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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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You can take this for what it worth. My Sq/CC said today that he emailed the head of separations at AFPC last week inquiring about VSP notifications. What he was told, via email, was that they were taking the rest of last week to clear the queue whatever that means. He also said they stated that VSP notifications would start rolling out at the beginning of this week.

Seeing as how it was Wednesday he fired off another email today to get an update because in his words “Wednesday is not the beginning of the week”. He said he had received a reply stating that they had gotten through the queue and that VSP approvals would start being sent out tomorrow and they would continue through this weekend. Disapprovals would start being sent out at the beginning of next week.

Take it with a grain of salt, but my CC is a pretty straight shooter and I doubt he would potentially put this out there if he thought he was being fed a line of BS.

So, Thursday thru the weekend, minus the Fri-Sat "down for maintenance time"

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Ops has zero sway over support in this Air Force. Why even lie? Why do they pick up the phone or respond to emails? Clearly they could just go golfing with no repercussions. If I knew they were actually drunk on a par 5, I would curiously feel better about it all.

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No offense meant to reference ground, but I think it would serve all of us well if we stopped putting stock in what sq/cc's are hearing. Mind you that wing commanders have no power in this buffoonery. My buddy's sq/cc told him that 14 May was the day we would get results and that day has come and gone. So much disappointment.

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You can take this for what it worth. My Sq/CC said today that he emailed the head of separations at AFPC last week inquiring about VSP notifications. What he was told, via email, was that they were taking the rest of last week to clear the queue whatever that means. He also said they stated that VSP notifications would start rolling out at the beginning of this week.

Seeing as how it was Wednesday he fired off another email today to get an update because in his words “Wednesday is not the beginning of the week”. He said he had received a reply stating that they had gotten through the queue and that VSP approvals would start being sent out tomorrow and they would continue through this weekend. Disapprovals would start being sent out at the beginning of next week.

Take it with a grain of salt, but my CC is a pretty straight shooter and I doubt he would potentially put this out there if he thought he was being fed a line of BS.

Here's hoping we start getting news today!

As much as I want this to be true, I have a very difficult time believing that AFPC will be working over the weekend. If that were the case, we would have seen answers a long time ago...

I can believe it. A guy in my sq got a call from the PC office this past Saturday morning telling him that his PC was approved

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No offense meant to reference ground, but I think it would serve all of us well if we stopped putting stock in what sq/cc's are hearing. Mind you that wing commanders have no power in this buffoonery. My buddy's sq/cc told him that 14 May was the day we would get results and that day has come and gone. So much disappointment.

Yeah our og pushed out an email last week saying the 12

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Sorry if this has been posted, just playing catch up from 23 days on leave and finally able to get on myPers.

So I click on the new FY15 LAF RIF matrix and it pulls up the FY14 one. How can I see if my yr group is over for the FY15 programs and when do they start? Thanks for the help

I click on the link in note 2 under attachment 1 but no worky :(

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If you look closely at the numbers in the matrix, there are some changes to both the "overage" and "eligible columns". You are correct though, the title still says "FY14". I didn't notice that before because my eyes went directly to the numbers. Good catch. Would you expect anything less from AFPC? Why proofread anything when you can just release a revised PSDM? PM me if you want to compare this last matrix from the original one released in Jan. I still have it.

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Thanks. So you are telling me I applied for VSP, got denied because they already "fixed their manning issue and approved the max they are going to" but as soon as FY15 hits, same yr group and same Afsc is magically going to be in an overage? That just doesn't compute.

That's not addressed to you but to afpc.

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Top tier work at afpc, huh chizz? Btw, I'm sure everyone has read the SECAFs email? "Make every dollar count: all in, all the time." Huh?? What a propoganda campaign. When is she going to realize how much money has been wasted for this entire Force Management debacle? On the bright side, only 28 days until the World Cup!!

