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Everything posted by Bergman

  1. 1. Yuengling. America's oldest brewery and damn fine beer. 2. Caffreys 3. Anything free and cold 4. Anything free 5. Anything cold
  2. That's just plain funny. I also think the reason AD people are ate up about their pubs is because they are ate up about checkrides and queep in general. I'm not saying the ANG doesn't follow the rules...just interesting how there seems to be a bigger picture here (due to higher experience levels maybe?) As for Steve's original question...my experience is very similar to Scooter's. My unit, and the 3-4 others I've flown with, all pre-position their pubs on each aircraft. Some flunky in Stan/Eval then gets to go update the pubs every month or so. With only 9 airplanes it only takes a few hours. It's a pain, but it ensures a pretty high degree of standardization on every airplane the units owns. The pubs all look exactly the same and are stored in the same spot on every aircraft (like all of our required equipment/life support stuff).
  3. I can back this up. There are 3 of us in my unit (out of 45 pilots) who have "9-5" jobs. All the other pilots are either airline guys or guard bums. While I maintain the reason for this is because most of the pilots have no marketable skills besides flying, it's also because working 2 schedules with 2 bosses and 70+ hours per week between both jobs, plus commuting time between jobs gets pretty tiring and challenging. I have met many guys who fly for the regionals but drop 90% of their flying schedule there in order to guard bum. They fly with the regional just enough to hold their line, stay current, and keep medical insurance rolling. The weird thing is that it's almost encouraged by the other non-military pilots...there is a definite "stick it to the man" mentality between pilots and management, so they all seem to support guys dropping trips due to military duty.
  4. YGBSM. What base are you at? You guys are getting screwed! The list of alcholol-related UPT patches is endless....from The Best Patch Collection Ever:
  5. As waldo said, Tiger Patch is the place. It's outside of Gate 2 at Kadena AB in Japan.
  6. I'm just waiting for the AD to have a pilot shortage, offer to credit my ANG years as AD years, then come back to mother Offutt for 3-4 years to get my 20. One of the best patches ever.
  7. T-37/38 ACE 12 second MITO Being able to say f_ck A keg in the squadron...in plain sight. A focus on the mission...even by the shoe clerks Common sense Friday night drink specials at the O'Club
  8. Shack. You can judge that, given the ROTC know-it-alls responses to the original question, this tradition is dying a slow death as well. These are the same clowns who have no idea where my avatar picture came from, or why it is relevant and f-ing hilarious.
  9. What heavy squadrons have you been around? 99.69% of the heavy world cuts these stupid flaps off as well.
  10. I almost forgot about this! In the realm of taking the AF back...we recently had a unit generation exercise. Generating aircraft callsign: GASH XX Command Post: GASH CONTROL "GASH CONTROL, this is GASH 11, reporting to aircraft" "GASH 11, GASH CONTROL, Roger" NSTFS. I am simply amazed, yet proud that this was allowed to happen. Clearly no finance shoe clerk was on the brick that day, else we would have had a EEO, MEO, or EIEIO complaint by now. +1 for a small victory.
  11. Dude...sounds like you need a thicker pencil. STS, of course. I have never had a pencil or pen fall out of my arm pocket. Are you using the old standard yellow #2 or what?
  12. Ahhh...not to get too technical, but all bourbons are whiskey, but not all whiskey (Jack and Crown) are bourbons! :D Bourbon vs. Whiskey
  13. F_ck yeah! My drink of choice, actually. While I still enjoy a cold beer or ten, there's nothing like a good bourbon on the rocks with a stogie, sitting on the front porch watching the world go by. I know I'll take some shit for this, but Southern Comfort is actually my favorite sipping bourbon. Maker's Mark after that, then Jim Beam. Since baseopsapalooza v1.0 never happened....may I suggest a "drinking tour of TN/KY" this summer? I've been trying to talk the wife into it, but she's having none of it. The idea would be to hit Jack Daniels, Maker's Mark, and Jim Beam distilleries, then maybe make stops at the Corvette plant in Bowling Green, KY, and finally end up at the AF Museum in Dayton, or maybe the Louisville air show this summer. Comments?
