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Everything posted by herkbum

  1. Well played Herkbum Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  2. I'm taking the Spanish now. The course isn't bad, but the software/JKO is shit. The lessons are timed (20 mins I think). I come in to work early while its quiet to work on this, but if there are any distractions/people stopping by the office, the time limit slips by. When the time elapses and you are not lesson complete, then you do not get credit. During some lessons, the software dicked up and I ended up not getting credit for those lessons. Some had to be retaken multiple times. I have called the help desk # for JKO-no answer, had to leave message. That was two weeks ago and I still have not heard back from them. There is one portion of the lesson where you have to listen to a native speaker and then write what they said-the writing is with the mouse (not the easiest thing to write with) and is very time consuming. This where I usually run into time issues in the lessons. Can be very frustrating.
  3. Yeah, and interesting look and choice of words he used as well.
  4. Herkbum Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  5. Depends on the unit. We would let you start the trng and then get paperwork done later. But we would want to make sure that you were at least assigned to a position within the squadron before you left, I forget the form number. Herkbum Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  6. I live in that town. I'll see if I can't get over there by the campus and get you sick bastards some pics! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  7. This just needs to end Herkbum Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  8. Someone have an axe to grind? Herkbum Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  9. Bama, Which unit in AL you going to? Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  10. This. I will be retirement eligible in a few yrs and will be in my mid-40's. Likely going to have to move since I promised the wife she could go back to work if she wanted. And she can't work w/i her area of expertise here. So it looks we will likely be moving away. This is my hometown, but a move could actually be pretty good since we are looking at some fairly decent locations in state income tax free zones. We'll make a determination in a year or so. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  11. I'm up for chipping in as well so you don't lose any money. You shouldn't have to pay out of pocket when there are folks out here that are willing to help out.
  12. Like the new app. Thanks for the work. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  13. So did Tom Clancy http://www.amazon.com/Command-Authority-Jack-Ryan-Clancy/dp/0399160477
  14. These stories have been corroborated by all of our folks we've sent out there lately. The stories I've heard have blown my mind. I wish we didn't have to send anyone else out there, but what can you do.
  15. herkbum

    Gun Talk

    I believe so by prior arrangement, especially military. The ones I know that have been as a group of mil folks and I believe Ronnie Barrett or his daughter gave the tour. They have a gun shop next door called The Outpost where they sell their rifles and everything else. A little expensive, but a pretty nice selection. I have bought from them and had my Bud's purchase shipped there. ETA: my understanding is their security is fairly tight and serious
  16. herkbum

    Gun Talk

    Made about 10 mins from my house!
  17. That answers my question. I'll put the word out for you as well. We have some previous Qual Herk guys that can't get a school date for our new airframe. They may be interested.
  18. The flood gates are open! You didn't clarify, but I'm assuming you are speaking of DSG positions? You had to know this question was coming.
  19. One of the best post ever on BODN!! And it was his 69th post!!
  20. His question is valid. All of your questions have been answered in this board.
  21. Buddy of mine from UPT is their DO, I'll drop him a line to find out.
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