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Everything posted by Ram

  1. "And by 'pulling a guy like me' I mean you pulling...not me...because me pulling a guy would be gay and I don't do that sort of thing... ...much." The sheep made me spit coffee on my keyboard. This video is hilarious. I love it.
  2. Thanks for all the great replies so far. I've also gotten some really great PMs on the same topic. Thank you all. Keep the good advice comin' (sts).
  3. I'll take you up on that bet once you offer some good advice. BTW...I just got back from the 'fuge. Good times! (Not really as bad as I thought it would be...kinda fun, actually...)
  4. Are you saying that Kirtland is a bad place to be??? WTF? You simply cannot put Cannon in the same class as Kirtland. That's like saying the Chevy Cobalt is a "race car." It just doesn't work, man.
  5. Any of my fellow FAIPs here can assure you: Becoming a FAIP means a few extra kicks to the gonads. It's a fact of life. "Ah...2Lt Xxxxxx...you're going to need another 'fuge ride before you can become a T-3X IP...since you're not a MWS guy..." "Ah...2Lt Xxxxxx...we don't have any SERE slots available right now...so you'll have to wait until one opens up..." "Ah...1Lt Xxxxxx...still no SERE slots available in the near future...so maybe you'll just have to go at the completion of your FAIP tour." "Ah...Capt Xxxxxx...we finally have a SERE slot for you! Aren't you happy now?" "Ah...Capt Xxxxxx...are you ready for your THIRD 'fuge ride? This one will be fun...it's your qualification ride. Enjoy!" So you can see my predicament. The chances of this T-38 FAIP (and soon to be IFF and F-16FTU stud) becoming the SRO at Fairchild are about the same as the chances of the Finance office being closed for "training." I'm saying they're pretty damn high. Sigh...I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll be the SRO while I'm there. Most of the members here have already been there, done that (maybe not as the SRO). I figured this would be a great time to get some advice. Even if you weren't a Capt while you were in the field, I'm sure you have some thoughts on how to be a good SRO. Feel free to chuck spears at the SRO that YOU had while you were there. His/her folly = my learning. I don't want to have this thread fill with any compromising information, nor do I want a "how to" guide for surviving RT. I'm sure I'll get an "education" while I'm there. Let's just keep this thread about general things an SRO can do to make life easier on his fellow airmen in the field. Thanks in advance.
  6. An old friend of mine is a Mx troop at Osan, and he emailed me this story last night: I laughed so hard then I read this. Anyone else heard this story?
  7. Yeah, these are the same people that like to sit with the armrest up. I was traveling to Charlotte for a wedding and this fat woman sat next to me. Just as she sat down, she said "hi there...do you mind if I put the armrest up?" I said "yes." I thought that was going to be the end of our interaction, but she asked me why I wouldn't put the armrest up. In my answer I was much nicer than I thought I'd be: "I paid for my space and you paid for yours. The armrest is down to make sure you don't end up taking up space you didn't pay for." It was a pretty quiet flight.
  8. The one YGBSM story I have about a wash-out was a guy I taught for a while. IPs always say shit like "hey, Lt ### tried to kill me today" and whatever, but this guy actually came REALLY close to taking me, himself, and the student I was flying with out one day in the pattern here at KSPS. There were also a couple other times that were pretty hairy. I didn't really expect him to make it, but you never know. He ended up having some attitude problems (I wonder if I would have had problems too if I came to work for a year straight and got my nuts kicked in every single day like this guy), and then he washed back to another class. I didn't hear about him much for about a month, until... He's doing a night sortie with his flight commander (a very experienced IP that has the complete respect of the SQ), and one of the requirements is to do a "blindfold cockpit check" before the night solo. Well, usually, this is a "hey dude, close your eyes and tell me which side of the cockpit the gear handle is on" kind of thing, and that's how it started with this LT. But then he's missing a LOT of questions, so the IP decides to go up the ladder so he can look over the rail while this stud does his "closed-eye find the lever" game. The IP asks him where the canopy jettison handle is, and the stud can't even tell him which side of the cockpit it's on. The IP thinks "well, this kid is stressed...let's give him the benefit of the doubt" and he lets him open his eyes. The kid looks around for about 2 minutes and says "it's on the left side, sir." (Now, anyone with T-38 time knows it's on the right side of the cockpit, near where the forward cockpit panel meets the right side thigh-height panel...this kid is nowhere close.) Now the IP is curious. "Right side, eh? Could you point to it for me?" The stud looks around for a while and finally points to the general location of the gear handle. "YGBSM, dude...are you pointing to the gear handle?" says the IP. "No, sir" says the student...I'm pointing at the jettison handle." So the IP says "OK, maybe we're confusing each other here...why don't you just put your index finger physically ON the canopy jettison T-handle." The student then proceeds to place his left index finger on the G--Damn FLOOD LIGHT HOUSING on the left side of the cockpit. The IP: So that's it, huh? That's the canopy jettison T-handle? Stud: Yessir...that's what I'd pull to jettison the canopy. The IP: Well, why don't you try pulling it right now? Stud: I guess you're saying that I don't have the right handle... The IP: Let's walk inside...we're not flying together tonight. Well, that wasn't the last straw that washed him out (he managed to cling on for another week or so before buffooning something else while actually flying), but I'm sure that testimony made it to the eval board. Looking back at his training record, I don't know how he ended up even graduating from Phase II. He hooked 4 out of 5 checkrides in Tweets. By the time he got washed out of 38s, I think he'd managed to hook a couple more. Just incredible.
  9. No one else just keeps an extra old cover in their golve-container?
  10. I don't think this topic has come up yet... Now that it's the holiday season and we're doing a lot of traveling, I bet lots of us are ducking into the USOs at airports all across the country. If you're military and you HAVEN'T been into a USO on a layover...well, you're missing out. These folks know how to make travel bearable. I'm sitting at DFW in the USO right now getting free highspeed wireless and charging my battery for the flight to Chicago. I don't really mind the layover when the refreshments are free and I can watch the game and whore up BaseOps. So what are the "best" USOs you've seen? Any gouge on what's good...and what's not? Here are the ones I've seen: 1. Chicago O'Hare: Old, but nice. Free paperback books, magazines, and refreshments. Standard nice old lady at the desk. I can't remember if there's free internet there, but the last time I was there I used their computer for about an hour. I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. 2. Atlanta, GA: Wow. A few plasma screens with X-Box (1 had guitar hero, and that was fun), theater-style rows of seats in front of a huge LCD TV, and all the pastries you could shove down your throat (sts). Four stars. 3. Dallas/Ft Worth, TX: Pretty damn good. They have a BAR. That's right: A no-shit bar in the USO. The drinks aren't free, but they're pretty cheap. Some nice girls working the counter that will get you hooked up with free wireless, and a nice little lounge upstairs to get out of the noise if you need to nap. The only problem is it's a bit crowded, but hell...there's a friggin BAR people. Five stars. ...well, that's about all I can think of. Write your own reviews, if you have any. Merry Christmas.
  11. Ram

