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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2016 in Posts

  1. Ned, however much the Trump campaign is paying you to copy/paste your tea party emails... I'll double it, if you promise to never post about politics again. We've got issues that go far beyond any politician/candidate, whether they're wearing a chairman Mao pantsuit or a terrible hairpiece and a Rolex.
    3 points
  2. Unrelated to above,I am doing sport bitching here, but this is what is wrong with the AF. I got non vol UPT direct to RPAs. So be it, needs of the AF, undermanned career field blah blah blah. Holloman was a shit show, but they are undermanned and over worked, so be it. I have now been at my operarional base for 4 months, with about 15 other pilots/sensors that have been here just as long, if not longer. We have done ONE sim in 4 months. ing ONE sim, no flights. How can you justify sending manned pilots you just spent $1.2 million a pop to train to drones, and having them sit on their ass. Rant off. Back to my whisky.
    2 points
  3. Heresy!!! Burn the witch!!!
    2 points
  4. F-15E 1. High, you'll be busy, whether you're at home or away 2. Reasonably stable, but busy. Expect 1-2 AEFs per assignment plus numerous exercises/TDYs 3. Pretty darn good 4. Around until at least 2035, good upgrades planned 5. Mountain Home, Lakenheath - amazing / Seymour Johnson - not so much We bring some capabilities no one else does, but we also have our limitations compared to the 5th gen guys. We're popular right now due to our load out, comms and long legs (for a fighter.) I suspect the reason you haven't heard a ton from the fighter guys is that if you aren't 100% sure this is for you, it probably isn't, as you'll quickly burn out. Deployments are fun, but the 12hr+ days for years on end at home will wear you out if you don't love it. If I have to talk you into a fighter, it isn't for you. That isn't meant to say that you can't make it, but that you may not want to. If you've always dreamed of flying fighters, you will have zero regrets and kick yourself when you look back for even thinking of another option.
    2 points
  5. POWs started getting burned alive in cages and we became the only country that follows the Geneva Conventions. Also a little harder to justify the risk when doing CAS ISO the Shiite militias.
    1 point
  6. I'll believe it when I see it.
    1 point
  7. I am ANG, I spoke to my hiring guy at the unit im heading to after UPT (going to OTS AUG) and apparently there are discussions at NGB regarding this memo. They may look at manning at a unit level and determine if something similar to this (if not identical) will be implemented. I was told it is very possible that something similar (if not identical) to this memo will be in effect post graduation. As of yet, no official documents I have signed. I will be visiting the unit soon and will check in.
    1 point
  8. Plan to cut airmen's extra duties coming in weeks It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
    1 point
  9. Perhaps. Certainly not a requirement for all to attend. It'd be nice if we could up the collective game/understanding of the communities writ-large, but that's why we send guys to Nellis it the first place, right? I remain unconvinced there is any other way to go about educating the uneducated to that level - and that's the requirement right now. You cannot build a Rosetta Stone without learning a different language - that language is taught through integration, employment, planning, etc. Nothing else comes close. I've done every course a MAF guy can do - nothing compares to the experience and knowledge gained at Nellis. Chuck
    1 point
  10. Perhaps not. Come to the AOC, it'll open up a whole new world for ya... The MAF literally doesn't know what it's missing. Literally. As in - the MAF is clownshoes compared to how the CAF thinks about, plans for, trains to, and then executes the mission of the USAF. That's the reason the MAF needs WOs. The future is integrated.... the (insert scoff here) "we're the MAF, we're different" garbage doesn't work anymore. Chuck
    1 point
  11. Email Toro. Not only will he fill you in (sts), but you'll also get a backseat ride.
    1 point
  12. I can't generate the energy to care about the "misuse" of WOs in my corner of the AF. I think the WO program was designed for the fighter world and is not a good fit for MAF or SOF. I personally have not seen the benefit justify the cost in my world. FWIC seems legitimately valuable.
    1 point
  13. Everything old is new again. We went thru this "list your additional duties so we can kill them" drill at least twice since the early 90s. I don't want to be a killjoy, and it's SECAF championing this, this time...BUT: 1) many addl duties are mandated by law (records custodian, voting officer, golden flow guy/gal, etc) 2) some we do because we operators need to do it because no one else understands our programs well enough, or because we want our young guys learning those things (pubs officer, selo, training flight, tactics squab, etc) 3) we did this before...shifted addl duties to the squadron civilians where we could...ISYN, I typed an appointment letter assigning 22 (22!) Addl duties to one civ. Good luck. I hope it takes this time...and Congress gives the AF relief from the mandatory non mission value added duties. LJ
    1 point
  14. Holding my breath for that 12B bonus, since we're now critically manned. Any day now...
    1 point
  15. Seeing how numerous, if not all, transports got away and given the Empire's lack of forgiveness policy. I'll bet the guy responsible for running the CAP over Hoth had an interesting performance feedback session.
    1 point
  16. I'll break with convention here and say that I admire scoobs for his consistency. He's been trolling this forum since like 2004 -- that takes some serious willpower and dedication.
    1 point
  17. What Huggy won't tell you: NoMo likes an additional UNOFFICIAL photo of the candidate in a speedo as well.
    1 point
  18. Thanks for the preview of the chain mail I'll get from my Tea Party grandpa. If it wasn't already intensely obvious to everyone from the writing style, this is fake as shit. http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/trumanpc.asp
    1 point
  19. Thanks! The info that was relayed to me from my squadron was that the memo becomes mandatory for the November 2016 board but "encouraged" for people currently in the pipeline, so if this is the truth then I should be okay, but sounds like it is a deal breaker for you if you haven't been picked up yet. I am in a similar situation as you with the established business aspect so the 6 year ART would have been a deal breaker for me too. Looks like I got lucky but need to proceed cautiously.
    -1 points
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