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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2020 in Posts

  1. Brother, the bottom line is this. What you do for a paycheck doesn't define who you are. It's a piece of trivia. We (especially in the flying world) get wrapped up in this idea that what we do is who we are. Don't let your job define you and remember that your value isn't dependent on your job title. Go out there every day, swing for the fences, and even if you miss you can go to sleep knowing you put it all on the table. Some of the best dudes/dudettes I know are non flyers, and they have a perspective that we could all learn a lot from. Your job specifically has an impact that many fighter types would be envious of, keep your head up.
    5 points
  2. Well that was one for the books. BG McGee honored, his 13 year old grandson wants to go to the academy and join the Space Force, 10 year old impoverished girl gets to pick her school, deployed family reunion, and stage 4 cancer patient Rush Limbaugh given the presidential medal of freedom. Of course there was a great deal of showmanship but last night Trump delivered a message of optimism and positivity for this country. The economic, foreign policy and military successes cannot be denied. On the other hand, you saw a career politician; that has run California into the ground, rip up the speech like a petulant child, and most of the rest of her colleagues sitting there pouting like children. It was a look of defeat. I even saw some Democrats, like AZ senator Simek, stand up and applaud only to be given the stink eye from Pelosi. I think it is safe to say we will see 4 more years of Trump.
    5 points
  3. Well, It's been awhile since I've posted in here with the latest happenings from the cyber front. Since the last time AFSPC finally gave up it's choke hold on cyber ops and it moved over to ACC. As part of that there was also a realignment of the operational squadrons within the 2 cyber wings: 688 CW and 67 CW. Now the DODIN Ops bitches (re: email, slow network, etc.) aren't mixed in with the actual cyber operators. Noticeable change overnight in getting actual effects done, training that isn't fucking stupid and the idea that a Cyber Patch needs to work on Server2016 patching TTPs. Also 24AF is no more, and it was "killed" along with 25AF to created a "new" Info Ops NAF - 16AF. The Commander pined on his second star in Aug of last year...and his 3rd in Oct. I've sat in meetings with this dude when he's briefing his "great ideas" to the operators only to be met with a Capt saying, "That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard." That Capt was then supported by every other Team Lead in the room. We were then told the brief was a courtesy only and the decision had already been made. Fun fact: his plan did not come to fruition. The Cyber National Mission Force got a new commander, and a new mission - Defend Forward. For my guys (National CPT Squadron) it means we go into the "contested" areas and hunt out the enemy. It's caused some interesting wins, and is more like spycraft than blow-shit-up-craft. Enemy TTPs, tools and accesses are burned on the "defense" side and the allegedly offense sided guys get to do a safer mission at home...I still think it sounds cool. New NSA and US Cyber Com commander as well. Nakasone has come in and it's been a whole different game. I know some of that is down to the difference in president as well. It's been awesome to see some of the maturity that has come out as we've allowed the younger operators actually push the boundaries. As we've moved out the old (shitty) comm officers who were put in charge, because that's the only folks that made O6, we've seen a lot more bridge building that has enhanced...well everything. It has been really interesting to see the old guard that we've bitched about on here for a decade move on to be replaced by people that were Maj/LtCol's though the massive shit years '07-'14) Cybercom and CNMF do treat the operators like their own service, which is a problem. Imagine being presented to AFCENT/CENTOM 24/7 as operators for mission. There's no built in down-time/dwell-time or ratio. Retainability in very in-demand AFSC's has hit rock bottom. Additionally, if your'e unlucky enough to be stuck at Ft Meade you'll be treated more as staff than as a team lead OTE'ing an operational team and leading them on ops. Also Cybercom and CNMF have no idea what to do with folks that don't actually sit with them on site...in cyber of all things. Boomers...whatcha gonna do? For your cyber teams here's a break down - -- Cyber national mission teams defend the nation by identifying adversary activity, blocking attacked and maneuvering to defeat them. -- Cyber combat mission teams conduct military cyberspace operations in support of combatant commander priorities and missions. -- Cyber protection teams defend DoD’s information network, protect priority missions and prepare cyber forces for combat. -- Cyber support teams provide analytic and planning support to national mission and combat mission teams. The Cyber Protection team one is out dated, and incorrect. It's an ongoing fight that we're having in the joint and AF community. It's almost like different units/services train to different standards for different missions. But fuckers want to do all this on the cheap and treat us like you can go from deep in an enemies network creating effects to managing routers and switches with PCS orders. Which leads to next topic -- Finally, the USAF has done what we've asked for going on a decade - split the AFSC. We now have 17S and 17D. This is a great RAND study that the didn't release for over 3 years because "it's easier to manage you as a core together than figure out how to not do that." So finally those Col's and GO's retired and we did it. There's a 17SA (offensive ops), 17SB (def ops--me), 17DA (email bitch), 17DB (Combat comm). This is causing a split in WIC...which is hotly debated, but overall it's great for creating experts and choking the fuck out of the enemies of our nation. Going to be a bit like EWO's though with not a lot of assignment spots and probably difficulty promoting. With that said I actually hit the button 2 days ago...so my time is now coming to a close. I'd give a lot to be coming in as a 2Lt now with the change in just the past 6 months. As stated above with a Capt calling bullshit on a 1-star...there's a growing and strong operational mindset in our cyber operators. We now have leaders that are trying very hard to build our competency and communication so we can sit at the planning table as peers. I'm very proud to have been in at the ground floor, and look forward to its future with exceeding hope. TL;DR - Cyber from AFSPC to ACC; 24AF & 25AF into 16AF; new mission of Defend Forward; some great strategic victories; Cyber Ops AFSC isn't associated w/ Comm bullshit anymore according to Big Blue.
