SLC will be non LDS majority for the first time ever in the next few years. But that doesn't include the Orem Provo area. St George cools off at night but still in the 100+ range in the summer. Nice thing is Cedar City which you might want to look into in is way cooler temp wise.
  6. The St George real estate market is slowing. Like they mentioed earlier a lot of people sold out in Vegas and California and moved there causing the LDS population to thin even though it doesn't matter. Suprisingly Las Vegas has the most mormons even more then SLC.
  7. So why do they continue to drop fighters if there just going to a UAV? Isn't this going to turn people off of selecting T-38's? And why does AFPC site always say how understaffed the fighter community is? And living and growing up in Vegas is no different then anywhere else. Whats the difference between an Indian Casino and the MGM, nothing.
  8. Anybody know what the trips are like out of March?
  9. Rainman if you get the job take it. The type is worth a lot. Contract pilots on that aircraft can make over $120K. Check out Flightinfo.com.
  10. Does the McDill unit have a seprate hiring board?
  11. How is this affecting the Guard/Reserve?
  12. Is being a Guard baby a bad thing?
  13. Are C-21 guys still going straight to AC school? When you go to RC FTU is that where they decide which aircraft you go to? [ 01. September 2006, 13:24: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  14. Does the HC sit a lot of alert?
  15. The Tweet doesn't require a type to log solo time. It doesn't matter if its a jet. The reason its good to log mil time in your civi logbook is if you go to the airlines. I guess you could bring both, one for civilian and one for militray. [ 11. July 2006, 13:08: Message edited by: scoobs ]
  16. Are tanker units deploying for 3 months to the dez?
  17. What about that Navy pilot Scott Sphicer(sp)? Did they ever find his body?
  18. You don't have to read the thread. Why don't you go play in traffic.
  19. Can you deploy with other units? Some units have more work then they can handle and others go without.
  20. Thats not a problem unless you actually have to go.
  21. Does anybody have any info on the SLC unit? Have they finished the conversion to the R model? Is bumming a possibility?
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