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Everything posted by LoneStar

  1. This guy is a rambling babbling fool. This is a bad joke.
  2. Won't sequestration just continue to force squadrons to consolidate duties even more? What you say is spot on about the tech part though, that comment is a good way to look at it.
  3. Old News...but lets keep it going http://www.usatoday.com/story/ondeadline/2012/10/16/texas-spy-plane-privacy/1637105/
  4. I see your Flickerball and raise you Icarus
  5. Abita - Andygator - if you are a light beer drinker you will like it. I a fan of a lot of the things that the Abita brewery puts out, unfortunately this is not one of them. I think I tasted some fruity tones in there too. (sts)
  6. Some of those photos are incredible
  7. LoneStar

    Booze Talk

    Had Yamazaki 18 for the first time a few weeks back, it was quite enjoyable. Laphroaig is my personal favorite though.
  8. I would say Holley By the Sea in Navarre. They have a bunch of new(er) homes, but then that means that you have to take a right out of the gate and fight the traffic on 98 every night between the hours of 1530-1800. Some times it might be quick (sts) and sometimes it will take a while to get home. But the homes are a little bit nicer than FWB.
  9. Yeah...let me get back to you with something witty.
  10. Also - according to the Rule of 7's, your money is going to benefit you better long term in the Roth, as opposed to a gain for a 3 year house purchase that you might not be able to sell off when you move. Also - with no data to back this statement up - I don't think people are making ~10% return on homes annually.
  11. Holy crap...I thought that was a custom made track by the dudes there. Anyone figured out the shopping list one yet?
  12. 13-01 Vance T-1's KC-135 Kadena KC-135 MacDill KC-135 McConnell C-130J Ramstein C-130J Dyess C-17 - Charleston x2 C-17 McChord x2 C-17 Dover KC-10 (Reserve) C-130E/H-Little Rock (ANG) U-28 - Hurlburt MC-12 Beale E-3 - Tinker T-38's F-22 F-15E B-52 C-130E/H Little Rock Edit: For assignment
  13. Its dirty. How is it eco friendly? I'm genuinely interested.
  14. I'm sorry..but did someone say that bio fuels were a byproduct of coal?
  15. Dont' give the 'carnivores' any other reason to chide. Let me eat in peace.
  16. Transiting by Marshall AAF... Cessna 69 - center you have time for a question? Center - Cessna 69, go Cessna 69 - do you know why the restricted area is restricted? Center - Cessna 69 it is currently an active bombing range for military B52's, B1 Bombers and Apache helicopters. Cessna 69 - well danggumb...that's a good reason to have it restricted Center - sure is
  17. Sycophant...I had to look that one up...clearly you didn't go to TUI
  18. I hear Hector is racing three Honda Civics with SPOON engines...
  19. [/youtube /YOUTUBE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYW6C44zo24&feature=related /YOUTUBE
  20. Interesting work Michael is doing over there. No suprise this guy has been working his ass off to get things done over there as much as he can. http://www.michaelyon-online.com/bowe-bergdahl-two-messages-from-the-taliban.htm
  21. Currently in Post-Production. FDR American Badass Edit: For an attempt to embed the link...
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