    4 points
  4. I'll just add that your Dad seems like an asshole, perhaps your whole family. One of the great things about growing up is you don't have to include shitty people in your life anymore if you don't want to.
    3 points
  5. FWIW, it seems like our drone pilots are removing a lot more bad guys from existence than the average fighter pilot.
    3 points
  6. I know life gets hard and beats you down sometimes, but don't let it win. Keep fighting, and spread out your options if you're not getting any success. You need to take a realistic look at yourself and check if you're going about this the right way - maybe you need to start applying to heavy units if you're getting old? Maybe you need to stop making excuses and find a way to earn your PPL? Maybe you need to rush harder to show a unit you're worth the waiver? I got kicked out of ROTC over 4 years ago for several dumb mistakes I made with alcohol, and had to pay my scholarship back. I still found a way to pay for my PPL, worked hard at a job I hated, and interviewed at 9 different units over the span of 4 years before getting hired. Some people didn't even want to interview me because of the hurdles of getting a moral waiver (which I was able to get from the unit that saw my motivation and potential). Now I'm currently waiting to leave for OTS sometime this spring. Here's the bottom line - if you want this, take responsibility and make it happen. Sometimes life deals you shitty situations, and sometimes you create them yourself - either way, it's what you learn and how you respond. If you really want to be in the military, you need to sack up and stop making excuses if this is really your dream. I feel for you bro, don't give up.
    2 points
  7. I love how much we can all see the same thing, and have vastly different opinions on the matter.
    2 points
  8. How about head down to your local FBO and start your PPL? edit to add: being an RPA pilot isn’t a failure.
    2 points
  9. Awesome info and thanks for the update! I totally agree with you about coming into Cyber now as a 2nd Lt would be very exciting. Thanks to you personally for your service and congrats on your pending retirement!
    1 point
  10. To be honest since we didn’t buy enough of them the first time, I’d be completely good with the ignore the obvious and just take a 21st century technology infused into what is basically the B-2. Modify the technology and add in all the decades of new stuff we have made common place. Evolve the airframe from a maintenance perspective with MSPUs and other sensors to make maintaining it and operational capability more viable, and use the 30 years of knowledge in “keeping/feeding” we have learned with the 4 stealth aircraft we have actively used in the fleet. Combine that with a new engine for the B-52 and holy crap it’s 1993 again and we have bought a bomber fleet with 30 years in it until we need another major infusion or cash. great success everybody, now can we please invest in a new modular 767 or other platform to absorb all those jobs we currently use aircraft constructed during the Carter admin to accomplish.... because time is ticking.
    1 point
  11. Stop beating yourself up bruh/bra. As said above, your job is removing more bad guys from this earth than just about anyone else. The community is making leaps and bounds in TTPs/software/hardware. You can show up to ya ops unit and go through the motions or you can bust your ass and contribute to probably the most rapidly advancing community in military aviation. I get it, I did a tour in drones, only person that can change your mindset is you. if manned flying is your goal you can keep trying to apply to AD rated boards and/or continue to build your resume for guard units when your commitment is up. I can promise it’s going to be a lot easier to get hired with a great record/reputation. Civilian flying is always a option to. Oh, contract LR jobs are also paying upward of $2000 a day right now, so get that qual. Your family/friends can poke fun but you will being laughing straight to the bank on your yacht. Im not trying to be dick, but you need to do some soul searching and get some confidence. Spend time in the vault studying, upgrade ASAP, master your craft, set goals, be the hardest worker in the unit and never give up. You only live once, make it count.
    1 point
  12. I have had some interviews and failed. I have also been battling some stuff on the outside that may keep me from achieving this, and even worse I'm scared to explain my situation and why I am at where I am at in interviews. Over the past year I have made three major adjustments to counter the down in the dumps. Step 1 is to fly. Flying is fing flying, yes I want to be a fighter pilot but I'd be wasting my life if I did not enjoy flying my crappy piper. Being up in the air is so satisfying no matter the plane or uniform. I will soon have my commercial-huge confidence boost. Step 2 is to value who you are. Be proud of how hard you've worked, and the fact that you are an officer. Not being a fighter pilot doesn't mean you suck and are a POS. Took me a long time to realize this. As for the jokes, I'd rather never be a fighter pilot than be a fighterpilot and make fun of someone who tried their hardest to be one and failed. Step 3 is to realize how lucky you are. At work there are two guys, one in a wheelchair and one with a serous nerve issue. They might never get the chance to fly anything, let alone an air force jet. Imagine what they'd give just to be able to walk normally. All of our clocks run out at some point, if manned air force pilot or not. Swing for the fences and don't look back, that's what it's all about.
    1 point
  13. Gotcha. I can understand how taking a different path than expected can be hard on the psyche. Honestly, I'd say that prioritizing you GA flying would be the most helpful thing you could do, besides being the smartest RPA guy in the trailer (or high-rise, or whererever they are these days). I would say to go out and volunteer for your CGOC, but I don't want to get suspended from the board 😄
    1 point
  14. Hey, look at this way; Hillary and Romney are still not President. All in all, a good use of three or so months of gubmint time and effort.
    1 point
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