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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. You guys are missing the point. We’re rapidly becoming a military class system separated from our fellow civilian countrymen. Not only that but becoming extremely entitled with all our “benefits”. Common question I get asked when I tel military people I’m planning to get out is “oh I wonder what your disability rating will be!” YGBSM I’m a healthy dude I don’t need any disability. “Oh but you should get checked out just in case you can get some money from the VA!” thats the type of entitled thinking that’s seeping into our military culture. Entitlement. It’s not good.
  2. My dignity and personal self respect are worth more to me than $500-$1000. Id rather that then show some medal on my plate. Guys that’s me only hold your fire. It’s one mans opinion.
  3. I’m pointing out how these perks further the understanding gap between military and civilian. And how “appreciating the troops” is very superficial and makes Americans feel good about sticking their heads in the sand as they send their military all over the world. And if you have a meritorious service medal it’s lame you put it on your license plate to avoid $80 registration fee.
  4. I think white jets are certainly possible, safe, and reasonable for you. There’s a RPA guy who just graduated UPT, IFF, and going f22s. Current PIT student dude who just left MQ-9s doing fine (he was prior MWS though and never 18x) anythings possible especially when big blue is getting more desperate. I’d keep pressing to test. Hell they just sent a lot of casual 18x LTs direct to start UPT next month instead of RPA pipeline.
  5. I’d think you could get a white jet assignment pretty easily no?
  6. I do. Not saying that’s better than those who don’t. That’s just me. Watching 25 military members all in civilian clothes board first just was weird. Huge deal? Nah. Just weird to me.
  7. I agree w viper OPSEC please!!!!!!
  8. I think the 10% at Lowe’s is different. Thats more of a personal thing and not something where we’re “cutting in line” basically of the paying American public (boarding before 1st class) I don’t like getting put on a pedestal for recognition around the general public. “Look at me I’m in the military/I’m a veteran!” Feels dirty.
  9. Guys, the military “hero” / “thank you for your service” / “veteran” culture has jumped the shark. At the airport today waiting to board, and the Delta gate agent announces “anyone w a active duty military ID can now preboard”. Damn near 25 people made their way up to the gate...including a brand new 2LT RPA pipeline student wearing his flight suit (very tacky). Now it’s not these individuals fault they took advantage of Delta offering them early boarding. But as military members we need to think of what that’s doing to the general public’s perception of its military. If I’m a first class passenger I’m going to be slightly annoyed that some 19 year old dressed in cutoff jeans and a tank top is boarding before me just because they’re holding an active duty ID card. thats certainly not endeering me to any of those young 20 something year old airmen. Again, not a shot at the airmen, but a call to reflect on how some of this has gotten out of hand. next example: in Texas anyone with a qualifying military medal gets that medal displayed on their license plate along with other perks (I think free parking fees some places, along with other smaller perks). now fellas you’d think after parking on Randolph AFB you were in the god damn Medal of Honor parking lot with the amount of “meritiorious service medal” (super lame), “expeditionary war on terrorism medal” (lame), “air medal” (not as lame) and other frivolous displays of military “heroism”. I’ve never seen so much bling on cars! Honestly it’s a bit off-putting. Again not a shot at those who have these plates...More of an argument at the state of Texas for allowing it. What happened to serving honorably with humility and quiet professionalism? Why is there a need for military members to have a medal saying “look at my meritorious service?” I know a lot of us on here are annoyed when random people come up and thank us “for our service”. These license plates don’t do anything to stop that from happening. They are helping promote a hero culture for all veterans which is harmful to our profession in the long run. We’ve already identified there’s a growing civilian/military gap. Having all of these perks is nice for sure, but I’d argue it’s doing nothing to close that gap. Having civilians awe at your meritorious service medal (to them they don’t know it’s lame, they just see an award) shows how out of touch the avg American is with its military. Silver star or higher? Hell yeah put that on there that’s legit but that leads me to my next thought... Not everyone who serves is a hero. Quite the opposite. Most of us are simply doing our jobs, quite well no doubt. But there are really few heroes. If everyone’s a hero then no one really is. few military members deserve the amont of recognition that the American public is showering all of us with. Deep down we all know this...am I really a hero for doing 20 missions in afg at FL260 in the ISR orbit, not getting shot at,playing angry birds on my iPad? Hell no. Eddie Rickenbacker left WWI as a major, but used the rank of captain for the rest of his life cause that’s what he felt he earned. I really hope we can return to that level of humility. My grandfather fought in Italy as a tank gunner in WWII and had a finger blown off (no big deal). While in England recovering, his tank, along with his friends, was obliterated. When he came home from war he didn’t slap a Purple Heart on his license plate. He didn’t get thanked for his service or board airplanes first. He didn’t even talk about the crazy shit he did or saw. He simply thought that he did his duty along with millions of other Americans. That type of thinking was common. Now Yes I know a lot of this over the top military hero culture has come from how poorly America treated her Vietnam vets. I’m certainly not arguing to return to those days... and I wish those dudes didn’t have to endure that pain coming home. But there’s a healthy middle ground, and right now we’re not standing on it. Thank you...for reading.
  10. Negative. You do not have to be under 10 year adsc. I’m personally working my own case this month and will report results back, and only know tO do this cause my buddy got his waived. I guess not waived but extra year removed
  11. Yes. The reg contradicts itself. Standard. But guys have gotten it waived down to 2 year PCS commitment
  12. can't wait for Mr FAIP to tell mr. 35 year old 5 year captain how "the real air force works" lol
  13. the longer i've done this the more i've appreciated the roll that everyone plays. heavies hard sts? no. at least not most of their flying, but they're needed and important. and that's not some "everyone gets a trophy" bs that's the honest truth. no one operates in combat in a bubble. shit even F22 dudes are getting threat calls from the lowly heavy AWACS. night 0 shit? yeah that might be a little different...for a few nights...but even that's gonna be a whole lotta teamwork anyway not sure what the point of this post is gotta go back to the "emirates" thread for the juicy gossip c ya!
  14. 17D....bro all I can muster up is keep up the good fight. You have my respect sir!
  15. That sounds a lot like my “masters work” too
  16. Major in what interests you... as long as your scholarship allows it I was miserable for 3 years in school as a comp sci major and only did it cause that’s what the AF would pay for Dont major in rotc. Enjoy college. Air Force life will happen soon enough.
  17. Fair enough. I’d argue you’re not a lemming if you do what you know is right.
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