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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. Consider the source. Looking at the bio, I'm not really surprised by a policy that has no real common sense or acknowledgement of reality. Warrior ethos my ass. This policy is just more proof: If you seek out all the the staff jobs, you will be promoted, regardless of leadership ability or combat focus. The Academy is a great institution that provides a lot of opportunities for kids with a lot of potental. But shitty leadership can (and often does) take all that potential and flush it right down the toilet. Sad. P.S. Has anyone worked under her(sts?)? Care to shed some light?
  2. Heard yesterday at Cope Tiger after a go around due to a dog on the runway. Pilot: "Tower, be advised there is a dog on the runway." Udon Tower: "Approved as requested!" What language barrier?
  3. I'm going to have to disagree with you bob. The desert just displays the opposite side of the spectrum. Common sense should govern the regs. Thug retards who curse at old people are on one end, dickweeds that think sock regs help win a war are on the other end. They're both equally stupid. They're both people that don't have basic reasoning skills or any understanding of common courtesy. I'm glad to hear that this thug got slammed in front of his peers and chain of command for that bomber sited. I think making everyone continue to wear diapers would be incorrect though...but that's what will probably happen...because that the same logic that leads desert first sergeants to jack up aircrew for not wearing reflective belts indoors.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Wing King briefing on this at bases around the theater. I've seen more than our fair share of thugs roaming around here in Japan. The one thing that absolutely kills me is this perception that when you're in the military you have all these rights. I'm not sure what they're doing at Basic Training these days, but after basic I was happy to have the freedom to walk were I wanted to, not to mention speak when I wanted to. I definitely got the idea that the military had a master hold on my rights and that I had submitted most of my individualism to something bigger than myself. It seems like today's average airman seems to think that there is a manditory level of respect that they MUST be treated with, otherwise they'll run GPS direct to MEO. That's one problem. But, what kills me is seeing an A1C or and Amn blatently disrepecting an officer or worse, an NCO without even the slightest hesitation and then receiving no reproach whatsoever. The weight of that falls squarely on the officers and NCOs who don't want to be "uncool" by enforcing good order and discipline. Anyone else think we could use a little more "Military" in our military?
  5. Who cares if you look fat! What we're all really wanting to know is: Do they come with filet-o-fish hideaway pockets?
  6. You would not believe the stupidity I've seen out of idiot shoes with regards to transfer cases. It pisses me off how little respect the average airman has for fallen soldiers. I've actually had an Army troop commander bring some moron airman up to me after a flight in the box. Apparently Amn Retard tried to prop up his feet on a flag covered transfer case on my airplane ("I've got a bad knee...sir"). The Army Sergeant Major didn't take too kindly to that. Amn Retard was returning on my plane to base X and I got the pleasure of talking to his supervisor when I had to get my CAC pin reset the next day (Amn Retard was NOT happy to see me show up at his office). Capt Computer Shoe was entirely clueless and didn't understand my conspicuous frustration. Some people should never be in the military. Ugh.
  7. That picture of bendy was taken shortly before he found this:
  8. You guys are really making me appreciate my 5-6K per hour fuel burn.
  9. Quit you bitch'in and be glad you'll be at your second home for Surf and Turf...wait...nevermind. As you were.
  10. First and foremost, any investment that ensured crew safety is a good investment to me. However...during my Tweet cross-country, we stopped at KABI for gas. We parked right next to an old retired AF pilot who was flying his own private tweet (painted in A-37 colors). He got it totally referbed for something like $100K (if I remember correctly). It had new engines (not the J85s), a brand new intrument stack and even a new ejection seat. This guy must have been a zillionaire. Needless to say, we were rather depressed as we stepped back into our getto tweet after drooling over his. I'm not saying that refurbing a 50 year old airplane for training pilots for a digital air force is a good idea. The tweet I flew was old and outdated, it needed to go. I'm just saying that seeing that airplane made me wonder a bit about how wisely the Air Force was spending its money. I've flown with co-pilots who still tell "so there I was" stories about their T-6 with it's GPS and magical avionics. Of course those are usually the Co's that have the most problems simply trying to get the Herk on the ground or even loading simple waypoint in SCNS (which in my opinion is the shortbus of FMS, but that's another discussion). Then they'll complain about how low tech our airplane is and start back into their T-6 day dreaming. Thankfully, these guys are the exception. As long as UPT is UPT, I don't think it will matter what airplane their flying. I think that the T-6 and the training received in it will always be only as good as the intructors that we put into it. Thankfully, I don't see the quality in that catigory dropping any time soon. Cheers, FourFans
  11. Who do you think the camera man was! Guarantee is was another eagle driver...I'm pretty sure a "Lead you are FLAMING" call should have been made in there somewhere.
