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Everything posted by brabus

  1. Dream big is spot on. But I still recommend not passing up AD if that's your best bet to fly (i.e. pushing age while trying to rush guard/reserve units). I'm glad to be in the guard, but I also had a great time on AD for 11 years FWIW.
  2. I've heard that WOM off and on for a few years now. Doesn't seem to be true since I know/have seen tons of guard dudes get hired over the past few years. Take a look at the ARC in general and tell me you don't see a large portion already at the airlines/soon to be on their way. The airlines would be crazy to bypass any qualified pilots nowadays, let alone "highly" qualified mil pilots.
  3. What I have never understood is why preliminary info (when known) can't be released via safety channels ASAP (i.e. within hours or days). There should be a process that enables the local safety guy to release known info in a debrief style so other aircrew can learn immediately. Caveat that info is subject to change based on the ongoing investigation. Bottom line, there are so many accidents that primary contributing factors or even root causes are essentially known within hours, but said info is withheld from everyone for over a month. Not sharing this info immediately for the purpose of preventing similar mishaps in the near future is assinine.
  4. I wonder how much of these supposed allegations were millennials butt hurt over things that didn't even come close to matching a Kunsan Tuesday night. "I didn't feel safe" translates to, "some guys had a couple shots AND a beer, and the CC didn't send them straight to ADAP - leadership failure!" This whole thing still smells like a witch hunt driven by PC leadership.
  5. At least a few years ago Memphis (flight school and DPE) had no issues with overseas part.
  6. I agree with Jice - pick the mission you want to do and don't look back. If I wasn't a fighter pilot, I'd fly helos - they're pretty badass. During the preceding 6 months to my last deployment and throughout the 7 months of my deployment the 60s had zero rescues. That's a good thing in the big picture, but I understand that can be frustrating for the bros. That said, they still flew missions and I had a blast hanging out with them and getting to work with them. They still took small arms fire, so it's not like you go to AFG and never get to do anything...you're still flying a 60 through crazy terrain and doing some shooting. In the end, you never know what the future holds...we could very easily be back to a large scale war where the Army cannot organically handle all of its CASEVAC/PR needs.
  7. The 43rd (FTU) is going to Eglin, but not the 95th (CAF)...or at least that's been the WOM that this PACAF statement gives credence to. I don't know why they wouldn't just put both squadrons at Eglin, even if that meant a slight reduction in sorties. There's a ton of room at Eglin and the airspace factor is unchanged.
  8. Send a bunch of people OCONUS 6900 miles away who have homes they're trying to rebuild - classic AD move.
  9. CAF yes, but at least 12 years ago they were never seen at a 38 stud naming when I was there. Sounds like nothing has changed based on what duck said. And turns out there haven’t really been any major issues that whole time. It’s just a UPT naming and as such isn’t a big deal like a CAF naming - I can see why DO+SQ don’t feel the need to go to one (until now maybe). one asshat shits his pants, 3-4 dudes get their career ruined. That math does not check.
  10. Sounds like a dumbass Capt needed to be removed from his position, given an LOR, and a CC call with the bros on WTF is acceptable and what’s not. That’s where it should have gone. Now, if the DO and up were at the naming and said nothing/let it slide, now I can see firings. Maybe that’s the case, but not what I’ve heard. Bottom line, as a CC I don’t think it would even cross my mind that one of my flt ccs would be so retarded as to name a chick C, and even more so in front of a GO. I wouldn’t be there, would find out about it afterwards, and then do the above. That’s realistic and reasonable. All of these leaders were probably at home playing with their kids when this went down - and because they were unable to telepathically sense what was about to go down in the future, jump in their Delorean, and stop the shenanigans, they got their careers ruined. My only caveat is there could be far more to the story we don’t know about, but firings for the actions of a rogue shithead flt cc alone is bullshit.
  11. Not disagreeing with the overall content/message of your post, but that said I've seen many solid "mission hacking"/never-worn-a-knee-pad dudes have a decent career and command a squadron and a few gone to OG+. It absolutely can be done. You may face an uphill battle if you stay mission focused, but doing so does not inherently close doors. My recommendation to any young guy is put mission first at work, don't neglect your family, and overall just do the right thing. It'll all work out...maybe you become a CC, maybe you fly for Delta after 11 years, maybe you do both in the ARC...it'll all be good no matter how it works out. As soon as you start prioritizing the rat race and neglecting the mission and your family, you're losing.
  12. Seen it fought and lost...you will not be able to retire until the 4 years is served. If you can't stomach 4 more years in the AF, then don't transfer your GI bill.
  13. Remember you don't have to do the next 5 years back to back...another option is get the airline apps going, grab a TR job/fly for airline X for a bit, then go on 5 years orders to finish out your 20 while airline seniority climbs. It probably will be easier to grab a TR job than an AGR right out the gate, but every unit is different. Fuck ART, no point in doing that since you already know AD retirement and GTFO of the AF is your goal.
  14. 22 is an inaccurate number. Turns out open source media is full of shit about 99% of the time, yet somehow we continue to believe a lot of what we read in the news. Not to say the discussion is invalid about how we fucked ourselves years ago by only buying 187.
