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Everything posted by SocialD

  1. Two of the worst places I've ever flown wrt noise abatement rules are Madison and Burlington. They both have ridiculously dumb rules to appease the America hating, granola eating, self-fart sniffing, smug cloud following, pinko-commie bastards that hate the sound of freedom over their neighborhoods. So it makes sense that they'd drop F-35s in both of those locations. It's genius...big fuck you to hippies (Ben & Jerry's being one) in both locations.
  2. I mean...nobody cares if we save Ben & Jerry's
  3. There was also an airline pilot who chainsawed his wife up and put her through a wood-chipper. As to the sugar-tits comments by a pilot, while I wouldn't advise doing that...I have had much, much worse stuff said to me by female flight attendants. Of course, those FAs have been here long enough to remember when people used to have fun on overnights, back before the world started getting offended by everything lol.
  4. I'll talk to our comptroller on Tuesday...dude is the most by the book person I've ever met, I'm sure he has the reference handy. The only time my BAH was based off my home zip code, was when I was on ADOS orders.
  5. I've worked for 3 airlines (one being AAL) and I don't believe I've ever paid dues while on long term MLOA. If you're not earning income, what is there to pay dues on? Are you sure it wasn't payment for some kind of optional insurance or dental/vision plans? But yes, if you were paying dues, then you sure as hell should get to vote. Talked to a few UAL guys who said they're the same as us, no voting while out on long term MLOA. I also just received an e-mail from the company saying that, my hunch on vacation bidding was correct. Our vacation bidding starts in Jan and ends 1APR (start of our vacation year). Since we'll be on MLOA (activation orders) a few days past 1APR, we won't get to bid for vacation. When we return, we basically gets what's left over...fuck you very much for your service!
  6. Unless you're on ADOS orders, then it's your home of record. @brabus Type 2 BAH is only for orders less than 30 days.
  7. This is a forum where we have fun sport bitching and occasionally solving things. This is clearly the former, so you can take your slightly decent attitude somewhere else!
  8. Ya, but have you checked the DOD SUP, the AF SUP and the (insert your majcom here) SUP? Sorry...my cynicism is ever increasing lately due to stupid fucking regs.
  9. In the Air Force, I'm a Microsoft Office maven first, pilot second. If I had known how much I need to know office products in the Air Force, I'd have spent more time learning it in college.
  10. I remember hearing guys talk about a new ops building that would be built on our base "within the next few years." That was in 2002 and we still don't have that building...and the project has already been pushed into the next decade. I expect full flight pay for DSGs to go about the same way lol. Free beer....tomorrow.
  11. Agreed on the rest of your post. The problem is "better competition," as far as most professional pilots view it, would likely be boring content for youtube and you'd never see the channel on your feed. As already has been said, many of these channels are not meant for you and I, mainly because there isn't enough pilots to get the viewership they need/want. I'm into real estate and there are quite a few real estate "experts" on YouTube that make an insane amount of content. Of course, there are discussions just like this going on in the real estate forums. I'm sure the same can be said for every other topic out there...everyone loves to hate on anyone that becomes famous/popular. Dudes found a niche, they went for it and they spend lots of time/effort into making a product that likely makes them quite a bit of coin. I don't a particularly care for DG because he comes off as a smug, know it all. I enjoy watching Juan's videos, but I also understand what it is and take it all with a huge grain of salt.
  12. Oh I have little confidence DFAS and assume I won't be far off. I was told in 2018 there would be an new system in 2020 that would allow our flight pay to pay correctly. Well, we (DSGs) still get paid our flt pay paid via one of those "manual workarounds" they mention in the article, and that pay system still hasn't materialized. Also, a squadron mate fought an epic battle with DFAS (too confusing to type) and actually won out, but it took getting congressman involved. I'm constantly reminded of how inept they are at DFAS.
  13. Then it will take another 5 years for DFAS to figure out how to change some 1's and 0's to have the flight pay actually pay correctly...
  14. Interesting, we can't vote until we're off probation. Let us know if you happen to find out for sure if MLOA guys can vote. Ya it's the union that says we can't vote because we're in an inactive status. I quoted USERRA below, but I that's really for the employers, so I'm not sure if the same applies unions. The union says it's because we're in an inactive status. I think there are other absences in which you can't vote either, I'm just surprised that it's a thing for MLOA with all the protections we have. I'm out 5 months for an activation and it's crazy I won't get vote on something as big as a new contract. I mean it's not the end of the world, just seems odd. I just talked with a UAL friend who says they're not allowed to vote on MLOA either...makes sense since we're both ALPA.