    PIT Crash Pad

    Sparky...would you think your new place would be suitible for a young married couple (no kids)? I'm getting married in April, and I just got my RIP for IFF. I'll be at KRND in May of next year for a couple months, and it's a TDY enroute from Sheppard to Luke. Needless to say, the VOQs at KRND are NOT my first choice. Your place (or a similar pad) would be ideal. I'll be earning full BAH while I'm there, so I could even rent an apartment...but the problem is that my stuff will already be with TMO. I don't want to have to carry my whole kitchen to a new apartment just for a two-month stint at IFF. So is this a good idea, or is your place not really "woman-folk friendly?" If it's not, do you know of any other places I might want to check out? Thanks man. :)
  12. Sounds like a great way to make friends at Columbus: 1. Don't see traffic in the VFR pattern 2. Cancel Christmas for everyone 3. ????????? 4. PROFIT! :)
  13. Disregard my previous. I talked with the Safety Shop here at KSPS today. By noon they'd already gotten FOUR volunteers to go to the board. FOUR??? WTF??? (Losers without family or Christmas plans?) haha.
  14. Wanna know what REALLY sucks about this (besides the loss of two of our toys)? Some people this week are getting a call to become part of the SIB. November 30th + 30 days performing the SIB = Christmas in Mississippi. Bummer, dude.
  15. Ram

    PIT Crash Pad

    "I don't plan on becoming a FAIP" sounds a lot like "I don't plan on getting an STD."
  16. But don't worry...I've won plenty of these in my time...
  17. Three D-Bag posts in a ROW. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.....IT'S A NEW WORLD RECORD!!!
  18. Ram

    PIT Crash Pad

    Just call it the Touch-n-Go.
  19. OMG, HD, I was pretty bored with the picture you posted... ...until the last frame. "Summers Eve Sexiest Douchebag Contest" made me spit all over my desk. Cracker crumbs everywhere. This picture will get posted at work.
  20. From the article in the AF Times: "One such e-mail forwarded to Air Force Times cited Ripley’s participation as a definite “Manfraction,” but Ripley was in the dark as to what that might mean." YGBSM. He knows EXACTLY what that means.
  21. I'd love to have one of these, if they can be had on the cheap. Sounds like a fun drinking game.
  22. I'm really surprised that we don't see this a whole lot more on the 'net. Although it is nice that the limited frequency allows us to devote our undivided attention to such faggotry. I thought it was a federal offense to impersonate an officer...does that extend to the internet? Hmm....
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