  14. Haha...I started this argument with Arlene Simon up there over 3 years ago; even appealed to the DoD "Finance committee" and never got a response. The long and short of it is that the way they read the reg, you should get DLA going TO UPT but not back. The reasoning is that you are "separating from the AF" (i.e. your orders end) when you return home. It's a loophole in the reg...the AF originally intended it to mean that they don't have to pay you DLA if you separate (from AD) but the ANG finance weenies have spun it for their benefit apparently. I love the first line of the JTFR, "Dislocation allowance is intended to offset the cost of a PCS move" Ummm...isn't PCSing from DLF to SUX a PCS move?! WTF! Bottom line...they should have paid it going to UPT at least. PM me for more specific info...many of the guys up there have fought this battle before. Good luck. Let me know how it works out.
  15. What have I thrown out? Well, through the sextant port...toilet paper, bananas, twinkies, hard boiled eggs, water. Amusing when you're really bored and 6.9 hours away from the nearest landmass. We've gotten rid of all our convection ovens (broke over the years) and the Boeing bastards raised a stink over the microwaves being "unsafe for use" (after being used for 20+ years without incident). Conveniently, they will sell us a "Boeing certified microwave package" for $1million per jet. And I thought the Nordskog on the RC was expensive at $18,000/copy! I'm a tried-and-true herbivore and all, but a million per jet is f_cking insane. Guess I'll sick with box nasties.
  16. Stumbled across this link on another forum... Manhart's myspace pix
  17. Yeah, because if it had been CAVU the Frontier guys would still have waited until 50' to initiate a go-around from a runway incursion. I think Ted may be in the wrong line of work.
  18. Yes. They will face the hardship of retiring with a 100% pension (base salary only, IIRC).
  19. I've gotten a few letters from a flying club in the local area. I'm wondering if this seems like a good deal to you. A C-172 rents for $80/hour (roughly) in this area so in my mind I'd only have to fly 1 hour a month to break even. $1000 up-front to buy a 1/36th share in the club (which can be resold later) $40/month dues C-150 - $39/hour wet C-172 - $52/hour wet Citabria - $49/hour wet
  20. That scenario is exactly why the 3-star (if the 3-star involvment portion of the story is, in fact, true) should have kept out of it - whether or not it was justified. He has opened the flood gates for every USAFA and ROTC douchebag to irritate the ever-living-shit out of scheduling shops everywhere and then whine when they don't get their way (entitlement generation, anyone? How about a nice cup of 'shut the f_ck up' for these whiners?!) Yet another example of a shoe clerk completely out of touch with reality. The same 3 star, back when he was a Captain, would probably be b1tching about this right along with us. Don't know what happens at charm school, but those dudes certainly forget from whence they came (sts).
  21. Haha...we've had similar incidents with the SJ guys as well. I guess our scheduling shop hasn't quite had enough of it YET. It is pretty irritating driving for an hour only to find out the receiver CNX'd BEFORE YOU TOOK OFF. Our SOF always calls the receiver base prior to our T/O to make sure it's going to happen, but once in a while the command post or receiver SOF guys don't seem to get the correct word. Ah well...guess I'll take the double-FTP and 4.0 of primary time even without an A/R. In all seriousness to the SJ guys, or any receivers really, PLEASE try to keep the tankers in the loop on your A/R status. Most of us -135 guys have a decent haul to get to Kiwi, so it would definitely help us out.
  22. You're right, which is why I said "Not for trying to get an incentive ride, but for trying to game the system by going outside the normal channels. If the scheduler says "NO" then take a hint dude!" in my original post. There is nothing wrong with trying to snag a ride...hell, if you don't ask then the answer is automatically NO. As with many things in life, it's not the message...it's the delivery. Clearly this kid was being a douche about the whole affair, otherwise the Major probably wouldn't have taken the time to write such a long response. Again, I agree. I just wonder why such a high percentage of USAFA and ROTC kids have no social grace at all. Which is a complete tragedy. In the old days this would be a non-issue. Perhaps he went a little overboard, but the response was funny and definitely needed. People need to lighten up, get a thicker skin, and stop being offended by every single thing they don't agree with. The 'entitlement mentality' in this country has reached epic/ridiculous proportion.
  23. No, I did not read the eDodo board. It figures. I'll shut up now, because there truly is no justice.
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