  12. Slowmover, Do you guys normally cruise above 320 KTAS? Is 250 still the magic number to not exceed?
  13. Clearly you've never flown into ORBD during an AEF swap-out. FourFans
  14. BrewMaster: Alright dude. Don't misread these replies. No one is saying you had malicious intentions. We are saying they were poorly planned intentions. Is it legal to walk through bear country with a slab of raw meat strapped to your back? Is it legal to drive from coast to coast without stopping for a night of rest? Is it legal to have a friend shoot an apple off your head with a rifle? Yup, and if you think it's a good idea, Darwin thinks you should do it. "I'm legal and we're all vigilant so I'm good" has potential to lead to the worst accidents possible. Combat fliers use an extensive risk management process in our planning to mitigate the dangers of that exact logic process. I doubt your 5 minute airborne risk assessment was as thorough. Plan on the ground, execute in the air, in that order. Depending on your experience level (somewhere at or below 500 hours, i'm guessing) talk to a flight safety rep to find out what history says about how dangerous you really are. Believe it or not, as a young GA pilot stretching your wings, you are in fact, at your most dangerous. Keep that in mind when you're feeling invincible. We're not trying to hammer your skills. We're just say that your risk vs. return assessment was severely flawed. (unless you think your and 8 other human lives aren't worth $50) You're a flyer, so grow some thicker skin. Don't take it personal, accept the critic, do better next time. Cheers, FourFans
  15. ...wait...you mean it's more than flying from point A to point B?! Terp is right. Two different skill sets. Tex: Believe it or not, if you can fly a fighter well, that don't mean you can fly a heavy well. Honestly though, the flying skills aspect pales in comparison to the mission planning aspect. Flying a big plane into multiple countries and all the coordination involved is a little more difficult than keeping the one TACAN tuned and tanker in sight. Throw the DV mish into the mix, and it gets more complex.
  16. I think my favorite was last year at Salem. C-17 is taxiing in to park and has to reverse taxi into one of the finger parking spots. As he's about to do this, you begin hearing his loadmaster start with the reverse taxi briefing responses...on ground freq. Immediately, about 7 different Herk crews started transmitting every .5 seconds telling him he's on ground...but to no avail. He performs the longest reverse taxi i've ever heard...on gnd freq. But it gets better...his hot mic up...we hear: "Keep coming...keep coming...give me more...keep coming...start turn...give me more...keep coming...keep coming...that's great...bring it back...keep coming..." Maybe it's a Budda thing, because I've NEVER heard a Herk loadmaster use phaseology like that. Cheers, FourFans
  17. Thanks for reminding me! He had it coming... and yes, that's genuine duct tape underwear. Seriously though...I had nothing to do with this...
  18. It would be even funnier if you hear that in the desert. I've always been a fan of Ali Center complimented by Eagle Ops. Cheers, FourFans
  19. After 6.9 minutes of searching, I couldn't find a decent place to put this in the Squadron Bar. Post pictures of some of the great pranks you've pulled. I'll start: This is what happens when the squadron commander goes TDY and leaves his car at work. Yes, a bunch of loadmasters got training on this. And yes, it was JAI'ed. Not sure how well it would have survived a drop though... Maybe we can get a link to the "Nasty Prank" Thread, but that one is still on the general discussion side. Cheers, FourFans
  20. Shack! Serious dude, how did you know what I was thinking!
  21. An awesome capability. But if you have to ask, don't bother asking.
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