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chim richalds

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Everything posted by chim richalds

  1. I'd call this a Mickey Mouse operation, but that would be an insult to Mickey Mouse. -bobby knight
  2. SECAF said that during a q&a. It only seems logical to not make guys write rrfs who applied for vsp and got denied, therefore they will have to do it.
  3. I agree with everything said. I have a guard job lined up so i was open to either idea. You would think it would be as simple as saying we have a lot more wiggle room to Palace chase, so we prefer you go that route. Instead they challenge everybody to read between the lines and try to guess what these people are thinking. Just tell me the easiest way to get out of here please and I'll do it.
  4. Something tells me your follow on choices will include creech and cannon.
  5. I love how they act like RPA training is some asset that takes a long/strenuous journey to obtain. Any pilot who wants a pension should have to do a tour here, boom, manning solved and you all can experience the pleasure of this community.
  6. All of my research backs up what MTC is saying. Take the written by July 31, get grandfathered in for 2 more years to take the old syllabus.
  7. Just remember you'll never hear the phrase "my asvab score wasn't high enough to get sf."
  8. You really are a snarky sob. My comment was made that at least I know how many people I have between me and getting furloughed. Even @ 1600, that guy has a lot if people between him and the unemployment line.
  9. thank you for repeating this for the 69,000th time in my career. This is precisely why I'll trade my flight suit for an airline uniform. At least there i know my line number and how many people i have between me and being furloughed.
  10. awesome article, we are truly sitting ducks and "leadership" couldn't care less. We have to press our rights or risk becoming animals led to the slaughter.
  11. whats funny is that i just sat on a court martial and no pt scores were required. I guess making a decision on whether a guy did time was less important than some "great opportunity" that management has for me.
  12. I'm not advocating firing anyone, most people have never had to fire anyone and don't realize how hard it is, but there needs to be a serious inquest into how afpc runs. Archaic websites, no customer service, terms and conditions pdsms that are convoluted, and the general disarray they appear to be in. Something tells me nobody will really care though unless it involves sexual assault or bathroom rights for trannies.
  13. I'm so sick of hearing, "things will happen by this date." What a load of crap, according to the initial release back in Dec, they should have been on batch 3 or 4 by now. God help us if we ever have to fight a capable enemy.
  14. I feel your pain, but what are you going to say to the press? The air force won't give me my severance pay for breaking my contract, or they won't give me my pension for life for serving 15-19 years? I'm not defending these clowns at all, I just think we get a little too emotional with all of this. Things are moving in the right direction, just at a pace that make glaciers look fast.
  15. SECAF gets blame too, she was on the scene for 20 minutes and then chaos everywhere.
  16. Haha, you really think this thing would be 122 pages if anybody actually knew who was eligible?
  17. Oh yeah, i forgot their job was to be a bunch of yes-men.
  18. that would make sense in a reasonable democratic republic, or course thats not what we are anymore.
  19. I will never understand why our Generals allowed Bill Clinton to disarm us back in the 90's. Each day I carry enough weapons to destroy a city block, yet I can't be trusted to keep a .22 on my leg just in case?
  20. The fact that people get so hot and bothered by chaplain invocations but didn't raise an eyebrow when maj nadal Hassan signed all of his letters "Allah Akbar" is pretty telling about our ridiculous PC military.
  21. I'm sure he's trolling, but if they did put it at 6 years, then bravo "Air Staff." Those of us serving out our sentences in GCSs will appreciate the choice of that number.
  22. If what y'all are saying is true, the FY14 Force mgmt program is being run by a guy who slaps asses at bars and hits on trannies. God bless this country. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/13/lt-col-jeffrey-krusinski-military-sexual-assault/3518113/ and for God's sakes, let that dude vent, let us know when you all come down from the cross and can sport bitch on here again.
  23. I must admit that the longer this thing takes, the more I lose focus on my job/mission. I'm not proud of that fact, but I'm human, and I can also sense how unorganized this slow moving organization is. AFPC has to make some kind of decision soon, because I can't be the only one who feels this way.
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