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Everything posted by PapaJu

  1. I'd like to see the state law on this. I'm no lawyer, but I think the power company could see legal action if they bend the rules on this one but not in the future.
  2. General Scandinavian military thread now? Interesting debate about "castrating" the lion on a Swedish military crest--afaik they've since gone back to the original version: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/29/heraldic_lion_rumpus/
  3. Worthy of throwing the "warrior" tag in front of it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1eMONDyFRM&feature=player_embedded
  4. Thought you have to be under 30-31 to get into the FAA.
  5. Fuck you asshole! to whoever pulled this off.
  6. They do have the police/radio/air scanners at the station so they can immediately hear about incidents.
  7. Yeah, a lot of it isn't making sense. Not like the whole thing is a sham, nor does it look like he's getting a shit-ton of money out of embellishment.
  8. Some pretty condemning evidence against Mr. Mortenson over a lot of his supposed activities....maybe some here have crossed paths with him in Kraplakistan? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/04/15/60minutes/main20054397.shtml
  9. I remember that as well. His neighbors on the other hand... Regardless, to the two fallen.
  10. I guess I'm kind of indifferent. For you old guys out there, why was it changed back to 21 in the first place?
  11. Are you interviewing on the civilian side, reserve unit,....?
  12. Look where they sit geographically though. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll get into a turf war with Somali pirates.
  13. I'm sure Jr.'s current squadron is loving the press.
  14. Agreed. Nor is it at all necessary in my experience. I'm curious what the usual security is around a busload of American military personnel like this in Germany. I'm guessing it's none given how long we've been there, though there have been incidents against them before.
  15. Coincidentally, it's been in the news the past couple of days that a renowned fashion designer was arrested in France and is being charged with making anti-Semitic remarks. Goes to show what level of protection the douches (rightly) get here that doesn't exist even in other Western countries.
  16. This is terrible. Hope they got the guy and tear his nuts off.
  17. Sweet, 600 new planes that will only get 30 hours of flight time per year.
  18. You'd think High Prince Staff Sgt. Bob Nigerian would be a dead giveaway. Seriously though, that sucks for those this has happened to.
  19. Even Turkey did the same. I hope they get them all out soon, I could see Libya effectively taking hostages now that the UNSC just put sanctions on them.
  20. Thought that was more due to the new RPA career field, but that's a different story.
  21. OK I'll be Buzz Killington and wonder aloud why the "General" was wearing birds on his shoulders. That said, good stuff.
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