  15. Consider the extra time, money, and depot absorption limfacs to push normal phase externally. Unlikely to be a palatable Plan A. The most cost effective and efficient way forward is likely in the realm of building HAS with weather driving the design (as lawman pointed).
  16. The guard and reserve do plenty of fighting, not sure where this idea keeps popping up that AD is the only way to "get into the fight." I know several AD Lt Cols who have never been to war...shitty timing, nothing they could do about it. I don't think this desire should steer you one direction or another...luck and timing will play out whether you're on AD or in the ARC.
  17. The best advice I ever received on AD was from a SQ/CC who is a great dude, pilot, and officer...he was also a HPO on the rocket ship, and he got there without wearing a single knee pad or being anyone's bitch boy. He is the type of person who the AF should promote to senior leadership, so they got it right at least once. That all said, here he sat as a HPO SQ/CC with a "bright" future (and he has gone on to do great things), telling me I hit a fork in the road at my UPT commitment. He painted his career path so far, then what it could be in the guard. He then unequivocally told me I should without a doubt get off the train at that stop and not be "trapped" into said track like he was. Best decision I ever made, and I'm thankful every day he gave me that talk early enough that I hadn't made any decisions yet that may have hurt my ARC options. Bottom line, when a dude like that is saying these things, you're only hurting yourself by not listening...and this was 5 years ago, things have mostly gone downhill since.
  18. VLPAD has opened up a lot of options (likely what Evil was referencing with the 3 yr Kadena assignment). I've seen multiple Viper guys stand their ground and get exactly what they wanted with AFPC - location they want with caveats in their favor (i.e. no non-vol deployments). As long as that program or variations exist, there will be good options to do a lot of 3 year assignments elsewhere if one chooses to do so. You also have an option to do operational test later on if you're looking for a few years change of pace (and you're the right guy for the job).
  19. For starters, Draken's L-159 is better than a Viper in a few ways (and way better than a T-X). At a very basic level, an ADAIR jet without a good radar has limited effectiveness. ADAIR companies are already putting together 4th gen fighters with radar, datalink, EA suites. They will do it cheaper/more effective than the government could ever dream to do. Again, I think the government itself will be very limited in providing good ADAIR support until the LVC concept is actually useful (and that's a long time from now).
  20. There's far more to adversary rep than a nice EA pod. You can't make good threat rep with just a pod - it takes several more components. And that's why the T-X in it's current state is not a great ADAIR platform. Perhaps contract ADAIR is the only good solution until solid LVC training is reality.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised to see the AF make the T-X ADAIR at some point, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. T-38 ADAIR is barely useful (i.e. better than nothing, but that's about it). Now if those guys had jets with a respectable radar, better EA, and ability to legitimately rep adversary weapons/tactics, then it would be a lot better. Still doesn't meet 5th gen adversary needs, but better than what currently exists.
  22. Valid, but the "I'm making shitloads of money with two retirements!" isn't going to happen if you're not going to 55 or near there. If you punch at 12, you still have to make up 8 years somewhere to get the AD retirement, then you still have to work enough GS time to be "worth it." So essentially you have to put in 13 more years (8 AGR+5 GS) to get both, and that 5 GS isn't going to be that much retirement, or at least not worth it for most people to do 25 years of total service. If you're a guy who wants to do 20 and go to airlines or other similar paying job, that 20-25 year period of service is going to be nowhere close to making up for your lost earning potential outside of government work. If your intrinsic value of service is worth enough to stomach an "extra" 5-10 years of GS time (i.e. 25-30 years of service), then more power to you, but that doesn't seem to apply to the majority of people. I think the GS thing can work for some people, but its an entirely different animal than most people first realize (myself included). I'm not a "bail to the airlines ASAP" guy, but after getting more insight into it, and having been a GS for the last 1+ years, its not nearly what its cracked up to be for many reasons. I'm not saying guys are idiots for going that path, but there's a reason many of us are only looking at AGR options for long term (GS is fine for a short period). I have a lot of friends +/- a couple years of my year group, and I don't know any that are planning on long term GS for retirement purposes.
  23. I suppose anything is possible, but I'd say near 0% chance that'll happen, nor should money/time necessarily be spent on such an endeavor (in relation to other requirements).
  24. Except the T-X doesn't fit the bill for ADAIR reqs. Firstly it doesn't have a radar, but even if it did, it's still a 4th gen adversary. We really need 5th gen ADAIR, or at least "4.5 gen" (e.g. more shit than this T-X could probably support). But that said, if it had a decent radar and ability to legitimately rep adversary HMS and weapons, it wouldn't be a bad thing...doubt we'll see that happen. Contract ADAIR is likely going to be the solution for a long time.
  25. Still not worth it - it'd be a sortie spent doing very low yield training...guys can't even fly tactical formation or not fuck up other basic admin shit out of IFF. They need to unfuck those problems before even thinking about AR training. In a perfect world where those problems are solved, then I think you have a good idea, but still doesn't require an AR system on the T-X.
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