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Everything posted by nsplayr

  1. Related because it's another AQSL death day. Here's to many more!
  2. I’m happy for all my friends at L3 who will be working hard to deliver a great product and for all my Draco fam who will ride this mighty crop duster into combat 🇺🇸
  3. America, fuck yeah! 🇺🇸 I only wish I could have pulled the trigger personally 🍺 Fuck that guy.
  4. That’s taking the “Captains I don’t want to fly with” list to the extreme!
  5. Exactly! This is comedy, and I gave it a +1: Whereas as this is bad photoshop + a Qanon conspiracy that is not funny in any way: So yea, agreed, more funny stuff and less political BS unless it’s actually funny stuff about politicians 🇺🇸
  6. Some of y’all have brain worms man. This obviously-photoshopped photo is pretty gross TBH and the Capitol police “let the Jan 6th insurrectionists in the building” 🤨??? Have you seen the extensive amount of video from that day? Be conservative, hate on AOC, make fun of Biden for being old, elect your guy next time, whatever. But try to be better than the people you loathe and retain some grasp on reality. Shitposting your way through life isn’t a good look. WTFO.
  7. In a utopian genderless future, everyone is treated equally 😁
  8. God love em! 😇
  9. I've been to all of those places except Portland relatively recently and they were all really nice! Millions & millions of people live just within the city limits of those places. Literally ~6.9m people, I ran the numbers lol. I've never lived in any of those cities, but the city I do live in/near is also nice! Some folks are just overly negative about life in general and especially places where they aren't from and where people from the "other group" like to go. e.g. right-wingers think they hate NYC/SFO, left-wingers think they hate "flyover country," etc. Both NYC/SFO and "flyover states" can be really nice depending on what you're looking for.
  10. Yea I don’t think that’s an indication one way or the other on armed overwatch. From what I’ve heard the AT-6 is the least likely of the three contenders to be chosen because it failed to meet an important capability requirement in the competition. Now maybe that just means it will in fact be chosen just because USAF acquisitions is fucked up like a football bat 🧐
  11. Looking up from my MQ-9 GCS with the plane doing like 150 KTAS for a 6-9 hour transit…
  12. 💯💯 People need to stop harassing other people, including public officials, and going home thinking they’re Rosa Fucking Parks or MLK Jr. 🙄 I don’t support it when progressive do it nor when right-wing people do it either.
  13. My opinion is you’re either really quirky or you’re an AI chatbot. Either way, I don’t really wanna engage here. GL!
  14. Best typo in the history of Twitter 🤣
  15. This is some high-level pentagon fuckery as a way to can the A-10, frankly I’m impressed 😆 I hope the Ukrainians get some aircraft and deliver that sweet, sweet brrrrt to the Russian invaders, but also that we keep the best ones in our own inventory for a while longer.
  16. That’s a lot of specifics man and a lot of ways you could “win” the bet while the world remains largely as it does today, which isn’t the intent of “the complete destruction of the modern financial system” if you ask me. If you truly believe the entire modern financial system is going to collapse, are you stopping 401k contributions and buying cans of tuna, gold and ammo? That’s my main point…the world is gonna keep working and even through wars and recessions are inevitable, I am confident that the U.S. in particular and mankind more broadly will continue our long march toward prosperity. I am a long term optimist and doomers are just baffling to me…it’s no way to live your life IMHO. So no deal on the bottle if you’re gonna have so many potentially uncorrelated events/conditions, sorry. Deal’s still live for Milton on the gold standard making a come back.
