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Everything posted by Prozac

  1. LOL. It'll be 6.9 seconds before we're all in reflective belts all the time and another 6.9 seconds before there are about 50 too many chiefs on base.
  2. Goddamn it, why the F did this thread have to go and get all serious? Can we get back to the important points of the discussion at hand like; will the main characters continue to wear polo shirts under their flightsuits? Will we see more sweet personalized helmets? Or has the queep infested the bo-at and all morale related concessions to uniformity have been banned? Seriously, somebody post some tits or something!
  3. I fully embrace 'equal opportunity' when it comes to women. Just sayin' "when in rome...".
  4. Yeah, but in Sweden? You're literally surrounded by tall big breasted blonds for chrissake!
  5. I have been, but they're currently deployed, so progress is a bit slow. I suppose it's not really that shocking that no one at AFPC can tell me anything about this process. For the folks wondering about TAMP, PC'ers get it, but at least for me, there is a period of a few weeks (while waiting for the aforementioned process to play out) where my family and I are showing ineligible in DEERS. I'm assured that coverage will be backdated once I start drilling with my unit. We'll see how that works out.
  6. Wondering if someone here can help me track down a good contact at AFRC. I separated from AD on 1 Jun under Palace Chase. The ISR at the base that I left stated that it would be some time until I was processed into the Reserves and could drill with my unit. Does anyone know how I can check on this process? Of course, I've tried calling the ISR at my last base and the phone has rung off the hook for 3 days straight and no email response either. I'm not too concerned yet as I know folks who were in limbo for over a month, but it would be nice to know where my paperwork is currently at.
  7. I thought Tom Kazansky was an FO at United now... http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/lle
  8. Reduced thrust T/O? Did you start at the end of the runway or could it have been an intersection departure?
  9. Right now there are guys with 6000+hrs and 737 type ratings who can't get an interview. There are a shit ton of qualified pilots out there and the few airlines that are hiring right now have the pick of the litter. I have apps in with Fed Ex, Alaska, Atlas, and a host of others and have yet to recieve so much as a phone call (current/qualified 3500 mostly heavy hrs). This is expected to change some time over the next few years, but right now, the market is pretty tough. Unless you have some VERY good contacts, I'd say the chances are pretty slim that your resume will get to the top of the pile if you've been non-current for a while.
  10. I'm sure the Marines would be very sad about not receiving said 'gold star' if they weren't busy shooting terrorists in the face. Maybe Weinstein should consider focusing more of his efforts on kindergarteners where his gold stars would be so much more appreciated.
  11. Keep your sick fetishes to yourself.
  12. Dude gets raped by power ranger. Power ranger spent, has to sleep it off. Wait, I thought it was the purple one that was gay.
  13. Prozac


    I live off base but the anthem is audible in my neighborhood depending on the wind. A couple weeks ago I was out with my 4 year old and a couple of the neighbor kids when we heard a few notes. All of the kids (all military) stopped what they were doing and faced the music and stood tall. Then the other day, we were driving on to the base as the music started. My boy called out from the back seat "Dad you have to put your hand over your heart" (his mom taught him that). I looked back to se him concentrating on the music with his hand over his heart. Made me proud.
  14. Nice how it took about .69 seconds for all the networks to get "experts" on to speculate about what happend, yet no direction to the general public to stay the fvck away from the wreckage.
  15. Interesting stats, but they focus on the top ten grossing films in each year. There have been plenty of good original films over the last few years. They just don't make wads of cash. Has Hollywood really lost its creativity? Or are audiences who are unintersted in little things like plot to blame? Face it, Hollywood has discovered the magic formula for the blockbuster and it has made studios a lot of cash. As Colbert would say, the market has spoken.
  16. Rainman hit it on the head. People aren't going to be lining up any time soon for driverless taxis or busses, captainless cruise ships (even if they have a tendency to run into big f-ing rocks), or pilotless planes. Hell, even Amtrack and Burlington Northern still see a need to keep men in the loop. Sure, there are a few limited instances where we've given up on human operators. Subways and airport trams are pretty controlled environments. When something goes wrong, the tram stops and some pax are stranded for a while. Most people can live with that. Here's my philosophy on pax safety as a pilot: I don't care as much about the safety of my pax as I do about my own. It is my own instinct for self preservation that makes me want to operate within the margins of safety, not some stoic sense of duty to my pax. Don't get me wrong, that sense of duty is there, but saving my own pink butt is what really drives me to resolve an emergency. Guess what? A computer or a dude in a trailer with a joystick doesn't have the same sense of self preservation. That's why I'd NEVER get on a pilotless aircraft as a pax. I want the motherfvcker who's operating the thing to be along for the ride too! Exactly. We hear all the time about how the root cause of most accidents is pilot error. What you don't hear about are the times that the human being in the cockpit resolved an issue by appplying good judgement and proper procedure. How many times has an aircraft been saved because there was someone there to think the problem through? We'll never know because pilots consider that a routine part of their job.
  17. All the guys I've known have had the support of their CCs. Here's the routing the package takes: Sq/CC, Wg/CC, AFPC/PC office, Functional, SAF/PC office. All stops before SAF/PC can only recommend approval/disapproval. It's my understanding that SAF/PC will sign off on a package that has been recommended for approval by all parties involved. A recommendation for disapproval along the way might mean things get tricky. Did both the Sq/CC and Wg/CC recommend disapproval?
  18. Since the RIF, I and a couple of others at my base have been approved with ADSCs ranging from 6 to 18 months.
  19. In the process of leaving the AD for the Reserve side. Sick of the BS and, frankly, unwilling to continue to make the sacrifices necessary to continue moving up in the AD world. That said, I would not trade my experiences for ANYTHING.
  20. Captain must have missed the annual CRM CBT.
  21. Of course we didn't see this at the schoolhouse. Wouldn't it be nice if we knew what our students were doing operationally when they get out in the fleet? Just for clarification, is AMC saying that I can fly any jepps procedure in a special accredited nation without a TERPS review? I.e., I'm tasked to go to Le Bourget -- just grab the jepp plates and go -- no review required? This would have saved a lot of heartburn/bribes to DAOs during my time in USAFE!
  22. The biggest WTF here: In picture 1, that chick is drinking a Fat Tire out of a CAN. Blasphemous!
  23. Funny, If I were the secdef, nothing would make me feel more secure in a war zone than a shit ton of heavily armed Marines between me and the insurgents.
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