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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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Yeah, but then you have to pay back the unearned portion of the bonus - the kicker is that you pay back 100% of the unearned value, not the 75% you received after taxes. So it actually costs money out of your pocket to turn down continuation.

You get it back on your taxes

Also, you can time your declination such that your sep date coincides with your bonus payment date.


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1 hour ago, ihtfp06 said:

You get it back on your taxes

Also, you can time your declination such that your sep date coincides with your bonus payment date.


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My bonus date is pretty much equal to my retirement date... So...

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There's precisely 2 of us at my base.  I'm not even sure what the cut-off is for the WG/CC to get a DP to hand out to us.  It's me and another flyer...at least I'm not competing with a sitting SQ/CC in the MSG for the DP this time around.


55% I believe. So 1.1 DPs rounded down to 1.0 and the carry over goes to the MLR. Hey the worst you can get is the “If I had one more,” so you should be good. That’s what I got.



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45 minutes ago, Spaceballs said:


How did your major board turn out? Or is that this year you’re running into these shenanigans?

I got promoted. So I'm between the bottom 75% and the bottom 90% of my year group. 

I did ACSC in correspondence.  I'm also working on a wing staff gig right now, so that should help.

At least I have several "SQ/CC next" and "IDE soonest" pushes on the more recent OPRs, along with a 17/164 FGOs from the WG/CC on my most recent OPR.

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13 hours ago, 14N Guy said:


Retiring as an O-4 isn’t bad at all. I thought about going guard/reserve but I want my retirement to begin the day I leave active duty, not when I am 58-60. It means moving more and possibly getting terrible jobs, but, it will only be as bad as I let it be especially since the rules of the game don’t apply to me anymore.

A backspace does wonders for removing double spacing between paragraphs. Then you aren't taking up the whole page.

Break Break

So there is nobody from the 05 year group on BODN? Thanks AF. I'm all by myself now.

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1 hour ago, HarleyQuinn said:

A backspace does wonders for removing double spacing between paragraphs. Then you aren't taking up the whole page.

Break Break

So there is nobody from the 05 year group on BODN? Thanks AF. I'm all by myself now.










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4 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

A backspace does wonders for removing double spacing between paragraphs. Then you aren't taking up the whole page.

Break Break

So there is nobody from the 05 year group on BODN? Thanks AF. I'm all by myself now.

You and me, I guess.  I wonder how many LtCols they're looking to promote on our board... The rate should go up if they want to keep pace with the number from the 04 year group.

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5 hours ago, HarleyQuinn said:

So there is nobody from the 05 year group on BODN? Thanks AF. I'm all by myself now.

Yes our numbers are thin. I know about half the guys from our YG that I know are already out. Most are in the Airlines already and ARC.  As for the O-5 board there where a few btz from my peers this past so we shall see. I know if I wasn’t a “late” rated pilot I’d be out in the airlines by now. It’s not that I’m not paitrotic but the miss management is so bad now I’d rather go we’re we are valued more than a number. QOL you name it once you have a family changes a lot of things. The next round of CC’s could be interesting for sure. 

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14N Guy, one of your earlier posts you mentioned that someone told you 14N Lts don't get stratted, that statement is just flat out wrong.  Also, in my neck of the woods, the O-6 recently convened multiple boards to scrub CGOs and FGOs records to have a knife fight and determines which shiny pennies the unit wants to push to the next level.  Pretty crazy if you ask me because we are making pushes based on people's entire records of performance and not all of the supervisors were present to fight for their guys/gals.

For the young lurkers, I'll share my observations with you so you know what you are getting yourself into before you cross that blue line on the ground.  It's not universally applicable but this is what I've seen in my decade plus of TIS across multiple AFSCs and serving for different levels of command.  Also had a few good mentors who shared their insights with me early on.  If the more experienced guys/HPOs on this board disagrees with the content below please feel free to chime in and tell me why I'm wrong.  I would have made a real pyramid for you all but I'm too lazy to do that.

Before I start, I will say I think I understand AF GO's logic from way back.  They want to put the best/most credible GOs at the Pentagon to advocate for AF's piece of the pie, and I believe the HPO program is their solution.  I can support the logic of putting the best GOs at the puzzle palace/in front of cameras but I disagree with the HPO method of picking them so early in their careers.

Understand to make it far, it helps to be fit, photogenic, and articulate.  This is how you catch your sponor's attention and one way to the HPO on-ramp.

Before you sign on the dotted line, understand if you priority is to serve your mission/hack the mission/spread freedom all over the world, then you are "most likely" to top out at non-command O-5 (best case scenario).  If your priority is to become a General officer then the rat race begins as soon as you take that oath.  At the end of the day promotion is a percentage game, what's your chance of making it to the next level?  O-1 to O-4 for now is free, but what you do as an O1 affects your chance of making O-5 and beyond.

For the mission hackers, from day 1, be the best at your job, be a good bro/wingman, do what's "right", enjoy/take advantage of the military career, be a good parent and spouse, check the required boxes as you see fit.  Promotion past O-4 will be a crapshoot for you, a lot can change but you'll be stressed out and fight to be in the top 50% of your peers for many years (if you want to fight for it).

