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Everything posted by Bergman

  1. Hydro lost it--turned in his wings. You guys are number one. But you remember one thing: if you screw up, just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong!
  2. I must have missed that one the first time around; f-ing hilarious. I hope that guy was sent to some remedial training once the aircraft owner heard that audio. "I saw the tower off my left wing, and knew it would point down!" UFB.
  3. I hope the boom's next words were, "Uh oh...looks like we just had a delayed disconnect that time!" as he punched her off.
  4. Or, you could write to the dude and use Toro's name. Technique only.
  5. I have been sitting on some savings for about a year now, which has been in a high-yield savings account up to this point. My son is now 2.5 years old, and it's time to stop being lazy and get this money into an investment that will earn more than 3%. I've read about several options, including 529 plans, Coverdell educational IRAs, and pre-paid tuition. I'm looking to retain control of the funds and also ensure that I can get at them in the event he gets a scholarship, academy, or doesn't go to college. I don't manage money for a living, so any advice is appreciated!
  6. Link to Barksdale video statement Strange that they aren't releasing names of the crew, but they tell us the name of the flight surgeon who was on the plane.
  7. Damn! It tears me up every time something like this happens. Let's hope the 6th crewmember was still strapped in the gunner's seat and that everyone makes it! For the rest of us: regardless of outcome of this, it at least provides a good wakeup call to be more vigilant. We can't afford any more of this shit.
  8. I've been outraged about "WHITE MAN AFB" in Missouri for years. Why don't we have "Blackman AFB" or "Latino AFB"? UFB!!! I am, however, extremely pleased that I do not live in the local area...Knob Noster, MO. WTFO? Who voted for that?
  9. I would say that is an accurate statement. Keep in mind that most folks who manage to get DG at SOS are probably not slackers in their day-to-day jobs. So DG is probably not the only indicator of competence. As for Lt Col...the residence ACSC studs are "must moves" every summer, so they are filled first. I would also imagine there is a push to get them better assignments since they have already been identified as "fast burners". If a person gets a good NAF/USAF-level job after ACSC and does well, it seems pretty easy to work a SQ DO/CC tour after than...then Air War College in residence, and on to O-6. Amazing how 6 weeks could potentially define a career. Standard disclaimers apply, but I have seen this exact scenario too many times to discount it as timing or luck.
  10. Can't....resist....sarcasm.... Welcome to last week!
  11. From earlier this week...Raptors Arrive at Holloman
  12. Chick at UPT a few classes behind me....BALD-D: Banging a lawn dart driver.
  13. Now THAT is how it is done. I thought that the black art of "pulling shit off" had died several years ago. Kudos all around. Especially well played was the "P.S." at the end of Gen Worden's response. Subtlety is a lost art in and of itself.
  14. I will remember that. That is almost as dangerous an offer as "beers for life...". Right after "never get in a land war in Asia" is "never challenge crew dogs when beer is on the line!"
  15. Good luck! Don't fuck it up. We're all counting on you.
  16. This is great. Especially if you remember the first O.J. trial. Greatest_Appeal_to_Article_15.doc CCs_Reply_to_Appeal_Letter_Funny_.doc
  17. As an LT, drove the same paid off car I had in college. A few years later... '04 Sea Ray Sundeck 240 '04 Acura TSX when it's not boating season!
  18. Oh good Lord. I'm just going to call "tumbleweed" concerning my inputs to this thread. I must have read 10 different articles trying to find that answer and didn't find any that mentioned the Tweet. Just goes to show you can't believe everything you read.
  19. Doesn't look good for your idea. I'll settle for wearing the same wings though. UPT sure has changed over the years...T-41 straight to the T-38. Niiicceee. It took some digging due to all the 2000 election year BS...but here is the link to this article.
  20. After re-reading, I think you may be right. Either way, still amazing that -8068 showed up brand new and then flew the fini flight 39 years later. I bet we don't get 39 years out of the T-6.
  21. How cool is it that the very first jet there was also the same jet to fly the fini-flight? For once the AF gets it right!
  22. I believe it. He flew a left-seat KC-135 ride out of Turkey back in 06 which is a no-no as well.
  23. I agree with Port Dog on this one. Don't do engineering unless it's free or you REALLY want to be a engineer...because the work load is just not worth it. If you're looking at ERAU for AE, I think you should also consider Parks College of St. Louis University, obviously in St. Louis. The price is probably similar with a good location, tons of hot nursing/teaching chicks, a flight department, and a pretty good aeronautical engineering program. Oh yeah, they have AFROTC also.
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