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Everything posted by ClearedHot

  1. The world is not marching to one man's drum beat, Putin is marching to his own beat and so far no one has the stones to stand in front oh him. Doesn't matter, we allowed the discussion of Ukraine's admission to NATO to linger in an ambiguous stage for far too long. Also, we have put Strategic Defense interceptor missiles in other former FSU countries that we admitted to NATO. I am not saying his view and fears are valid, but we can't discount them through our lens.
  2. Because you are viewing this through the lens of an American. Putin is a lunatic but his views have been shaped by a life dedicated to the Russian intelligence apparatus. When the FSU fragmented it destroyed everything he had worked for and in many ways the world as he knew it. Also, Russians still recall the great invasions through history and it shapes their psyche at the foundation. Whether we think NATO would actually attack is irrelevant, the Russians believe it. Also, for just a second flash back to how we reacted when the Russian's put tactical nukes in Cuba...we were ready to go to war. Northern parts of the Ukrainian border are less than 300 miles from Moscow and whether is seems reasonable or not to us, Putin sees that as a threat.
  3. Who is watching what coverage? Fox has the occasional live shot but is mainly putting talking heads on the air and while Gen Keane has some good insights I would rather see snippets of what is actually happening. CNN has had very good coverage with reporters in key locations. Did anyone see the reporter walk up and talk to some soldiers he thought were Ukrainian, they were actually Russian Paratroopers that just airdropped in and seized the airfield. He said spoke to the Russian commander and the guy straight up said now we are going to establish an air bridge. It was like being at a Multi-Lat 20 years ago. CNN also has a crew on the Russian side of the border and they are filming all the tanks and mobile artillery streaming on to Ukraine. Shocked Putin is allowing that coverage unless he is sending a message to Ukraine.
  4. Ukrainians appear willing to fight initially but the Russians have complete Air Supremacy and the Ukrainian ground forces are going to pay a horrible price. War is just horrible and a lot of people are going to die because of a madman.
  5. Insane live stream from LHR with hilarious commentary as Storm Eunice hits the UK and the London area.
  6. Will be interesting to see if SCOTUS steps in. Could the Supreme Court strike down the military’s vaccination mandate?
  7. 100% Not to derail the thread but the post WWII period is one of the "safest" in human history. The video below illustrates the staggering impact of World War. We tend to view things through our "USA" lens, if you take a slightly more worldly view you can see some horrific things that happen when there are world wars. One small example, when Japan invaded China in WWII the Chinese Nationalist opened the dike at the Yellow River hoping it would slow the advance of the Japanese Army. In doing so they knowingly sacrificed 500,000 Chinese civilians. Yes there has been chaos and conflict and the news instantaneously beams it to our homes, but in relation to times past, the post WWII world order has been very favorable to the human race.
  8. I am not saying I disagree with you but what does that say overall about the United States. When the FSU fell apart we convinced Ukraine to give up their nukes (which most certainly would have deterred Putin), in hopes of providing more stability. In convincing them to give up the nukes we made assurances with regard to their security. A few months ago we sent a strong message to the world about our resolve when we left Afghanistan and screwed all those who helped us for so many years. If we stand by and watch Russia take Ukraine what does that say about us? Horrible game to be playing.
  9. Russia shelled a reported Kindergarten on the border a little while ago.
  10. Ukrainian winters are rough, maybe they are just cold.
  11. ‘You are the reason I drink’ — Airmen bid adieu to decrepit aircraft dubbed ‘Lucifer’s Chariot’ “four terrible and terrifying years that aged me well beyond where I should be.” “You are the reason I live to forget.” “582, you’re a real nasty lady,” said Markham. “I had some great memories, but most of them involved getting off the aircraft and sprinting away from you.”
  12. Reports of artillery being exchanged across the border. More importantly, the Russian Embassy in Kyiv has white smoke as they are likely burning secret material and preparing for combat.
  13. NASA X-59 undergoing tests No sonic boom, interesting looking bird.
  14. Canada and the Democratic Party said nothing when BLM rioted and burned government buildings and businesses. Now a mostly peaceful demonstration is being labeled as a group of extremists. I get it, they are blocking streets and that needs to end but the tactics are unreal. Seizing bank accounts...seriously Canada?
  15. In some ways their play book is the same in others it has evolved and is in fact far more complex than the Cold War days. If you want a better understanding of what they are doing and what is driving their decision process you should read up on the Gerasimov doctrine which is actually an extraction of the "Primakov Doctrine" is a whole of government concept that fuses hard and soft power across many domains and transcends boundaries between peace and wartime. Russia should strive toward a multipolar world managed by a concert of major powers that can counterbalance U.S. unilateral power. Russia should insist on its primacy in the post-Soviet space and lead integration in that region. Russia should oppose NATO expansion. There are numerous think tanks that have published papers warning Russia would continue to pressure Ukraine and likely invade again but this administration seems oblivious. We are playing reactionary checkers while Putin plays three dimensional chess better than Spock.
  16. Russian SAYS it is pulling troops back. Fixed it for you. Google Maskirovka
  17. Wait...this isn't worse than Watergate? Breaking in to the political headquarters of a rival is despicable, banana republic type crap, and Nixon paid for it (well, he paid for lying). This is worse, Clinton paid to hack WHITE HOUSE servers, the communications of a sitting president. When they didn't find anything they made up a story and inserted into the press which led to an impeachment. There isn't a separation of liability and responsibility just because they hired a law firm. The imported the very people that tried to overthrow a sitting president and they are now in power! Look no further than the dude that led this effort, he is now the sitting National Security Advisor...you don't seen the nexus and how this is far worse?
  18. I believe it is part of an ongoing DOJ investigation. Speaking of investigations this was released yesterday "a new court filing by Special Counsel John Durham, alleges the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower and later the White House to link Trump to Russia. How is this not breaking news on every station. She tried to rig the American Presidential election, then she tried to illegally overturn it ans seize power. Liberals don't care, she is now expected to speak at the NY Democratic Convention. I know I know, at least the mean tweets are gone.
  19. And I believe all three Mirages were returned to service by the same company...
  20. Conflict seems inevitable at this point. A few minutes ago the White House advised all Americans to leave Ukraine within the next 24-48 hours. There are approximately 32,000 Americans in Ukraine (7,000 registered and estimated 25,000 unregistered). The White House announced there will be no evacuation once hostilities commence. Biden said if any Americans are harmed that would be a red line...this is going to get ugly.
  21. Shocked people don't see why these platforms need to be manned. Have you heard of China and their capabilities?
  22. Ok who forgot to disable Chemtrails on the Dream Six? Mysterious Liquid' Falling From The Sky In Las Vegas And No One Knows Why
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