For the GO wannabes, be a DG and be stratted as many times as you can early on.  DGs/#1s at commissioning source, initial training, SOS, whatever...build that strong performance record from day 1.  If you get picked up as an Aide de Camp as an O-1/O-2 then you are really set. Fight for high level Exec jobs as much as you can.  Your strong performance records will get you picked up for the selective assignments later on.  White House jobs, high level execs, special programs.  It's a snowball effect.  Someone long ago told me you can afford to make mistakes as O-1/O-2, O-3 is where people hold you accountable.  That's really cute if you just want to make it to O-4.  It's been said on this board many times, and it's true.  You should know by mid-O-3 how far your career is going to go.  The HPOs know because they have been setup for success from day 1 and they see their mentors' secrets to "success." 

For the non-HPOs, in most cases you should strive for a MAJCOM+ staff job by mid-O-3 and/or pick a specialty path that makes you stand out and increase your chance of getting noticed.  WIC, FAO, TPS (sorry Olevelo), Phoenix XXXXXX, PhD, JOCCP, CNODP, WH, SOF, green doors, and etc.  Also continue to fight for Exec jobs, and If you are lucky to pick up a sponsor, he/she will tell you when to deploy.  Time your assignment right so you will be eligible for in-res IDE (very difficult w/ FAO).  O-4 continue to fight for the exec jobs, staff leadership positions (duty title matters!), and time your assignment right so people knows you well when you need to submit the PRFs.

I hated the old SOS and ACSC by correspondence and Masters degree requirements, but now I see you can't avoid ACSC by correspondence and a Masters if you want to increase your promotion chances down the road.  ACSC by correspondence done early makes you eligible for non-AF IDEs and also JPME II (volleyball and/or softball) early, which leads to fully Joint qualified even if you don't get picked up for ACSC In-Res.  Masters degree is required for O-6, and if you didn't do ACSC In-Res you'd be scrambling to get a Master's degree last minute when you have less time (family and responsibilities), so might as well knock it out early on in your career if you know you want that full-bird.  This will also impress your boss as a CGO and gives you a leg up against your peers.

I'm in no way of promoting the young folks to be a careerist, but I want you to know the rules of the game so you can pick the right path and be at peace with yourself later on in your career.  I had a better understanding of this game as a late O-3/early O-4, kind of knew my promotion % going forward and decided to put my family first.  The decision solidified after the 2014 VSP/RIF debacle.  I was not affected but I saw how inept the senior leaders and the O-6s were in carrying out this task.  When my O-6 thanked me for educating him on the VSP/RIF details so he knows how the programs affected his folks it solidified my decision not to trust this bureaucracy to take care of me and my family.  I've declined quite a few "golden opportunities" since 2014 but I'm a much happier person for it and get to "enjoy" my work while doing what's best for me and my family.

Good luck to you regardless of which path you choose.  Just do the right thing and don't mess with people's careers.

Added:  I used to hate people fight for Exec jobs, but it's actually a great learning opportunity.  You'll also walk away with decent strats/pushes from a senior leader.  Execs get a lot of hate because they will get that better strat/push than the mission hackers...

Edited by panchbarnes
faulty memory
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9 minutes ago, cragspider said:

...I’d rather go we’re we are valued more than a number.

At the airlines you are a number. A well-compensated number, but still just a cog in the machine. 

That said, the mis-management you speak of is far less prevalent when maximizing a profit is your number one goal. Funny how that works. 

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1 minute ago, FUSEPLUG said:

At the airlines you are a number. A well-compensated number, but still just a cog in the machine. 

That said, the mis-management you speak of is far less prevalent when maximizing a profit is your number one goal. Funny how that works. 

You are correct you are still a number for the airlines as well and well-compensated one as you said for your skill. Now only if we could change how we run this big machine to “maximize” the profits. Oh who am I kidding that will never happen.  It won’t change any time soon and by that point the death spiral we are end will be about to hit the ground. 

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While we are on the topic, and getting some good mentorship on here....I'm writing my 1BPZ PRF.  I'm headed to IDE next summer....what's an appropriate push line for the PRF when you're heading to IDE?  "En route to IDE in-res....blah blah blah"?  Cheers.

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While we are on the topic, and getting some good mentorship on here....I'm writing my 1BPZ PRF.  I'm headed to IDE next summer....what's an appropriate push line for the PRF when you're heading to IDE?  "En route to IDE in-res....blah blah blah"?  Cheers.

Can’t put that, in-res vs correspondence is masked

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3 hours ago, panchbarnes said:

14N Guy, one of your earlier posts you mentioned that someone told you 14N Lts don't get stratted, that statement is just flat out wrong. 

When did I say that? I don’t know why I would say that; I’ve seen Lt’s get strats.

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If you are in IDE, they will know from your narrative only PRF and the fact that your current duty status is what it is.   None of that is masked


your SR is also allowed to put the following on his push line, “He pisses fire; Sq DO/CC after IDE; SDE; Joint Staff—Definitely Promote”

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