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Everything posted by uhhello

  1. TDY from Tyndall up to Cold Lake. Landed and were putting the jets to bed. Local gas trucks show up and we fill everything up. Go inside to finish forms and somebody mentioned something about their gas card didn't work so they borrowed the next jets. New crew chief hears this and asks what a gas card is. Long story short, truck driver asked for a card and new guy gave him his GTC 🙂 Wonder what 2300 gallons of JP-5 cost back then.
  2. Army is now having to do a pre-boot camp fat camp for a chunk of their recruits.
  3. If you're RA and leadership have half a clue thats the way to go.
  4. Well, its where the great majority of the US gets their news still. On the flip side, if you flip on twitter or the like, you would be led to believe that "name your group" is being led away to concentration camps OR "name your group" will be leading your family to concentration camps. Quite the pickle.
  5. Probably in a crate somewhere on its way to Taiwan.
  6. If you flip on the news, one could be led to believe that trans issues are the basis of every problem in this country, no matter what "side" you're on 🙂
  7. Ditto. 210 days days for it to affect your credit and if it gets that long everyone in the AF has failed. We would just put folks on mission critical status if there voucher wasn't for the individuals failure to file. If it was on an outside agency, mission critical you went and it would be briefed at the group meetings on specifically why the outside agencies weren't doing there job.
  8. I also know from a friends experience that the card will be denied at flagged locations like liquor stores and what not.
  9. You would think they could get a smoking deal. Probably a million total users all controlled mandatory payers with pretty much guaranteed payments.
  10. It's already falling apart. They are going to tear their cities apart throughout this process. The leaders and task forces got everyone whipped up into a frenzy thinking they are getting millions and now they are saying it's going to go to city programs targeting their communities.
  11. Always. In my experience, the ops world is MUCH better at rationally working GTC/Voucher issues. Ops world approving officials are more likely to have acutally been on same trip or have at least been TDY before. MX world, it's some crusty civilian who follows the letter of the law with no exceptions and the leadership support him/her everytime.
  12. Never said it was a good card or deal for the govt. It is for the govt though so not sure you expect anything but garbage.
  13. Yup, but it will never go away. It kicks back a shit ton of money to the bases. Damn the time/drama/waste associated with it.
  14. You think he is fit to serve currently? How about in another year and a half? I'm pretty middle of the road on most stuff, couldn't vote for Trump in the last go around but if it was down to Trump/Biden in 24......I think I represent a giant chunk of the voting bloc as well.
  15. Don't manipulate video/transcripts to suit your narrative. He has enough out there where you can truly see he is not fit to be leading. It's simple.
  16. Have dealt with POTFF alot. Its a game changer. We had a MFLACC in house for a while too. She was the absolute best. Nothing on your records. I referred SO many folk her way and they all loved it. ALOT different than those we forced or nudged the official AF mental or substance abuse route. We had guys do the absolute right thing and get the help they needed only to be held up by miles of red tape and agencies not working with each other to get the person back in the saddle like they truly needed.
  17. Yeah there is a difference like you said.
  18. 50 years ago BiffT was saying the same thing except it was in regards to Elvis Presley and the devil music.....
  19. "Is that as high as it goes?"
  20. I mean it's been 20 years since we've freed the fuck out of someone. Iran has potential. Fuck I forgot about Libya.
  21. Yeah, zero chance anyone not a flyer themselves knows the difference in wings. Hell, I'd bet a lot of enlisted fliers couldn't point out the differences. Worked for an enlisted Ops sup at one point in career who decreed no flier would go to a base appt in their bag, we would be in ABUs only. "They don't respect the flight suit, they respect the wings". Laughter ensued.
  22. Agreed. Awareness keeps it at bay though.
  23. Coming fo yo disability https://www.cbo.gov/budget-options/58631
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