  17. Bollocks to both. Doomerism and/or predictions of massive, rapid, chaos-driven systematic change can be soothing but they rarely come true. The U.S. is a strong country and we have survived much worse and emerged stronger, and despite our massive collective stupidity, human beings as a species have managed to conquer the planet and in large part thrive for thousands of years. I will bet each of you a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue (or your prefered substitute) that the US economy and global financial situation will be more or less like it is now in 6-9 years. To be clear, the specific manchester here is that if either of the two following things happen in the timeframe offered (NLT 6-9 years from today), I will send you a nice bottle of your choice (JWB or equivalent): "...the complete destruction of the modern financial system." My interpretation of that statement is no central banks, no world bank, no IMF, no USMCA, no EU, massive and withering tariffs employed by most nations rather than free trade, etc., unless you had something specific in mind here The U.S. returning to a gold standard What I see is a modern financial system that factors in recessions and shocks and that through it all will continue making everyone a lot of money fairly unabated. Powerful central banks will continue to exist and will innovate toward CBDCs before deciding suddenly that what you're allowed to do as a nation is dependent on the amount of shiny rocks you have in your basement. There will be political strife and unrest and we may even see that here at home a bit more than in the past 50 years, but there will be no massive overthrow of the western-led global capitalist political or economic systems. If neither of the above happens and y'all accept the manchester, I have some nice bottles in mind that y'all can send me. I accept the judgement of the peanut gallery if there is a disputed outcome. Deal? I'll even be generous and give you 9 years...no guarantees I'm hanging around here after I retire 🇺🇸 Check back in July 2031 for the thrilling results haha! 😎
  18. Fair enough, I’m 100% sure that would happen. I’m not so much ate up about civilians teaching at UPT, I could care less so long as they are qualified and good pilots & instructors and there are mil folks around to teach the officer ship and tactical mindset needed. Almost all the instructors at URT are civilians anyways, although that’s an all-sim syllabus already (🤬) and there were plenty of civilian INs at Nav school back in the day teaching the sims there, which were better training compared to the T-43 flights anyway IMHO. Mostly this program seems dumb and poorly conceived in the specifics. Instead of paying good money and attracting separated or retired mil IPs or highly qualified civilians who aren’t approx. 14 years old puppy mill CFIs, they design this insane Rube Goldberg system that produces a young & dumb first-time IP way slower than OCS + UPT + FAIP PIT. I predict in the end they hire maybe 5 dudes, with 1-2 actually making it all the way through to being line IPs 6-9 months before the contract is terminated and they waltz off to the airlines anyways.
  19. There were 4 enlisted pilots in my URT class and they definitely got left hanging out to dry from the start. What a cursed program. The USAF should have done the right thing from the start and sent them to OCS with priory placement and then just had them be butter bar pilot trainees with the rest of the puppies from the academy, ROTC and off the street or other non-prior rates OCS folks. They were all high-speed NCOs who were ultimately getting paid less money to have the same level of responsibility as their officer pilot peers in the RQ-4 community. Had they commissioned from the start like they should have, they could have had parity from the start and now more easily flow into the MQ-9. Not that it was a bad deal and they all volunteered, but it always struck me as unfair to pay them less when there’s an existing 6-9 week quick fix (OCS) for the handful of dudes the program entailed. Same story with these civilian UPT IPs…just freaking commission them via OCS (because its 7 dudes lol), send them through regular UPT, potentially shortened due to significant prior pilot experience, with a guaranteed assignment as a FAIP. That certainly would be faster than the program as current written! No weird dynamics now, you’re a USAF officer, a full up mil pilot and a FAIP, just like many before them. Hell, you might even retain them beyond their commitments if you let them keep flying sexy military jets, who knows. It should be freaking rocket science here. Offer quick OCS placement, guaranteed UPT slots with the ability to prof advance or TX through phases you can already pass from day 1, then homestead FAIP assignments, throw in some money as required and I’m sure you’d get “more than 15” applicants.
  20. I think the B-52 has a lot of potential well into the 2100s 😆 More seriously I think maybe the P-8 and MQ-25 have been well-received by the Navy? Hopefully the T-7 will do well? IDK, it’s a stretch with so many high profile massive FUBAR programs (starliner, KC-46, MAX, SLS, etc.)
  21. At first I thought she was “unqualified” for sex work and I’m like…what university or credentialing agency is training all the top sex workers these days?? I’d like to know…ya know…for research purposes…
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