  15. Lol, always looking for a good reason to get fired!
  16. So anyway...back to airline talk. Does any other airline union allow those of you out on MLOA to vote on TAs? The union says we can't vote because we're not an "active" member. Seems ridiculous I can't vote when a contract has such a big impact on me and I'll be back from mloa in May.
  17. It's like how you never go through dry and you can always save a landing...never go around!
  18. Slightly different spin on this. Been in 22 years, almost all of that time has been as a part timer (I only take orders for deployments generally), and i've been an airline guy for the last 10+ years. I love going down range and doing the mission, but I absolutely regret going on orders nearly every time I do so. I just started a 5 month activation order and I've worked more in the last two weeks, then I worked in the last 2 months (combined) at Delta. I really don't know how guys do this shit for an entire career...painful! Very few of the "improvements" the AF has made in my career, has made life easier. DTS, AROWS, MyEval, JMPS (long live CFPS/Falcon view lol), AFFORGEN...DUBYA TEE EFF!!! It seems like nearly every time we try to do things, it's one self-imposed (big AF) road block after another. It's like the AF just sits around and dreams up shit to make life harder for the individual. I'm retiring this summer and I can't wait. I'll miss the flying but not much else. I'll maintain most of the camaraderie because nearly my entire squadron lives within a 4 sq mile area...my 2-3x weekly coffee/bourbon stops at bros houses will continue. Now get off my lawn!
  19. This is where we are...this is how fucking stupid some are about this ridiculous shot bullshit. No shot, you're worse than a violent felon! The crazy part is that there are people out there who actually believe this. They're the same people at the whole foods who stared me down for not wearing a mask (a few months ago)! I hope I get to see their tears flow when the judges finally force the government to put the unvaxxed back in the system.
  20. Nah, they're in Columbus, there is probably a few fights going on right meow. 🤣
  21. Your last sentence is spot on. To the sim thing, has anyone here ever been asked to prove the didn't do any mloa while on a reserve day? I know I haven't, nor has any of the 20+ DAL squadron mates I've had over the years. If so, I'd like to see the whole picture because I'm guessing there is much more to the story. I'm generally the last one to defend the company, but the 1% is out there...and they're often the loudest complainers and the stories you hear about. If you have a CPO friend (or just chat with CPO mil dude on a sit), ask if they're willing to share stories of guys who found themselves on the radar. My guess is you'll be quite surprised at what some of the dudes are doing out there. I believe USERRA is the minimum protection a company HAS to offer. If the company offered such a program, you wouldn't need USERRA protections because the company is voluntarily going above and beyond. Maybe, but at the end of the day, the company can hire who they choose, put them through indoc and let them go on a leave. So they may be involved, but I can't imagine they can stop such a plan, nor would I understand why they would.
  22. The union won't have a say if the company hires them, especially if they put them through an indoc class. With what's been going on lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they made up some "short course" indoc for these types of hires. I know we (DAL) had a few dudes who spoke at indoc, in which I witnesses (dude was moved out of that job due to his antics) and a particular CPO...mostly words. In practice, in my 9th year at Delta, I've honestly felt little hate and I've gone on every deployment/TDY, many of which were over the Christmas holiday season. If someone mentions it, drill down a bit and find out what caused it...frankly, some of the things guys have done, I'm shocked they were surprised they got asked for proof of their MLOA. You want to see some mloa hate, ask your FDX bros about taking MLOA during peak (well not this year...apparently they're having a slow down). Shack! The leave reg actually states that "all members should have the opportunity to take at least one leave period of 14 days of consecutive days or more every fiscal year..." Take it during this time and I can't see a SQ/CC disapproving "other work." Now getting two weeks of leave approved may be another story. Throw the reg in their face lol. If they're a hater, then post their name to ensure they're blackballed at every airline we can.
  23. Nice gesture and not a bad idea, given that it really costs them nothing. Now if they would give them a seniority number...game changer!
  24. ...while cruising around in your "free candy" van!
  25. This pretty much describes the ROE for all of my deployments in the last 12 years...
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