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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. Are you referring to his trigger finger...or that the eotech optic he is using is on backwards.
  2. Congrats, man! Safe to assume you would have punched soon anyway? Or did it take the VSP money to solidify the decision?
  3. Might want to reconsider going to the Air Force Museum at Wright Patt... http://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140409/NEWS/304090042/Air-Force-security-holds-granny-gunpoint-Wright-Patterson
  4. Transparency, you know...just like the President promised us. Wait...is it not happening?
  5. You have a few decent thoughts, but here's where I see the biggest 'potential' flaw with Big Blue: Convincing the young guys for the future. Back when I was competing for a UPT slot in ROTC (to include the entire time in the program), there was very little negative talk about joining the AF, willing to accept the new 10-yr ADSC, all the BS that active duty would entail, etc. Is it the same way at the Academy/ROTC Dets today? My ROTC time was before Sept 11th, so we weren't hearing all the crazy stories about all the deployments (though we knew the fighter guys were doing ONW and SW, and that the heavy guys were always doing their standard trips, but it didn't sound too bad). Also, the only brief Internet chat about AD seemed to be on studentpilot.net (if I got that correctly) and guys like Hacker and Toro telling us how AD flying was the best thing since sex (I don't blame them...times were much better then). Flash Forward to today: I'm assuming there are quite a bit of young guys at the Acedemy and in ROTC that constantly lurk on here and I'm sure they tell their friends the good/bad/ugly stories we discuss...have these stories influenced the young 20-year olds to not pursue taking on the longer ADSC? As naive/immature (and motivated, of course) that the pre-commisionees are, hearing all the crap we put out, not to mention the open-source info about RIFs, constant focus on SAPR stuff, you name it...this stuff eventually has to influence the younger guys. Flying is great, but anything great has a price, and if it gets too high people will eventually say it's not worth it. Or will there always be enough halfway decent young guys wanting to fly so badly that they don't care about the horror stories? Either way, you're right--it won't change much in the short term I'm sure. Maybe the AF will soon need to resort to recruiting videos like this: http://vimeo.com/7015914
  6. To be accurate and fair, this was started under H.W. Bush, and then has continued under all Presidents since. I see this more as an 'Elite' vs 'common man' issue much more than a Dem vs GOP issue. As far as the Generals, they're not going to tell their boss 'no', especially on this issue.
  7. Who knows exactly how long he had...but regardless, when seconds count, the police are only minutes (at best) away. I doubt much will change after this incident--military members who are trusted with arms inside a base in a combat zone will still not be trusted with one on a base back home. Management's solution: Pretend you're a child once again and have your favorite hiding place ready to go. My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and their families. This sucks.
  8. Agreed. As for the day it came out, that is what drove my 'entertaining' comment. Though I would have still enjoyed it any day of the year.
  9. Just curious...how many times have you made these fantastic corrections (I'm recalling quite a few)? Does this mistake in particular really bother you that much or are you now BO's spell checker?
  10. I'm no theologian (though I did stay in a Holiday-Inn Express last night), but 2 out of the 4 religions you mentioned are montheistic, and one of the other two does have only one 'Supreme God'. So when I hear a chaplain say 'God' does that mean they are automatically only referring to the God that Christians worship? Or is it just implied based off the faith of the Chaplain (which is usually Christian)? In all my years in the military, I don't specifically recall ever hearing the words 'Jesus' or 'Christ' in a military prayer (I'm sure it has happened, but if I can't remember it then it must not happen too often). To be fair though, I do hear Chaplains say 'Father' in their prayers, but Christians aren't the only ones worshipping a single God that use this term. So is your concern only with Christian Chaplains invoking a prayer before an official event...or is it with any Chaplain, regardless of religion, saying a prayer? I have already agreed that I don't think Chaplain duty should be used at these events, so I'm not disagreeing with the overall point people are making. Just to stir the pot even more, I think promoting 'X' heritage/history month also promotes inequality in the force, but I seriously doubt those are going away anytime soon. Edited because I can't properly count, and I'm just an overall idiot.
  11. This is short, informative (not that I fact checked it), and entertaining...
  12. I'm cool with one's personal religion/philosophy being discussed at personal events...like a promotion ceremony or a retirement. But that's about it. I agree on it being weird (and I'm a Christian) that people are invited to pray at an official ceremony that is inclusive (awards dinner, change of command). Didn't they also recently take out the 'So help me God' portion of the oath if the member chose not to say it? (I'm too lazy to look it up)...either way, I'm cool with that too. Here's a question for debate: Guest speaker at an awards ceremony, class graduation, etc--should the invited speaker be able to mention his/her personal faith? For example, if they say "Back when I was at X school and struggling, I was able to find that praying Y prayer helped me remain calm and focused..."
  13. This was definitely worth my time and believe it will be worth their time as well. Well done, sir. Thank you!
  14. She just wanted a little 'RSPECT'...just a little bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnLSmsPjFx8
  15. I'm coming up with 32.33 (repeating of course) percentage of survival...
  16. Article is almost 13 years old...just sayin'
  17. I have a feeling that you struggle with your depth perception portion of your eye exam.
  18. I think you are trying to say that you have an ADSC that will be completed before most other pilots in your same year group. Everyone receives the same 10 year ADSC for UPT...yours wouldn't the shorter or longer.
  19. HeloDude

    Booze Talk

    No. All about personal preference. That being said, Oban 14yr, Macallan and Balvenie 15yr are excellent options IMHO. Raise your cap above $100 and the options become even more glorious.
  20. All this time I had no clue that I could be potentially driving women to suicide from all the orgasms I give them. From now on I think I'll focus more on myself, just to be safe.
  21. Agree to a certain extent. Here's why: Big Blue (which gives the final nod for the bonus, not AFPC in a bubble) might be willing to roll the dice and not offer a bonus this year to certain AFSC's to see how retention fares compared to years past...Big Blue can always decide next year to reverse course and give the bonus out again, and all they lost were the guys who separated this year, which they lose an X percent each year anyway with the bonus (besides, some guys have longer commitments due to GI Bill transfer, TA, new PCS, etc). It all comes down to the bottom line for the folks in DC, hence why the majority of Navs/CSO 's no longer receive a bonus, and likewise, the 11F's got a much better one last year. Is getting rid of the bonus worth losing, say, 3% more than usual? Perhaps. Is it worth losing 15%...probably not. I can argue positions for and against it, but nobody knows exactly what will happen until they actually suspend it. This all being said, I have a feeling the bonus won't change much from last year, and that's what I'm personally hoping to see.
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