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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2011 in Posts

  1. [Trial balloon...] If the military retirement has got to change... why not make it more like a current federal retirement system that INCLUDES a pension AND a matching TSP, instead of ditching the entire program for a Wal Mart plan. Doesn't make sense to take away the guaranteed annuity for the military, but leave everyone from Congress down to your local postal employee with a guaranteed annuity (for a minimum of 5 years federal service no less) in place. For starters... What if the military retirement system was modified to be more like the Federal Law Enforcement/ATC/Firefighter/CBP etc. plan AS A COMPROMISE TO PREVENT THE TRAINWRECK DBB PLAN FROM BEING VOTED IN. Bare Basics: Matching TSP up to 5%... Annuity at age 55 based on 1.7% of highest 3 years pay x 20 years = 34% of base pay (numbers change for year groups, but this is after all a trial balloon) Modifications could be made for the military, such as 2% per year in an annuity + more matching TSP + a healthcare plan, etc... Thoughts? [/Trial balloon]
    3 points
  2. "For this special event, they wore shoulder patches that said, “Gucci Girls; Unmanned KC-10 Flight.” So, morale patches ARE authorized...if you're an all-female KC-10 crew flying AD and reservists on the same plane, for the first time? If they're that good at unmanned flight...send 'em to Creech!
    2 points
  3. Home: 0, 0, 1, 0 Desert: 1, 1, 1, 1 2!
    2 points
  4. Seriously... these non-news stories really need to go.
    2 points
  5. The fact that we self identify more as a business than a branch of the military. That we coddle people who aren't in the fight to make them feel good. Who the fuck cares? I don't want my finance guy thinking he can storm a compound like a squad of Army Rangers. I want him to unfuck my pay and then help the next guy. That's his JOB. But since he might get his feelings hurt...we should belittle the guys that are actually in the fight. Our priorities are jacked up. We are more worried about looking good than being good. Just look at the stuff people are worried about during inspection. Check mark or X in the box? OMG!!! Or the abortion of uniforms being introduced. You seriously are telling me that people TESTED the PT uniform? With the cardboard tshirts that don't breath and shorts that would look home in a certain brightly colored San Francisco parade? Or the ABU with it's billion pockets and winter weight fabric (and that's overlooking the abortion that is it's camo pattern). Or blues mondays? As a flier that can be tasked at any minute why am I not showing up to work prepared to fly at any minute? Oh to "support the war fighter" I am wearing the least war like uniform. That makes sense.
    2 points
  6. AT-6 dry lake bed Why is it that the following gear looks to me far less scary? But then again, what do I know?...
    1 point
  7. WTF!? That doesn't look like the GD kitchen!
    1 point
  8. Is your name Erick? Have your wife represent you! PAY the man and quit quibbling...... An American woman claims she became pregant after watching a 3D porno. US military man Erick Jhonson came home from a stint in Iraq to find that his wife was pregnant, while he was trying to get ot of a radar enforced speeding ticket. Clearly he assumed she had an affair, but his wife Jennifer claims the “other man” was actually someone a little less physical. It seems he actually buys her story, however. “I see it as suspicious. The films in 3D are very real. With today’s technology, anything is possible,” he said. What's even more interesting is that both Jennifer and Erick are white, but the child is black. Jeniffer claims the kid looks like the black pornstar she had been ogling. She also claims this was one of the first times she's watched porn and only went with friends for the 3D effect. TechEye did a survey of one person and found 100 percent would say the same thing in a similar situation. “Even though my husband believed in me, my marriage could be at risk,” Jennifer said. “But he knows I’m faithful.” It just shows you what joining the military does to your head. Jennifer explained that “a month after watching the movie, I started feeling dizzy and the results were positive.” That must have been one good porno. 3D movies have gained renewed popularity since Avatar, but there have been some concerns raised over how bad they may be for your eyes. Now you'll have to worry about conceiving in the cinema. You may have jumped when an object in film was thrown at the camera, but now you'll have to be careful of other, far more uncouth things flying at you. TechEye recommends contraception for your next trip to the cinema. You never know.
    1 point
  9. I wonder if it matters to PA that all the troops who died on that CH-47 crash were all men. I wonder also if PA will do if we ever lose a jet and crew with a all female manifest. I think some of our Naval brothers can chime in on that effect underway.
    1 point
  10. I wonder if the canned ORM sheet we have to do had a way to account for this all female crew or if they just penciled in the extra points on their own-
    1 point
  11. "Chemistry was different than normal" and "We were all on the same level." Sounds like they synced up. On a different note, "2" on Whitman's response. I am glad they could put this together, especially because there is only one AD female FE, but the media just turns this into a attention getter instead of just letting the story be what it is.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I'm not sure you are on the right track with the "the other car is within the return beam" argument. I only took one class on Radar and Digital Signal Processing but from what I relearned on wikipedia, it doesn't work that way. If I were to quibble in court, this would be my argument (disclaimer: If your court is like UPT, you're going to get a U): -The back of the ticket claims that a picture is not taken with "more than one car in the radar beam." -There is no way to know where the radar beam is exactly pointed, but it is pretty close to the center of the picture. -Both vehicles are close to the center of the picture. -Both vehicles are probably in the beam width, at the very least it is impossible to tell which is or isn't. -Because a picture was taken someone was speeding. -Because your license plate is the only one visible, you are the one that was speeding...or not. Follow with asking the judge (well they aren't a judge since this isn't court) If license plates were displayed in passenger windows instead of rear bumpers, and the near car was identified as well, who would you be giving a ticket to? A violation has occurred so you have accused the only driver that was identifiable, when clearly another car could have been the violator. If a bank was on fire after being robbed while a picture was taken, would you arrest the person without a mask because they are the one you could identify? Does the plane fall out of the sky just because the stall warning horn goes off, it's a warning, not a stall...never mind. Somewhere there is a perfect analogy as to why when two suspects are in a picture you can't simply penalize the one because they were identified. You still don't know for sure which one did it.
    1 point
  14. Did that Lt Col have his 5 year-old write that message?
    1 point
  15. Sarge...you have to admit some NCO's have really f-ing stupid haircuts. I keed, I keed. Now where is that belt I bought in 1994...I'm taking the wife to Chili's tonight.
    1 point
  16. No idea what this sentence means...also, no idea why you posted a picture of the A29 Super Tucano in a thread about the AT-6? Super-T AT-6
    1 point
  17. Dammit, I thought this thread was going to be about revolution in the AF!
    1 point
  18. I was recently in the Philly airport and Patti LaBelle was there with all her bodyguards (before this incident took place). She was very nice and posed with tons of passengers for pictures and her "handlers" were equally nice. Who knows what really happened...
    1 point
  19. As a "No Real Purpose in Life SNCO" I have to take offense to your statement. I hope that isn't what you really believe, just because there are some E-7's 8's and 9's that take queep to the extreme. Don't lump us all in the same boat. I have met some real dumb and incompetent officers, but I don't think that a whole tier of folks have no real purpose in life. BTW, I have an amazing haircut! And if we are talking about aesthetics, are all FGO's issued Dockers, tucked in polo shirt, loafers, and a braided belt? And my tone is in jest, but really it is so easy to pick out the FGO. Probably just as easy to pick out the T.E.D. Edit: For grammar
    0 points
  20. Logical? Maybe. Uncool in this thread? Definitely. Want to discuss low-via landings? Recommend Terminating here and Starting a new thread. Technique only.
    -1 points
  21. Dude, you're a huge tool.
    -1 points
  22. Quick question, why does everyone suddenly care that morale patches are not authorized? Last time I checked they have been verboten for quite some time.
    -2 points
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