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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. DC. Mask “required” for single stall bathroom.
  2. uh there was a giant conspiracy. look at the emails that were sent internal to the CDC and the memos sent to big tech to censor opposing ideas. that's factual my man. the fact is the CDC and federal government conspired with twitter specifically (and big tech in general) to censor and ban private citizens and doctors dissenting opinions. the email chain is there. alex berenson has the email screen shots. (reference joe rogan episode #1864) its bad. and there's gonna be hell to pay. and no, alex berenson isn't some right wing nut job...you can look him up. as far as pigeon hole....well seems like biden's done that for me. you either voted for him or you're "extremist" and a "threat" to the republic. in regards to pigeon hole related to the pandemic...there's only two sides. you either approve of how FL type states handled it...or you approve of how CA type states handled it. there's no middle ground. you're either for individual rights and choices or you're not. that's not a pigeon hole or strawman. i'm amazed at how many citizens blindly trust their daddy government and will never hold it accountable for gross violations of their constitutional rights.
  3. Woke until if affects your city…then OOPS!
  4. yeah cause we want the chinese to be embedded at the core of any nuclear power generation in the US...good move on the Trump admin's part.
  5. would you feel the same way if the government closed your business and drove you into bankruptcy? i'm genuinely curious. because that's what happened to hundreds of thousands of your countrymen. you don't think there should be accountability for that? or for firing people from not taking an experimental vax that has been proven to not work and/or cause deadly side effects in some people? you also think it's "Ok" that the white house used twitter and facebook to censor and ban doctors/citizens who had options contrary to the CDC? Opinions that turned out to be 100% correct. you think it's "ok" that doctors who spoke out against mandatory covid vaccinations and mandatory masking had their medical licenses revoked by their states? you're good with saying "eh... fuck it let's move on"? i think you're missing a lot. this isn't over. not by a long shot. lawsuits are just now being filed and the truth is starting to come out.
  6. ah yes lets talk about cost/benefit. your side is still masking toddlers....tell me about that cost benefit. also in some cases still mandating and definitely still pushing a vax that does nothing to stop covid. get out of here with your cost/benefit gas lighting.
  7. Ah so like the federal government telling big tech what to censor? like barring people from going to church for "safety"? or even singing in church? government shutting down private businesses indefinitely for "safety"? all of those actions were WILDLY unconstitutional. it's not even up for debate. freedom of speech massively violated. freedom of religion massively violated. it's starting to all come out now that the lawsuits are flying. you don't actually think the egotistical fauci WANTED to resign this winter do you? why would he do that? hmmmmmmm
  8. is that what the constitution and bill of rights says? must have missed that. but sadly you are correct that certain states prioritized "safety" and "health" over liberty and freedom. good luck putting that genie back in the bottle. the covid narrative is crumbling fast
  9. don't look now but the narrative you subscribed to is crumbling...and quickly. the truth is coming out.
  10. i made the exact same decision.
  11. All of the spending is ridiculous. it’ll bite our ass someday in the near future…
  12. White House asking for 13 billion more for Ukraine. enough.
  13. According to the memo, the Department of the Air Force wants an officer corps that is: 67.5% white 13% Black/African American 10% Asian 7% multiracial 1.5% American Indian/Native Alaskan 1% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander “These goals are aspirational … and will not be used in any manner that undermines our merit-based processes,” the memo said. HA! sureeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. whatever you do....avoid double commuting
  15. i was really hoping it was true haha
  16. sadly this has been debunked. not true 😕
  17. i'm saying i'd ignore it and let people make individual decisions to turn off their own blue tooth or to just hit "IGNORE" or (shocker) power off their phones why do we have to babysit? the bubble wrapping of the american citizen is nauseating
  18. Kind of ridiculous on the pilots part. Just turn off Bluetooth. Or just make your airdrop from contacts only. Simple.
  19. This. Im done giving Uncle Sam one ounce of credibility.
  20. Yeah I’m sure we know exactly how all those millions are gonna be spend. Don’t be that ignorant
  21. Veryyyyyyyy bashi *civil war canceled*
  22. instead of canceling debt they should put a interest rate cap on student loans. the predatory lending is outrageous (>10% interest)
  23. that's all well and good....IF people hadn't been forced to close their businesses, IF people hadn't been forced to take an experimental drug or get fired, IF kids hadn't (and in some states STILL) been forced to wear masks in schools, IF big tech hadn't censored only ONE side of the argument AT THE FUCKING DIRECTION OF THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AKA CDC hell NYC and LAX STILL "require" MASKS in the airport. thankfully people with a brain don't wear one. but hell man it's not fucking over. IF all those things hadn't happened i'd tend to agree with you...no problem. But all that shit did happen. and the decision makers were wrong. hundreds of thousands/millions of lives were fucked up. there needs to be accountability.
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