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chim richalds

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Everything posted by chim richalds

  1. Yes, unfortunately it doesn't mean anything, they did this to me last time and was still a denial, maybe if they were specific about what form, or provide you one on the website, this wouldn't happen.
  2. Stick, you got screwed, but they probably would have found another reason to deny anyways. Did you tell them that you have to pick a program from the mother ing dropdown menu???? Get me the hell out of this piece of garbage organization.
  3. They used Ladsc criteria to reject vsp apps because they wanted to. These people hate to let a lot of pilots go, I pray that Welsh has the balls to tell them to get their shit together
  4. I thought some guys have already gotten rejection letters
  5. I just read his bio, he is the typical kind of asshat that active duty loves, who could not be gainfully employed in the real world. His civilian jobs have both ended as gigantic dumpster fires. There are still many like him who don't know how to exist once they pull of base.
  6. I just read this entire thread, I laughed, cried, and got pissed off. Cheers to all of you who have had to work under this douchenozzle
  7. I'll take a bankrupt airline over a clown show like active duty has become
  8. I sincerely hope your jobs don't get taken by uavs. This has been the most boring phase of my life in what was supposed to be the prime flying years of my life.
  9. This brings back the question, why list overages and make certain boxes blue when you know that all of those people have to have a UPT ADSC still? This is the most fraudulent they have ever been.
  10. Congrats to all of you who have gotten approved, hopefully mine and a few more will get stamped appvd too.
  11. I know it's a lot to ask out of an organization as poorly run as the air force, but can you please have this shit figured out before you open things up? I'm supposed to believe you can plan for wars of the future but you can't predict that a few unhappy pilots will want to leave your precious little dump? What a joke
  12. It was said here a while back, but the issue I think will always be that the people who want to get out are not the ones the af wants to lose, and the ones who want to stay are largely parasitic on the system.
  13. PC is good if they force you to go that route, all things being equal, you'd be dumb not to take the vsp money
  14. If you dig through the maze of pdsm minutia, your cored ID is locked in on the RRF accounting date, which is 31 Jan 14. Those of you wanting to get your core id switched back to a blue box could use that as ammo if they switched if after 31 Jan.
  15. The Air Force is about to have a lot of excess mc-12/rpa pilots, those of us sentenced to these "planes" should have the first chance at parole
  16. I know this happened last time, but this some serious stupidity. I really want to know the rationale for not waiving my upt commitment, denying my vsp, and then trying to rif me. Seems borderline criminal, disingenuous at the very least.
  17. slow news day on the vsp front, may tomorrow bring us good news
  18. Yes you still get paid if you write a letter. I still believe those of us with 11M on our app have a shot, everybody at afpc says we are overmanned, they just have to put it in writing now.
  19. Since VSP isn't mentioned anywhere in 13-65, is 14-08 referring to LADSC or Palace Chase waiverable ADSCs? I think we all assume that they are referring to LADSC because it affects more of us in a negative way, and all the pro-palace chase additions they put in. So far, only 1 guy has said a help center person said UPT is waivable for VSP?
  20. Such bs, why even let me apply? You already sent me to uavs you clowns.
  21. If the 4 star at afpc had any balls, he would address our eligibility issues. Sadly he is probably working on setting up his consulting job while we sit here and squirm over semantics and help center phone calls
  22. I tend to agree, but, 13-65 is from last summer, with nothing about vsp being highlighted (changed). You can be vsp eligible but not rif eligible. I think its a long shot, but if they would like to have rif eligibles leave first, wouldn't they have to honor 13-130? If they want us to do palace chase, why even offer vsp. I hate that my life has become looking for details on afpc generated bullshit.
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