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Everything posted by HU&W

  1. His theory was twofold. 1. Don't care what people think or about future progression. 2. Put it in leaveweb so they have to deny it. Can't say I recommend the strategy.
  2. There’s a guy in one of my previous squadrons that took leave every week starting at noon on Thursday. I think he did it for almost a year.
  3. This. Many things in the AF are about increasing the pool of future eligibles. AF never wants to be in the situation where they have to select #1 of 1, or worse, waive requirements.
  4. One wing commander put out a policy at 0700 this morning that masks will be ocp print or ocp colors to match the uniform.
  5. From what I’ve read, it comes down to droplets vs aerosols. Both carry the virus. They have different particle sizes. In general, droplets come out when you talk and aerosols come out when you cough. N95 stops both. Cloth shield only stops droplets because the aerosol particle size is too small. The tighter the cloth weave, the higher percentage of particles it can stop. I think I may 3D print a bane mask and put a hepa filter in it.
  6. https://theweek.com/articles/906647/noble-lie-about-masks-coronavirus-should-never-have-been-told “We must put an end to the idea that the best way to get through this crisis is to say things we know are not true in the hope of getting people to behave a certain way. This means not saying masks are useless when what you really mean is, "Masks are in short supply, please consider before you start hoarding them whether you really need them at present and if so how many."
  7. If you’re interested in the laws for quarantine that some states are ignoring, they’re on the cdc website here. https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/aboutlawsregulationsquarantineisolation.html
  8. Yeah, I read they kept the whole senior class there (only service academy to do so) to give the most seniors possible the best chance of graduating on time. Then they socially isolated them one per room.
  9. A good friend of mine just slipped his retirement 90 days with Covid as the justification. Zero resistance.
  10. Here’s the only lateral/lower exception I know. 6.6.3. An officer having a master’s degree and who has received SAF/IAPA approval to pursue a master’s degree in a designated program for a foreign language or international political-military studies with a foreign area concentration. Officers holding a doctorate (or equivalent) are ineligible. By participating in this MilTA option, officers will be considered for assignments under the Regional Affairs Specialist (RAS)/Language Enabled Airmen Program (LEAP) programs. Applies only to officers with 15 years or less TAFCSD. All other requirements in this AFI apply. (T-1)
  11. 2x suicides among the seniors kept back at USAFA since Thursday. Letter from commandant here. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/03/30/coronavirus-email-families-air-force-cadets-suicide/5091612002/?utm_source=AMP&utm_medium=UpNext
  12. You’re so right! We are number one at hyperbole. Easily the best in history. Nobody has us beat. We make the most, the best hyperbole of any nation ever.
  13. History tells us Reichstag fire. Safety > liberty. What could possibly go wrong?
  14. Governed of Rhode Island has activated the guard to help the police with ‘hunting down’ New Yorkers and forcibly confining them in quarantine. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-27/rhode-island-police-to-hunt-down-new-yorkers-seeking-refuge
  15. Full text here. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/eo-order-selected-reserve-certain-members-individual-ready-reserve-armed-forces-active-duty/ It’s for IRR and SR. He maxed out the statutory authority of 1mil in a national emergency. Also, the emergency means that they can be used for disaster relief or to suppress an insurrection (not allowed without emergency authorities).
  16. Which community are you a part of? I’ve never heard either phrase.
  17. That was possibly the most consequential speech of Trump’s presidency. It had to be perfect. Too many clarifications had to be issued in the hours afterward on basic policy issues. The underlying message was meant to instill confidence, but the inconsistencies created confusion. He presented it well, but his staff didn’t do him any favors.
  18. First of all, get palace chase out of your mind. The likelihood is extremely low. If you’re always focused on an early exit, you’ll continue to perform in the middle of the pack, and your options will reflect that. In terms of family stuff, welcome to the party. I had my 4th kid during ENJJPT over a decade ago and my 5th during an AFSOC ops assignment. It doesn’t get easier, for you or the spouse. That said, once you get to your squadron, you’ll find that most people are doing the family thing. It’s a big shift from upt. For airframe, there was some good advice above. I’ve been in many communities and fwiw, I like flying low and making explosions. I also like hanging out with people who enjoy those things, because they make me better. Figure out what you want, and then do that.
  19. https://www.airforcetimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2020/02/25/airman-busted-down-for-urinating-in-office-coffee-maker/
  20. Lieutenants should be taciturn and not heard.
  21. Key to the discussion is COMAFSOC’s comment from the article, “SOCOM needs the aircraft to provide responsive fire support “right there where they need it,” meaning it must operate with a small footprint in an austere deployed location alongside the troops it will support.”. That doesn’t read to me like a centralized low-density asset.
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