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Everything posted by arg

  1. arg

    Gun Talk

    If I can tell a shooting story. Guys from the base want to come out and shoot on my place, sure come on out. They show up and ask if I want to shoot. Okay, I grab my Winchester 30-30 off the wall and put some bullets in my pocket, ready to go. These guys have several cases of guns, ammo, perch, filled up the back of my Kubota S&S. I'm like jeeze. Not bragging but(maybe a little bit) I usually out shot them. They were amazed that with a forty year old gun and iron sights I could nail the target. Wish I still had that gun that's in some river somewhere.
  2. I was surprised that as an E7 with five kids(extended family, two were mine)that I qualified for WIC/.gov help, this was in FL. I took advantage of it. I was also surprised that my tax refund was more than I paid in. Didn't think that was possible. This was '96.
  3. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/05/04/kamala-harris-named-ai-czar-to-save-us-from-artificial-intelligence/
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq_Qdu0Imiw/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again
  5. Here is an oldie. Saw it years ago when I was new to the inter webs.
  6. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/breaking-pro-trump-meme-maker-douglass-mackey-ricky-vaughn-found-guilty-of-trolling-hillary-clinton-during-2016-election-faces-10-years-in-prison/
  7. He said he has a refrigerator full of ice cream, not even joking. That's a damn lie. Fill your fridge with ice cream and see what happens. If he can't get the little details right, how can he get the big ones right?
  8. Maybe bring back Trans Word Airways? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  9. Maybe the Trans Atlantic flights were too much
  10. Dr. Rachel Levine says changing kids' genders will soon be fully embraced: 'Wheels will turn on this' https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-rachel-levine-changing-kids-genders-soon-fully-embraced-wheels-turn Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
  11. So, on 1 March, I think, Col George Gray directed the aircraft under his control to begin looking for Spirit 03. On 4 March Myself and a couple of other guys were selected to go up on two H-3s belonging to the 71st SOS out of AZ. We weren't having much luck until an HC-130P called and said they saw something orange in the water just off shore, it was a 20 man life raft. They vectored us to the area and we found the crash site in shallow water. I identified the 105mm gun along with some other pieces of the airplane. When we got back to KFIA I drew a sketch of the debris that I could make out. The next day I'm on an H-3 headed back to the site along with a Pave Low carrying CCT and PJ divers. We landed on the beach adjacent to the crash site. The Navy had a small pontoon type vessel there waiting for us. They ferried our divers out over the wreckage. Meanwhile I was walking the beach and found a flight jacket and a helmet belonging to two of the crewmembers. Finding those two items and knowing the dudes they belonged to was surreal. I carried them back to the helicopter and put them in my bag. I later turned them over to the investigation team. Back at the chopper I'm sitting on the ramp having a smoke when the CCT dude on the radio said the divers found "software". I didn't know what that meant until he told me, human remains. It hit me who those remains had to be. It was cold that day and the divers were shivering when they came back to shore. But they kept going back out to pick up as much as they could. They filled three body bags. The first two went back on the H-3. An hour later we're leaving on the Pave with the last bag. An hour flight back to KFIA smelling that bag of guts that were my brothers.
  12. Uncle Remus tales. Brer Rabbit, Tar Baby. Checked it out of the school library. Bet it aint there now.
  13. You kids don't know how good you got it nowadays. We had had to fight wars without rip-its
  14. I wonder how getting rid of rank would prevent/solve the problems you are talking about FLEA.
  15. Cool, showing the "Big Guy" around. I want to hear every word spoken by any American to that government. That includes past trips there by Pelosi etc. You know there were private meetings. I fully support helping Ukraine, spending money instead of our blood, but I want to know where every penny went. As a taxpayer I'm entitled to that info.
  16. Back in the day it was E-7/O4 and above
  17. We flew that mission many times in the old Talon sim at Hurbie. Shadow guys were using our sim while theirs was down for mods. Cline came through refresher and we offered him to fly his own crash. He did. 70% flaps and 85 knots at the end. He said it was just like real crash. Not many pilots get to fly their own crash.
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