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I have a very easy solution to making every dollar count, stop giving me a paycheck! I found the solution for you, you are welcome

On a side note, I promised info from the horses mouth, here it is on PTDY

DoDI 1327.06 has been updated to reflect the entitlement of Permissive TDY
for ALL separatees impacted by force management programs (use atch updated
matrix). "An authorized permissive absence may be taken in conjunction with
transition by members who are retiring, being separated involuntarily under
honorable conditions, or voluntarily separating through a Military
Department force reduction or force shaping program." The losing commander
may approve up to 20 days for members based in the Continental United States
(CONUS), up to 30 days for members stationed outside the Continental United
States (OCONUS), and up to 30 days for CONUS-based members who have overseas
residences. Use of benefit is subject to mission requirements and unit
commander approval. May be taken all at one time or in increments, except in
cases of disability retirement or separation in which time constraints
dictate that it is taken all at once or not at all. Please begin briefing
this new entitlement immediately during preseparation counseling using the
updated matrix (attached).

questions regarding Palace Chase separatees and 180 day Medical Benefits
(TA-180). To clarify, Palace Chase Separatees do not receive an SPD Code
that conveys TAP Benefits upon separation from Active Duty; however, once
gained by a Reserve component (Reserve/Guard), they become eligible for the
TA-180. This is temporary coverage until the member's TriCare Select
Reserve benefits activate. Again, Palace Chase separatees (SPD codes MGQ,
KGQ, and FGQ) are NOT authorized any Active Duty TAP benefits to include
TA-180 at the time of separation. It is only upon accession/GAIN to the
Reserve Component that they receive TA-180.

TAP & WOUNDED WARRIOR EXEMPTIONS. Clarification on Wounded Warrior
exemptions from the Department of Labor Employment Workshop. There seems to
be confusion on what qualifies a Wounded Warrior as exempt from the DOLEW.
The only allowable circumstance for Wounded Warrior's being exempt from the
DOLEW is if they are currently enrolled in the Education and Employment
Initiative (E2I) or a similar transition program designed to secure
employment, higher education, or career technical training post-separation.
We want to reiterate that having the status of a Wounded Warrior does NOT
automatically grant exemption status - it must be verified that the member
is enrolled in some sort of transition program to utilize the exemption.

Airman & Family Sustainment Branch
Directorate of Airman & Family Care
Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center
DSN 665-2311 Comm (210)565-2311

Also like I said, been playing catch up. Don't remember if this has been posted yet. (Free SWA tix for job interviews)

Great deal/opportunity for transitioning service members! BLUF: Hire our Heroes (HOH) in partnership with the Armed Forces Foundation (AFF) will provide a free, round-trip ticket to any transitioning vet going on a job interview (final steps/face-to-face) anywhere in the country.


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To add more rumor to the fire...the sister sq CC got off the phone with afpc this morning and he said he strongly believes today is the day......so I give it a 5% chance

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I got the "hey we need your info because you are up for the RIF" email right before my checkride. That was exciting. What I don't get is the # of 2008 11Ms that need to go didn't seem to change from FY14 to FY15. Either nobody applied for VSP or they denied everybody because of their ADSCs. Can't wait to see how this plays out in October.

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Well seeing how it's almost closing time at AFPC (assuming they haven't left already) and there is no change to my CMS, SURF DOS or smoke signals...looks like we're more likely in for another disappointing day.

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I got the "hey we need your info because you are up for the RIF" email right before my checkride. That was exciting. What I don't get is the # of 2008 11Ms that need to go didn't seem to change from FY14 to FY15. Either nobody applied for VSP or they denied everybody because of their ADSCs. Can't wait to see how this plays out in October.

Those numbers are pre-VSP numbers. Nobody with a remaining ADSC has been selected for VSP aside from a couple rare cases. Expect those numbers to change if and when they ever make their final decisions on those of us that put in for the VSP.

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Top tier work at afpc, huh chizz? Btw, I'm sure everyone has read the SECAFs email? "Make every dollar count: all in, all the time." Huh?? What a propoganda campaign. When is she going to realize how much money has been wasted for this entire Force Management debacle? On the bright side, only 28 days until the World Cup!!

She's a politician. Just like the rest of our "senior leaders".

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Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if all pilot year groups close out prior to the 2015 RIF. The pilots that are worried about the RIF are nuts because there are plenty of guys that are willing to get out voluntarily. In my opinion no pilot needs to be worried about being forced out if you actually want to still be apart of this sorry excuse for an organization.

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I just got off the phone with the TFSC and was told the VSP folks have gone home for the day and she re-stated that Mid-May doesn't mean 15 May and that the Squadron Commanders who heard otherwise are full of a shit. What a joke. Can't say I really expected anything else from them.

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