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Vasectomy and flight physical

Guest turtle

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Guest turtle

I'm just now in the process of applying for OTS and UPT. Does anyone know if having a vasectomy will complicate your flight physical? I haven't had one yet, but I'm considering it. Thanks.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Flight Doc

As long as it wasn't done very recently (say in tha last month or so) and there are no complications, this should not be a problem.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest bravodelta79
As long as it wasn't done very recently (say in tha last month or so) and there are no complications, this should not be a problem.

As this is the only thread I found on vasectomy, anyone have the official rule(s) on this? I have an appt late Dec for a preliminary but don't want to jeopradize anything by doing it.

Or, who could I contact at a Guard/AFRC unit to ask this question?

If all else fails, I'll wait until after a physical and so forth to get the final answer. Thanks.

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As this is the only thread I found on vasectomy, anyone have the official rule(s) on this? I have an appt late Dec for a preliminary but don't want to jeopradize anything by doing it.

Or, who could I contact at a Guard/AFRC unit to ask this question?

If all else fails, I'll wait until after a physical and so forth to get the final answer. Thanks.

What's the specific question? A vasectomy will not keep you from flying if that is what you are after. If you've had it done, it needs to be healed and no complications from it. If you are already on flying status, expect a couple of days DNIF unless you have complications. Get a couple of bags of frozen peas and keep your boys on ice for the first 24-36 hours, take the pain meds they give you and you will be fine. Worst case, a buddy had blood clots form- lots of swelling, hurt to walk, etc - he was out for 2 weeks. Only person I know that had problems. Besides that you will be fine.

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Guest bravodelta79

HD -- Thank you for the info. I am applying to ANG/AFRC this year and have an apt on the 28th to get it done. I don't want to have it done and then go to my medical and have that cause a problem.

I just want to make sure it's not one of those "no unauthorized vasectomies before pilot training" deals that may DQ me or hold me up. If you can answer that with certainty or point me to someone who can, I'd greatly appreciate it.



What's the specific question? A vasectomy will not keep you from flying if that is what you are after. If you've had it done, it needs to be healed and no complications from it. If you are already on flying status, expect a couple of days DNIF unless you have complications. Get a couple of bags of frozen peas and keep your boys on ice for the first 24-36 hours, take the pain meds they give you and you will be fine. Worst case, a buddy had blood clots form- lots of swelling, hurt to walk, etc - he was out for 2 weeks. Only person I know that had problems. Besides that you will be fine.
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HD -- Thank you for the info. I am applying to ANG/AFRC this year and have an apt on the 28th to get it done. I don't want to have it done and then go to my medical and have that cause a problem.

I just want to make sure it's not one of those "no unauthorized vasectomies before pilot training" deals that may DQ me or hold me up. If you can answer that with certainty or point me to someone who can, I'd greatly appreciate it.



I'm fairly certain but it's your application. Just PM one of the flight docs on here. I'm sure they can answer with certainty and quote chapter and verse. Not sure why you think the USAF would care whether you could pro-create or not though.

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I'm fairly certain but it's your application. Just PM one of the flight docs on here. I'm sure they can answer with certainty and quote chapter and verse. Not sure why you think the USAF would care whether you could pro-create or not though.

You'll be DNIF until you're healed...you won't be :bohica: (or manually) for at least 6 weeks.

Recommend you do the "prep"...which is shaving the boys and surronding area...otherwise you might end with the male tech with shaky hands :bash:

Edited by P27:17
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Guest bravodelta79

Ha! Thanks for the info and suggestions.


For future topic searchers, I got the word from one of the doc mods here that there is no problem with getting a vasectomy but you shouldn't plan within a couple weeks of your physical so you can go in and show that all is healed.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest r6pilot

For those who've had it done BEFORE going for you FC1, it is a non-issue as long as you had no complications. I had mine in Jan and went for my FC1 in Sep.

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Doesn't cover "or pay for it". P27, is that a yes?

TRICARE will pay once an offbase referral has been given. So you'll have to make an appointment to see the flight doc or whoever you and your wife (I believe both have to go) want to talk to about it first.

And note, TRICARE will NOT pay for any vasectomy reversals!

Cheers! M2

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Same subject, slightly different question-- anyone know if the AF will pay for this procedure or perform it?

M2 has it correct above. If you are still at LRF, they will not do this on-base. Must see the flight doc, get a referral then to the off-base guy who will take care of it. Tricare foots the bill.

Edited by Herk Driver
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  • 3 months later...

Thread update: I got it done off base and tricare paid; no waiting period at all-- from my initial query during my flight physical to procedure complete was 20 days. Not too bad, although it was not an enjoyable experience. The doc said it's still possible to get pregnant up to 2 months afterwards, so you have to go back and get a zero sperm count 8 weeks later to confirm the sailors can't escape the ship.

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone know if they will pay to let a single dude w/no kids get a vasectomy? Rumor is you have to have at least two kids, I call BS.

Yeah, I heard the same thing. I am 34/ no kids/ not married, and went in and asked about it and the doc said "No problem'. Bottom line is that there is a short interview and it's up to the doc weather or not they want to preform the procedure for you/give you a off base doc or not.

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Anyone know if they will pay to let a single dude w/no kids get a vasectomy? Rumor is you have to have at least two kids, I call BS.

Your rumor is just that;a rumor. You do not have to have any number of kids. The docs need to interview you so that you understand what you are getting into.

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Anyone know if they will pay to let a single dude w/no kids get a vasectomy? Rumor is you have to have at least two kids, I call BS.

It all depends on the Doc. Not all Doctors are cool with you walking in and effectively saying, "Hey, my body is working perfectly, I would like you to break it simply because I don't want to be actually be held accountable for my actions".

Not that I necessarily think that way, but then again, I am not a Doctor. I could see where that would be arguably against the Hippocratic oath without some extenuating circumstances.

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Anyone know if they will pay to let a single dude w/no kids get a vasectomy? Rumor is you have to have at least two kids, I call BS.

It depends on what your kids look like. If they're ugly, then it's not a problem because you've had two chances to produce good-looking kids and failed; so it's time to put a stop to it all.

If your kids are halfway cute, then it's the doctor's call. And if he thinks you're an asshole, he'll only tie one nut off!


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Anyone know if they will pay to let a single dude w/no kids get a vasectomy? Rumor is you have to have at least two kids, I call BS.

Married, 31 yo, 3 kids, stable marriage, and I had to do two separate interviews with the Flt doc before he okayed mine. Just depends on the doc. Just remember, he says, there's no turning back on this. What if your whole family dies in a car wreck? You get divorced, and then meet the real love of your life, he asks. With my spouse with me, in the room. Makes me wait a week to think on it then return again with the wife, to go over it all again. The way my AF docs did this thing, it's NOT reversible. YMMV, that's how my decision-making experience went.

PS: had op on thurs afternoon, DNIF on quarters til Monday sick call & RTF. Flew Tuesday am. No complications, loved the frozen bag'o'peas on Friday afternoon. No pain after Friday. Ops checked good on following Friday.

Edited by Learjetter
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Is there such a thing as a "medically necessary" vasectomy?

I know of quite a few guys even in ops who should have a "medically necesssary" vasectomy. It's called keeping the Gene Pool clean and it's needed.

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Does anyone know if having a vasectomy will complicate your flight physical? I haven't had one yet, but I'm considering it. Thanks.


No problem, the doc does the slice and dice, they put an info note entry in the "K's", you get dowgraded to PMC and shoot TP vs. HEI for the rest of your days. Press on with pride.


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  • 9 years later...

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